Apr. 28th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

Am I the only one here with a pain in the ass boss? I got an earful today because I looked too friendly. How do you look TOO friendly, exactly? I mean, he gives me hell for looking too UNfriendly half the time, and then I come in today and actually try to do the alternate thing and I'm suddenly a sex predator? Yes, that's right, I was dubbed as a sex predator in front of everyone at work. Guy is such a dick.

I think I'm gonna drink it off. Anyone got any interesting drink recommendations?

Feb. 1st, 2009


filtered against baddies/pirate guy/kids.

A pirate just asked my fiancée if she would swab his deck.


Hello, talking box! Bring me more women!

Jan. 16th, 2009


1 hour and 40 minutes. That's a sticky pancake. Yeah guy with the pancakes you tempted me. Wayne? Don't go in the kitchen right now. unless you want a pancake on your head I made pancakes. Or rather, the ceiling had pancakes.

Edit: something else I just thought about. Theirs always specials on pancakes, but none on waffles. I wonder if the ceiling trick works as good with them.

Jan. 6th, 2009


Quick household experiment #56:

It is, when one side is of a specific consistency, entirely possible to stick a pancake to the ceiling.

Jan. 3rd, 2009


I managed to get myself a job and one similar to what I had back home. I guess I just have to get used to not having Davis with me.

It feels so weird to be working at the County Morgue without him...

Dec. 26th, 2008


Maybe Holiday's aren't so bad. Believe it or not this is the first time I've ever done Christmas. So I don't really know what to say except thanks, really. For everything. I hope everyone's happy with their stuff.

May. 15th, 2008


So this is going to sound completely morbid, because it is completely morbid, but - with the death toll in this place I think a morgue needs to be worked at again. I went there the other day and no one was there, and we can't just leave the dead on the streets!

I'm a medical student, and I used to work in a morgue back home, so I don't mind heading it, but I'll need some other people to help. I can train you in what you need to know, if I have to. It's not that hard actually it is. Obviously I can't pay you, so you can consider it giving back to the community.

May. 12th, 2008


There are some bodies lying around in the sewers for you, Slayer. Let's hope that you and your little friends get to them before they spring to life.

Oh, all right. I'm feeling sort of giving tonight. I'll leave you a hint: they're close to an orphanage. I suppose suggesting that they set the building on fire to lure some fresh blood out into the open probably wasn't a very nice thing to do, now was it?

May. 8th, 2008


Thing may or may not sound completely insane, but I figure with this place as crazy as it is, maybe this is normal, maybe I haven’t gone insane.

Do Doppelgangers exist? Because there is someone running around who looks and sounds exactly like me but isn’t me. And I know I don't have some secret twin, like in the Parent Trap or something.

Has anyone else had this problem this happen, or did I - I mean we get the short straw here?

Apr. 12th, 2008


What the heck is going on? What am I in Los Angeles?

...In 2005?

Apr. 7th, 2008


This might sound completely morbid, actually it will sound completely morbid, but...

...is there a morgue around here?


Just when I thought my life couldn't get any weirder, I end up here.

So, anyone want to tell me what is going on? And why there are people claiming to be Harry Potter characters here?

January 2010




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