Jan. 23rd, 2009


There're too many vibrations in this place. It's like the ground never stops moving. Makes everything clear to me, yeah, but too clear sometimes.

Guh, where's Aang when I need him? Can't seem to find anyone else here I know

Apr. 28th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion Residents and Angel Investitations

New Security Measures - READ THIS )

Apr. 21st, 2008


So the sun's back. Not like I can see it, but at least it means people won't keep moping around and complaining about it.

Apr. 10th, 2008


Has anyone seen Veronica? Or Zuko? I haven't seen either one of them for a while now...

Mar. 29th, 2008


Great. Water.

I hate this place.


No sun I could deal with. I'm used to seeing nothing but dark anyway. But now there's nonstop rain too! Did someone tick off some powerful spirit or something?

Mar. 18th, 2008


Man, someone needs to find me some ghosts. These vampires are getting boring.

Mar. 3rd, 2008


I am bored. Is there anything fun to do around here that's legal for someone under 18? Back home we had underground eartbending tournaments, but here...

And for some reason I'm finding these demons easier and easier to beat.

Feb. 10th, 2008


I can't help but think that perhaps I should be fixing this. Maybe if I died.. would that fix the problem? Will the moon be better again and leave the sun alone?

Jan. 30th, 2008


This braille stuff is really hard to learn. They all feel like dots to me! I feel really bad for all the blind people in this world.

And I didn't think it was possible for me to meet someone who amused me as much as Aang. But I did. Awkward teenage boys are just so much fun aren't they?

Jan. 24th, 2008


blasted computer. the inventions here baffle me.

This is positively absurd! I do not understand the state of this...nation. How can a body function without a leader that was born into the position? How can you trust someone who did not grow up in the heart of the lands, immersed in the proper documentation and surrounded by those who govern, to ensure a country's safety? I hear this is supposedly the grandest, most powerful nation on Earth. Oh, how much the New World has changed...in my time, it was only barely discovered - a vast, savage place filled with heathens who hoarded their undeserving riches.

And what is this House of Windsor? Who is this Queen Elizabeth II? Since when did a woman hold the right to rule England suo jure? This makes no sense. England - at least my England - would never expect a female to rule. More importantly, what happened to my Dynasty? Why isn't there a Tudor sitting upon the English throne?

i failed. i didn't produce a legitimate male heir.

Jan. 10th, 2008


Y'know this is just perfect. First everyone goes and gets themselves captured by the Fire Nation and now I'm stuck in some psycho land with these metallic monsters that have delusions of being Earth Kingdom tanks and people with pink hair. Pink hair. That's not natural! Pink is not a hair color. It's a feather color and last time I checked, feathers were a no-go with humans. Not even airbenders have feathers.

The only plus side to this crazy place is hot dogs. I don't know what their made out of and I don't care. They're meat, they're tasty, and they weren't made by Haru. That, in turn, makes them so awesome.

Oh, and this computer thing? Is like...magic or something. This chick sitting next to me claims it's a machine, but machines do not have moving pictures or clicky things named after one half of an animal. Not buying it.

Jan. 9th, 2008


Wow! That's the biggest droid I ever seen! I en't even sure it's a droid. Dad. We should go check it out.

I been sleeping a lot better, so. Thanks, Mantis, Ben. It was real nice of you to help. Am I really going to grow up to be that person? And is that stuff really going to happen to me? It was bad enough in the dreams.

Ugghhh, it's so cold here. Bring the 120 degree weather baaaaack.

Jan. 6th, 2008


I just realized I hate this computer thing. It's made out of...I don't even know what it's made of. Once I figured that I wouldn't be able to use it on my own I had to...convince someone to teach me. According to them I have to use a program to make the computer speak to me so I know what's written. So complicated.

Hey Twinkletoes, I hope you missed me.

January 2010




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