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Dec. 27th, 2009


Right, Now that we're past the big day and all that I'd like to know what comprises AI right now. Who's on the team, what they do, who wants to be on the team and what they can offer. Who lives in the hotel?

I'm still new at all this with this many people and this seems the best way.


Are you actually ever gonna take this seriously and discuss what we need to do, or do I get to do all the legwork. There might not be conveniant heroic necklaces to wear next time there's a threat

Dec. 22nd, 2009


[Filtered; Xander, Anya, Tara, Kendra]
When the insanity of not real people showing up stops, you guys wanna go do something? Catch a movie? Or movie night in? Just anything?

In two days it will be the twenty-fourth. Future Xander said I'm going to die in two days. I just thought I'd point out that one of the 'end of the world' things is happening in 48 hours, unless I'm getting dates wrong.

[Filtered; Ruby]
Apparently you went missing again. Did those people come back? Are you okay?

Dec. 19th, 2009


There is nothing more annoying than when a demon puts a hole in your leather jacket. Nothing. I should find a way to bring his ass back just to pay for this.

And if we're keeping track, there was ghost number two of me as well.

Dec. 17th, 2009


The Powers have decided the city has been too long without a champion and that its changed enough to require two.

Its me and Spike.

Now I assure you all nothing will change and the fact we're from here will have no bearing on anything we do in terms of the responsibility. Technicly this isn't my version of LA either remember.

Anyway, thats the state of things. Any questions you have feel free to direct them to us or the heads of AI. Probably me and the heads of the departments cause Spike's a mor...


Not sure what Petrelli's gonna do. he's said he'd stay on as legal. But do we need a second. He was that for his brother. And now there are two of us. We don't need to be managed particularly.
And apparently tech and magic is one position which unless your someone like Jenny Calander is a bit much. How do you feel about splitting it and looking at Tara or that witch that can teleport...Paige Matthews?. And Tech, the Jedi woman mentioned a girl called Ed had visited, Get together with Faith and Fred and make a decision?

[Faith & Fred]

We have Offensive and Research covered, what do you think to tech, and splitting magic and tech into seperate things?. I don't want Spike and I making decisions like that when its you two and Petrelli that have been running things since the Powers relieved his brother.

Dec. 16th, 2009


The Factory is hiring. Talk to me if you need a job.


Nothing is gonna change.

Dec. 14th, 2009


Filtered to Spike, Faith, Fred and Nathan

I could try the whole speech thing but I'm actually just gonna say it.

The Powers called me and Spike to them for tests, they say the city needs a Champion and they've named us...both.

I can only figure cause of the mistakes I made with Wolfram and Hart last time and the fact that Spike's an idiot, saved the world with a necklace not had his soul long

This will take some getting used to and we're not planning to stomp all over what you've done with AI. But thats the situation as it stands and we decided you three should to be the first to know.

Dec. 11th, 2009


[Filtered away from anyone under the age of 10]

Vampire Santa. It's wrong on so many levels. I had to dust a Santa. My inner child is sad. Who turns Santa into a vampire anyway?

Dec. 4th, 2009


whose ever fault this is fix it

Nov. 20th, 2009


Broke another...

Took hooours and hours, but they were well spent. This one actually used the phrase 'I'll do anything" so we tested it. She wouldn't.

Then I had to punish her for lying. I missed her tongue later.

Mitchell, fun, as ever

Nov. 14th, 2009


In one week, I will have officially been here a year. Not in a new arrival kind of way because I've been in Los Angeles a couple of years, aside from being in Pylea, but in the 'I hopped a year ahead and made some new friends' kind of way. It's gone scary quick even though it feels like I've known some of you forever now, which is meant in the best way possible.

It's been pretty cool.

Nov. 4th, 2009


filtered against baddies/harmony.

Angel says he's all proud of me.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Buffy, go fuck yourself.

Fucking fuckity fuck. This is stupid
Hey, it's put up a false fight week! Let's all insult our friends and lovers!
Think about the sex, Spike. All the sex.

Oct. 28th, 2009


Filtered to Friends/Allies/AI. Filtered Against Baddes [especially Harmony/allies of Harmony]

I realize there's been talk on how to end televisions latest assault on our minds, but if we could do a group pow wow and hammer out plans, that would be great. And if you're secretly already planning something and you haven't told me, you'll be in for it. Cranky me isn't a fun person.

Oct. 25th, 2009


Friggin Powers.

I come for a visit and they send my co cell leader here too.

I'll come and say hello and whatever but I really have to get back to New York, the Powers obviously have a whole different plan.

...Can't a Slayer just have a weekend off. One weekend.


Who dumps someone off in the middle of MacArthur Park in their PJs? If this is over the last bagel, that's just...wrong. I need to be back in New York so if the responsible person could set it right? I'd really appreciate it.

Oct. 18th, 2009


You're all so serious

This city needs to laugh more.

Oct. 16th, 2009


I believe I said I was tired of being 'ported against my will to random places.

Whoever did this, you better damn well hope you have an entire army protecting you. Though that might not be enough.

Frigging Russia.

Oct. 15th, 2009


She never showed up for training. She never not shows up, she's never late. Her cell phone isn't connecting, and I can't find her anywhere.

Someone tell me where the hell my mother is.

Oct. 14th, 2009


Filtered to Buffy.

I'm gonna call you a bitch and threaten to kill you for a bit. Okay? Great? Good.


filtered against baddies (especially Harmony) and children;

Remind me again why no one's putting a stake through this one when it's the big weight on the death side of the survival versus death scale? Pleading to a thing with no soul doesn't look like it's doing more than firing that damn vampire up to do exactly what everyone's trying to avoid.

Won't be a body left when the staking's done, so dress it up how you want. Get its goddamned TV people to blame it on some crazy fan who kidnapped it. Frame a vampire gang we'd be taking out anyhow and play the publicity angle.

But the way I see it, that thing's number is up.


I'm not a bad person you know.

I mean, okay evil. But that doesn't make me bad. And I've been using my show to help real people, people the Slayers totally ignore.

And what do I get in return, insulted, hounded by the paparatzzi, A boyfriend who...

...who obvioulsy doesn't love me.

I think its over blondie bear. You and me. It has to be

Oct. 12th, 2009


What's the use of having a kid if you can't even ground them for refusing to mug people?

Oct. 11th, 2009


Filtered to Alesta.

Denial, anger, grief, acceptance.

I was thinking about mugging someone. You want to come?

Oct. 8th, 2009


Fuck the future.

What are you doing? Where are you?

Oct. 7th, 2009



Oct. 3rd, 2009


The future thing is a total lie by the way. Like he'd have a kid with HER.

I mean it doesn't even make any SENSE. People should see that, people having kids that entirely never would even if they could.

And there are people saying my show is evil again. My show is NOT evil.

Oct. 2nd, 2009


So I was looking back over this thing...

Why did no one tell me about the "Wee Little Puppet Man"?! You're supposed to share these things!

Oct. 1st, 2009


filtered to A.I./Hyperion + all allies + family/friends;

I don't know how secure this is, so anyone not comfortable with the chance that this filter could be hacked is free to assemble in the Hyperion lobby.

In the interest of full disclosure, here is what we are up against because of the arrival of Sylar, who is not the Gabriel any of you knew:

[paraphrase of the information shared with Buffy, not a direct replication of the exchange]

And here is my conversation with him, which is all the information I have, other than specifics about what he's done in the past, which can be laid out if someone needs that information.

[replication of the entire exchange (which is still going)]

He's dangerous and from what I've been told, Sylar is an expert liar. No matter how genuine he seems, you can't assume anything no matter how much you want to.

[ second filter - close family/friends; ]
I don't know how to tell Peter. I don't want to lie, but if he comes back now

[ third filter - Claire (ABC); ]
I don't know if what he said is true, but we'll research and talk to people and find out.

Sep. 30th, 2009


Is this the right um message board? I hope it is. There was this nice woman that told me that I could find information here or at the Welcome Center, I thought it might be easier and best to introduce myself on this first.

Hi, everyone. I'm Tara. Tara Maclay and I'm new here. In case you ... maybe you might have missed that I'm not really good with these things. Introducing myself, not that I'm bad at it or anything, I just Using message boards. So .. just, hi.

I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Sep. 27th, 2009


Well, so much for the 2.5 seconds of quiet. At least this twist seems less evil. So far.

Sep. 21st, 2009



Screw your little memes.

Sep. 16th, 2009


I got to slap Eve again!! Like right in the face. And threatened her with the fangyness. And before you get all stake Harm happy? Faith totaly said I could torture her. And she's immortal and stuff so its all fine!!

Anyway it wasn't just for the funny. Though she is suuuuch a wimp anyway, and now I definitely lost my password acsess to the firm. But whatever. Cause I got this.

Sep. 15th, 2009


Custom Filters

[Filtered to the Justice League]

Noticed a couple of new players in town, seemed like your area of expertise, Crane and Harley? The human nutjobs tend to be your thing, but you know if you ever need the help of me and my team you only gotta ask.

[end filter]

[Filtered to Angel Investigations]

New vamp in town, or really a returning old one. Calls himself Harth Fray. He's pretty badass and basically seems to be half Slayer. So be careful with him, do not treat him like a regular vampire and anyone who brings me his dusted remains gets a cookie. I promise I won't even make it myself but get you a decent one, flavor of your choice.

All jokes aside, we don't know exactly what we're dealing with with him yet and quite which parts of the Slayer package he has. I don't want to lose anyone to him, so not afraid to emphasize the being careful here. I'm adding another training session a week for those on my Offensive Team, where you all get the fun of attacking me, getting used to the Slayer instincts and all in case he has them.

[end filter]

[Filtered against bad guys]

Another day, another bad guy or several. And here I was wanting a trip to Disneyland. Ah well, Goofy would probably have turned out to be a demon anyway.

Sep. 13th, 2009


Hundreds of years from now, all of you are going to be long forgotten by nearly everybody. Nobody will remember who you were or what you did. You may have been the Scourge of Europe or the vampire who willingly went out and won back his soul, and yet, when your names are thrown out into the open, they won’t be recognized. The blonde and the traitor carry faces and titles and triumphs that will not be talked about and when the villains ban together to drag this world into Hell, there will only be one who will stand any chance at stopping them. But it won’t be enough. Because one is nothing when up against thousands. Millions.

Nothing you’re doing now will matter. You’re all wasting your time. You’re forgettable. Thousands will dwindle down to zero. And then zero will become one. And one will not be enough.

I almost feel bad for all of you. Almost. But not quite.


Its been a good few days. What with from my own personal fun of taking bets on when Sam Winchester snaps and goes on some kind of crazy evil power trip, if Faith stops whining and instead gives in and gets herself committed, if Spike gets over his quote unquote "Daddy issues with Angel", if Buffy wakes up and smells the replacement and kills her in an amazing fit of jealous rage, or if Phillip the accounting goat ever finds his way back home. Seriously, its adoreable, He's just like Lassie.

Anyone else want to make us a soap opera? Just me?

[Filtered to Newcomers]

 I've noticed a few new faces, and since I'm told I'm the friendly face of Wolfram and Hart I thought I'd extend hellos.

Eve. Liason to the Senior Partners, Potentially the ones that brought you here. We'd really have to talk more to determine that and really I'd love to meet.

Sep. 8th, 2009


Damn, Angel.

Five minutes in this city and you've pissed off everyone I know. I've been working up to that for months.

Sep. 7th, 2009


Filtered from the Winchesters.

I get that its meant to be hard. I really do. But this many screw ups this early on. Why am I bothering? I'm just making it harder for him

I guess there's good reasons no demons ever managed.

Sep. 3rd, 2009


So you've gone through four Buffy's, Faith's dating a crazy guy, Spike's with Harmony again and Lindsey's married?

This version is definitely screwy.

For those not in the know, I'm Angel and I gather my last version here didn't go out on the best of terms so let me clarify, Not evil. Anymore.

And not dead. Besides, y'know. The being dead.


We need to talk I think. And soon.

Aug. 27th, 2009


Filtered against baddies

I need a roll call on who usually takes part in the getting rid of bad guys in the city deal. Or at least, anyone who's in against the Scourge. I don't know many of you, so I need to know who you are and what you can do. There's two places the Scourge are located, so I need to know the numbers and skills we have to work with. I understand the Justice League is in, but that doesn't really mean much to me, other than powerful people, so I'd like a roll call from you guys too.

I've heard talk of disguises, ideally it would be awesome if we could have people on the inside. But I don't know if we have time for something like that, so probably not, unless someone people are really just that good.

If anyones good with bows, crossbows, attacking from a distance, let me know that as well.

I need you on this. If you're up for it.

Aug. 23rd, 2009


I guess there's a time when you've actually been pushed too far. Not the same for everyone but everyone has that line. Its just hard watching it I guess.

This city deserves better.
[Nathan] )

[SBC] )

[Spike] )

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January 2010




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