Jun. 20th, 2008


Meth to English Translation;

Even with all the dangers, István was better place than this city. Nobody understand my language here except for Nyssa.

I met Esther there, I can't stop being grateful for that alone. I think I fell in love with her, a little. I wish I could be a Terran just like her, so I could enjoy the sunlight and the Church would stop chasing us because I'm different from them.

...Terrans don't fall into the Thirst I'm beginning to experience.

If I can't return soon, that would be another person I failed to protect. But I won't give up yet! I made a oath to all of them.

...I didn't mean to write all of this.

Jun. 9th, 2008


Filtered against the evil folk

... I'm back. And I am so, so sorry.

I never meant to hurt anyone, and I know I can't make up for it but I do want to try, if you'll let me.

Just please don't hate me.

Jun. 7th, 2008


Looks like I've got plenty of damage to make up for. Normally I'd say to hell with it, but this time round I think I'm gonna have to start getting my hero on.

[Filtered to Buffy]

We need to have ourselves a talk.

May. 23rd, 2008


Jared are you still about? I have not heard anything from you. I'm beginning to worry about you.

May. 22nd, 2008


Vampires were supposed to be going into extinction. Looks like that's a different story here though.

I suggest raids. Find the nests, destroy them, and leave no one alive. That might help.

[Ruby + Dean]
I ran into a demon. That means that there are probably more running around here. Which also means that Lilith could be close by. I'm going to try to track another one down. Get some information. I accidentally killed the demon that I met before, so it'd be hard to ask him questions now. This knife is pretty awesome.


Dean. Did you know that you had a twin running here with a blue mohawk?

...and did you know that I have a twin running around here that's a freaking Harry Potter character?

That's it. This place is ridiculous. I'm drinking.

May. 21st, 2008


There's an awful lot of crime here.

May. 20th, 2008


Does anybody know where I can buy hemoglobin capsules or find a place where they serve Aqua Vitae? I'm not Thirsty yet, this is a precaution.

Thank you.


I think Mantis wants me to stay a while longer at the Hyperion, if that's okay. And I'm sorry about the trouble, Peter, everybody. I didn't mean for my dreams to upset Annie so bad. Mantis en't saying, but I know. He en't sure he can protect me anymore.

Exar Kun is the 'Dark Man' that Mantis mentions. That's what Gantoris called him. Or is gonna call him, I don't kn He's real bad. Shouldn't nobody talk to him, and everybody should stay away from him.


I want to kill something.

May. 19th, 2008


stRo N ger

noT just th e B O y


These...these vampires, as I've heard them be called, if one were to...kill one? Is the death of one punishable by the law?

Even if it was the fault entirely of the creature.

A curiosity to be satisfied.

May. 18th, 2008


This wait is becoming bloody irritating. Down below this network are posts of people who claim to have traveled elsewhere outside Los Angeles. I was informed we aren't able to leave the city. Evidently one of the sources is lying. Can we depart or not?


I don't know a whole lot about this place, but whoever is doing whatever they're doing to make Annie so upset needs to stop. Now. Before she really gets worked up.

{Filtered to Hyperion Residents}
I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I haven't seen her this upset since Rose Red in a long time. I'll... I'll find some way to pay for the windows in her room. And everything else she's destroying.

Just... I'm sorry.

May. 14th, 2008


h a te hateh a T E

en d th e WORLDeveryt hin g
so tIre d


I've noticed that things are sort of.. uncontrolled around here a bit. I've decided to offer my services. I'm not just some teenage boy calling out to everyone for a little bit of recognition. I'm a seeker, and my job is to seek out people who use their magick for bad. If anyone is looking for someone specifically trained in this domain, I am more than willing to help. I won't charge anything and you can trust me when I say that I'm not just going to say I will help and then do nothing about it. I take my job extremely seriously.

May. 13th, 2008


Filtered from "The Vampire" (Spike) - Translated Text from Meth-to-English;

Who is this vampire? Where can I find him? I must stop him before he hurts those Terran children!

Why does nobody seem to care? I don't know where the orphanages are located. If someone could help me... Please... Those children.

Slayer, whoever you are, are you going to let him kill people?

May. 12th, 2008


There are some bodies lying around in the sewers for you, Slayer. Let's hope that you and your little friends get to them before they spring to life.

Oh, all right. I'm feeling sort of giving tonight. I'll leave you a hint: they're close to an orphanage. I suppose suggesting that they set the building on fire to lure some fresh blood out into the open probably wasn't a very nice thing to do, now was it?

May. 11th, 2008


Translated Text from Meth-to-English;

You were really kind to me to explain me what was happening, Nyssa. I owe you one. I think I finally got used this ancient piece of technology and, huh... I've learned a few words in "English" already! It's a strange new language. I should ask Esther about it when I return to István.

I have to return there soon. If anyone knows a way, I beg you to help me.

And... eh, does anyone know where can I shop for Aqua Vitae or UV Gel so I'll be able to move during daylight? Thank you!

May. 10th, 2008


This isn't new tech city anymore..but it looks like it could use just as much help and protection. I guess it doesn't really matter where I am to make a difference. I don't know what world I'm in...but wherever theres still suffering I know the power rangers are still needed and I want to help.

January 2010




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