May. 5th, 2008


So I've decided that monsters have like absolutely nothing to do with this case. I've thoroughly investigated them or, you know, caught a glimpse or two and started running and there's just like no way that they could possibly be responsible for us being here.

And that leaves me with my next theory: this really suspicious looking place called Pizza Hut.

Apr. 27th, 2008


All right. So like I've decided to put some real thought into this mystery. Is there anyone here who was like around when this weird stuff started happening with everyone coming in from all sorts of like timezones and fictional universes and stuff?

And if anyone happens to see a dog who like goes by the name of Scooby Doo, can you like tell him that his pal Shaggy is looking for him?

Apr. 26th, 2008


Okay. Who in the hell tore down my place of business?


Obviously there is no point in asking why I ended up here, or how I'll get back. Not that I really care.

So, what do you do for fun around here?

Oh, and if any of you see a hand-less man wandering about town. Ask him if he's learned his lesson would you? Surprising how slow some people can be.


What is it with so many of you pretending to be super heroes?

If you're so super than why are we all stuck here? If you were real super heroes you would have gotten us all out of here by now!


So I've decided to like, dust off my detective hat so that we can all, like, figure out what we're doing here. Daphne? Want to help me, like, solve this mystery?

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Where is a good place to get some chow? I'm hungry and I'm eating for two here, man. I don't know how I got here, but I can't even contact home or anything...

This place is too weird for words. Oh and I guess people were right about the vampires because I heard about this one guy who was getting chased by them, but maybe he took too many behavioral meds at once.

Oh, to all those who don't know me, I'm Juno. No, it's not a fake name.


Zoinks! This entire place is, like, one huge mystery just waiting to be solved! We need Fred and Velma. And Scooby Doo too! I'm, like, not so good with the mystery solving by myself.

Apr. 21st, 2008



Apr. 20th, 2008


So, I still haven't been able to come across anything useful, yet. The people here are just way beyond rude. Well most of them. Has anyone else come across anything interesting lately?

Apr. 19th, 2008


This place gives me the goosebumps.

Freddie? Velma? Shaggy? Scooby?


ANYONE? I'LL EVEN TAKE A GUY IN A MONSTER MASK RIGHT ABOUT NOW. Well, not really, but I'm just saying I'm sort of freaked out here, and that lady I asked said this is L.A. but I was just in Coolsville which is so not near L.A. Was I kidnapped or something and don't remember it?


It would appear more and more people that I know are arriving, but at the same time, I don't know them. At all. It's a strange idea, to think there is a different version of me out there, though I guess I always knew it was possible. I think she is very different from me. Has this happened to anyone else?

I can only hope the others are OK without me, and hope to get home soon. Though I don't see that happening any time in the near future.


The woman beside me—I believe her name is Fiona— told me that this is called a computer, and that you can speak with people by pushing the buttons with the letters on them. Well, that is very odd, isn’t it? I don’t understand how this works. I asked Fiona if it was magic, but she shook her head at me like I was an escaped lunatic. The pure nerve of her! I am not insane, nor did I fall and hit my head. I’m just very lost, is all.

This place is exceptionally odd, and not to mention that I am not supposed to be in this world at all. There are great machines on wheels and the women appear to be wearing men’s clothing! Will they not be reprimanded for such a scandalous thing? Are they permitted to do that here? If they are, then I wish for pants as well, and I also wish to get rid of this god forsaken corset. I don’t even know why I still bother to wear it.

What do they call this city? I would like to know.


This is unbelievable absurd! I refuse to partake in whichever game is being played here.

I need a location, a reason of why I was brought here without my expressed authorisation and a ticket for the next flight to England as soon as possible.


Scooby Doo, where are you?!

January 2010




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