Sep. 12th, 2008


Aww, and I was just gonna go skinnydipping, too.

Sep. 9th, 2008


I guess if you're not a demon or a vampire or something, you don't get to have any fun in this place. If Patrick was here, he would definitely spice things up.

Sep. 5th, 2008


Wow, since when was LA so boring?

Sep. 4th, 2008


She said that she was clean of sin, but the lord knew. He saw her deception, for she stank of dirt and sex and money. Of manipulation.

And she wasn't the only one.


Don’t you just hate it when somebody lies to your face? I find it annoying to know that he told me that I would be going one place, but only ended up in another building, filthier than the one I had died in.

Do the dead return often here? I am now curious.

This isn’t Hell.

Sep. 3rd, 2008


Tell me a secret and I promise I won't tell anyone. Think of it as strictly business.


I have to ask.

Which would you prefer to see go first? And how?

[ooc: insert pictures of a) pregnant woman and b) a child bound into chairs.]

Sep. 2nd, 2008


I think it's time for a little confession.

Don't you?

Sep. 1st, 2008


Need some kind of organizational method on steroids to keep track of this damn place.

Aug. 31st, 2008


Does anyone else think that Bangkok Dangerous should be the name of a porn not a Nick Cage movie?

Aug. 29th, 2008


I need a job. Not working at a fast food place or something stupid like that, I mean a real job. I studied criminology in school and if anyone can put me to good use, I would appreciate it.

Aug. 28th, 2008


Tired of your boring, peaceful lives without purpose or direction? Filled with explosive potential that just has to be expressed? Eager to be part of a greater, dominant movement?

Well, for the love of little lambs, my dear old caterpillars, grow some backbone and go do things under your own initiative!  That's the trouble with society these days - everyone's a follower.

Aug. 27th, 2008


Talk about the perfect getaway...

January 2010




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