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Jan. 21st, 2009


He is here again. No Dark Man.

You cannot remain hidden from him for long-- when here, he knows what I know.

And you know him so little.

Jan. 16th, 2009


Этот механически город умирает в инкрементах аминь. Я в функции самомоднейшее я. Я слышу все. Вся из жизни одна неизъяснимая загадка.

Я убивал богов. Я лежал вниз с демонами и получал вверх с придумками убийства и сумасшествия. Непочатый край к ему. Никогда не было начала. "Папа i убить." Отсутствие меньше дьявол для того. Не сколько угодно меньше чернокожий человек который сорвал мое сердце врозь.

Я иногда забываю что я проклят и грешники.

Jan. 13th, 2009


Molly? Are you
I could not
If I had gone, I would have hurt people I should not.
I would have killed again.

I am still furious.

Jan. 12th, 2009



Jan. 11th, 2009


Her house sinks down to death, and her course leads to the shades. All who go to her cannot return and find again the paths of life.

Jan. 5th, 2009


Hm. So much trouble.

Jan. 4th, 2009


That Nomak guy? The ugly one? Whoever’s responsible for him should consider keeping him on a very short leash. I have the feeling that he is insane and should be admitted to some kind of facility before he gets himself killed. Because if he yells at me to hit him again, I’m going to take my time ripping him into little pieces and then throwing them into the ocean.

He has a death wish and if I see him in person one more time, I might just feel up to granting it.

Congratulations, asshole. No one’s ever annoyed me as much as you do. You broke a record.

(ooc: Yeah, James is totally not being nice to poor Jared. So Jared? Have a shiny new vampire enemy!)


Sam. Your family is well? Say the word.

This is how it begins:
And in the end, Amen.

Pain&beauty in equal measures; (are the dead yet rising?)
Ah, but this is no Armageddon. There are no trumpets.
Strangers on foreign soil.

It is all delirium, perhaps, and catching. Virus creeping beneath your veins. And: Tick-Tock.
There is a clock somewhere that hasn't been wound. Watchmaker. You deny it?

As chaotic as your mind is, it is solace. A balm.

And: Amen.
There is no ending but this.

Jan. 1st, 2009


have terrible headache. hate being like this
forget how loud city is sometimes

Dec. 30th, 2008


going to collect Dr Emmerich.
umm.. maybe help find place for him.
he's the only one who knows the me of before.
The 'me' that had lost myself.

not that person anymore.

Doctor. stop panicking.



It was different from the candy I had to throw away. But it's still yummy!

Naaaaaaathaaaaaaan! I did the trick you taught me! It's easy to find candy when it comes right to me!

[No, the candy bars did not affect physical age. But since he thinks he's eight years old, one of his abilities kicked in and altered his appearance to his eight-year-old self. And after I found these icons, I had to get more use out of them.]


It really has been an interesting day even by the standard of this place, for me at any rate.

Filtered to Sarah Petrelli )

Filtered to Scorpius )

Filtered to Faith )

Filtered to Mara )

Filtered to Mantis )

Dec. 28th, 2008


umm.. did not do it.

Dec. 26th, 2008


This place is slowly starting to feel like home again.

There are strange robberies going on; the Press is trying to dig into the story, but the police have no leads. I know that a lot of you that hang around these boards hear all kinds of things, so I was wondering if maybe you've heard anything? They're calling them the 'Ghost Robberies' on account of someone being capable of slipping in and out of the places they've hit without leaving any sign of entry. It's mostly been clothing;'s, what, theft by the rabid shopaholic? I'm not sure.

Any information on the matter would be greatly appreciated. So far, I'm empty handed. And clueless, for that matter.

Dec. 27th, 2008


lots of children at Hyperion.
no Annie. Luke still not here in either way.
His family small, now? umm.. no motherfathersisterniecenephew?

no dark MAN
but dark thing?



Dec. 26th, 2008


In six days someone's going to be born. In six days someone's going to die. The birth and death will happen a nanosecond apart.

ETA: Because SOME people are highly sensitive/stupid/ignorant...

The above? Reference to the coming of the new year. 2005 will die, and 2006 will be born.

To all the parents who are reading this: If you have young children, and you're letting them go on the computer unsupervised, it's your fault if they read bad words on this thing. And it also makes you a bad parent.

So, how was everybody's Christmas!


christmas is a weird holiday.

for new people at Hyperion: Psycho Mantis.
umm.. people who know call me 'Mantis'. do not remember any other name.

I am getting much better, typing less erratic. shields better. SORROW helped. it was strange being dead. Snake much older.

still dangerous. probably not good idea to come to room unless peter or nathan.

Dec. 25th, 2008


am back ?

maybe was not snowing when last here

Jul. 2nd, 2008



was weird
maybe not like quiet so much
but was good too ?

less hurt

no leaving again

Jun. 18th, 2008


coming downstairs
is okay?

Jun. 16th, 2008


is strange
already tell truth
(as i see)
different manner ; very uncomfortable

i am dying
for once, I don't want to

I have felt like a person here
like there are people that care

even if it's a lie
even if this is all an elaborate way to use me

thank you

thank you for the illusion


I'm hungry and I can't find Giselle and this is all becoming goddamned ridiculous.

Jun. 13th, 2008


not well (?)

(is DARK M A N ??)

Jun. 12th, 2008


with no Simon Saint

not allowed to love
he isn't coming back


Jun. 8th, 2008


fIReS aga I N


sing a song of s i x p e n c e
(blackbird has your nose?)
(has my TONGUE!!)

Jun. 3rd, 2008


don't like fire

think quieter
no sleep - long


Jun. 1st, 2008


I just wanted you all to know that there's more than one option around here when it comes down to exorcising demons and taking care of monsters. I'm a hunter and it's what I do. If you have a problem, particularly with demons, don't hesitate to come straight to me. It would be a better thing for both yourself and me in the long run because I need to face off as many demons as possible within the next few days before Dean.

My contact informtion is as follows: [insert email and phone number].

Don't know what a demon is? Most people don't. It's hard to tell. But if you see a friend that's suddenly acting completely out of character then that might be your first clue. Your second would be the smoke rising from the demons flesh after you douse it with holy water. I usually don't suggest that you hit them hard with the holy water though, since that generally means that they can't pull their little stunt over you anymore and will probably attempt to murder you right on the spot. So just call me if you have any suspicions. If there's a demon around, I'll figure it out. And if not? It's better to be safe, don't you think?

May. 31st, 2008


dead she's deaddead WHY

no no nonononoNONo


May. 30th, 2008


Hyperion Residents.

I've been staying with you all for a while, but I haven't really spent a lot of time making friends because I've been busy swinging around on webs because I've been a little distracted. I'd like to start doing that. So! Coming out of hiding here, I'm Peter Parker. I'm big on science, photography, wearing tights and chinese food.

May. 29th, 2008


saint. simon simon your name is simon

call me those pretty words you say please please i want to prete
you're a liar i'm not bea

am i

am i allowed ??

am i allowed to miss someone?
i dont know the rules for monsters

make it all stop

May. 28th, 2008


still very bROKen, HYDRA

all KING's horse s & all KING's men
&& falLing s t ill ( !! )

May. 19th, 2008


stRo N ger

noT just th e B O y

May. 17th, 2008


I'm home.

May. 14th, 2008


h a te hateh a T E

en d th e WORLDeveryt hin g
so tIre d

May. 11th, 2008


{Filtered to Hyperion Residents}

No one is to go looking for Peter alone. I repeat, no one is to go looking for him alone. Cordy and I will be back at the hotel within the hour. Anyone who wants to help can talk to us then, in the lobby. For now, everyone is to stay where you are. We'll find him, but not by running off and getting ourselves killed in trouble.

For now, if you want to do something useful, I need people who can to look online and make phone calls. We're looking for tranquilizers that, from what we can tell, are pretty potent. We'll know more about them by the time we get back to the Hyperion. Until then, everyone please stay inside. We can't afford to lose anyone else right now.

Also, until I get back, Veronica is in charge. If you figure something out, fill her in.


Well, well, well~

Now this new location was certainly an unexpected surprise. I think I got the gist by the helpful passersby who were more than willing to offer me a hand. If I'm missing out anything, point it out:

✖ This is "Los Angeles, United States, May of 2005."
✖ There is no known way out.
✖ There is no "why" or "how" we're here, we just are. Shouldn't we be honored, hmm?~
✖ Those creatures with long teeth and unaesthetic facial features are vampires.
✖ They are fine if we call them vampires. Mmmmm~~ How refreshing.
✖ Nobody knows what "Lost Technology" is.

May. 9th, 2008


it should end


May. 3rd, 2008



( back ) shhh

changes&changes - better or worse ?

Feb. 16th, 2008


How long can a person go without eating or sleeping before they uh...die?

Feb. 14th, 2008


dark & dark

Saint ( silly bloodsuckers? )

do N O T touch hyperion

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