Sep. 20th, 2008


Filtered against Death Eaters.

I'm sorry.

Merlin, I'm so sorry.

Sep. 19th, 2008


He did  put up a fight bless him. But I did leave him his mind...I think. Cissy you raised an insolent brat but at the very least he has intelligence, be a shame if he wound up like Frank and Alice.

Lets hope he considers it a lesson in humility shall we.

Siri, Reggie...Come out and play?

Ron. Be a dear, Ask him about my message?

Sep. 15th, 2008


I haven't even been here a whole day yet, and it already feels like my life is ruined. I do not like this! I won't put up with it, I just won't. I have things to do back home and Draco has a son with someone else and the sodding Weasleys and Potters are here and I'm going to go completely nutters.

That being said, any former/current Slytherins around here? There has to be someone I can stand in this place.


What's going on?

Someone better give me some answers before I start hexing people.

Sep. 13th, 2008


The phrase Toujours Pur used to mean something. It used to stand for something and now my sister and my cousins have turned it into a joke.

Regulus ask them...ask the others of our world what I do to Black's who betray their line. Ask them how the House of Black ended and then find me. Because I will NOT see the legacy of the Noble House of our Fathers turn to ruin.

Potter, Tell me, did you cry for him at the end?

I will take the revenge that should have been His. And I will do it as I do all things. In his name.

Dora. I cannot stay. Because I would break every single one of our agreements upon first setting eyes on the lying fool of a traitor that DARES to claim my families heritage and name!

Narcissa contact me. We have family honor to restore.

Sep. 12th, 2008


Friedrich Nietzsche - “One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.”

Words that I attempted to go out with as the truth drew nearer. It didn’t work as well as I wanted it to. I vividly remember what it was like in the end, so I can not be told that I survived and somehow ended up where I am now.

So where am I?


Sep. 10th, 2008


This board has become a clutter of disappointment. Why you all insist on poisoning your filthy Muggle bodies with alcohol and then sharing your nonsense, to which most of us could bloody well care less, is beyond me. It is irritating, though, and increasing at an aggravating rate. There are other things to do in this city than drink yourself stupid. There are other ways to confess your problems, such as using your cell phones or sending out rambling e-mails. I hear those AA meetings are quite lovely as well.

Aug. 19th, 2008


Do I have a sign on my back that attracts perverts? If I do would someone please rip it off and burn it right now? I swear to God if he ever tries anything I’m taking a knife and cutting his parts off. I don’t care how scary and important he thinks he is, he’s getting them torn off. And it’s gonna hurt like hell.

The end.

Aug. 15th, 2008


this is not little hangleton. this is not home. i do not know where i am. i do not know how this machine is working. it is so loud here. why are there no plants/ where are all the trees/ how do i get the question mark to work/ i can see it, it cannot work it. what kind of demon muggle contraption is this/

i want to know i need will someone help i demand as the heir of salazar slytherin that someone tell me what is going on1



Filtered to Wizards, Witches & Magic users;

Could you give this city a helping hand? With that I mean, restore the light of the streets?

[ooc; Insert plot here]

Aug. 4th, 2008


First things first, My name is Bellatrix Black and no I'm not touching this disgusting excuse for a method of communication.

Muggle filth.

Least I managed to 'convince' one of them to make this work for me. He types quite quickly, possibly I've scared him.

But my question is really very simple.

What in blazes is going on?

Because I know I apparated right. I was meant to be going back to school right now and this most certainly is not it.

Jul. 20th, 2008


Anyone in need of a model? I need the perks and the money. My rent is going to be overdue.

Jul. 18th, 2008


SUNSHINE! and RAINBOWS! and PUPPY DOGS! Aren't we all glad we're BETTER PEOPLE NOW?

See that ooze dripping off your screen? That's called sarcasm.

Now. Who's up for some chaos?

Jun. 20th, 2008


Jun. 18th, 2008


I feel a bit weird now. I can't stop thinking about some things. I really wish Mark was here with me. He died at 13. It was after he learned some dangerous information, things which I would rather he heard from me than eavesdropping in his room. I honestly hadn't wanted him to die in the cold forest. It just.. happened. I asked him to come with me. He refused three times. I probably would have let him walk off. I was going to. But.. umm.. I don't know. It was like a haze, like you're there, but you feel like you're someplace else. Felt like something was going on, except there was a sense of having no control over it.

I've been at the center of some tragedy. Some have done it for me. But.. out of all of those, Marky is the only one that I truly feel bad for. He was a good person. I don't usually think of him all the time, just once in awhile. There are times when I feel that things around me would be much better if he was here with me. We were the best of friends. I can only imagine the fun times we could have in this crazy city.

And when I do think of him.. well, I can't describe it, the thoughts I have about him being gone. It's like having a cake, and noticing a big slice missing. And... I have no clue why I am even writing this. I'm certainly never one to talk about myself, especially about regrets.. and believe me, this is one of the big ones. Maybe it's this truth shit going around. But.. uhh.. Mark? If you can see me from where you are, if you know where I'm.. umm.. well. Okay, I'll just say it to you anyway: I'm sorry.

Jun. 17th, 2008


My name is Scorpius Malfoy. I am a wizard. My father is Draco Malfoy. I can do magic. I'm still a virgin. Yeah.. that's right, ha ha! A sexy Malfoy like me hasn't gotten lucky with the ladies. Laugh it up! Just don't tell me about it. I've snogged a good number of girls, and used my hands.. but that's about it. So yeah, I was kinda exaggerating when I talked to Al on here before.

Not saying I couldn't get laid if I wanted to. But I'm thinking it. Why did I write that?!Dammit. Me and Dom were a bit drunk a while ago in my room. She had a nightie, I just had shorts. Probably could have had some real hot fun.. but.. no. We didn't. Mostly because we drank too much vodka to think straight.

I'm also really terrified of the Dark Lord. My father told me some stories. Ohh yeah, and I've recently read a few of those damn fictional HP books. Would it have killed JKR to write another series about the next generation, like me and my fellow students? Then again.. that's a good thing she didn't.

I'd rather not read about myself before I know my fate. Now, the fanfic.. oohhh. My eyes are burning from the imagery. For the record, my father and Potter weren't secret lovers. Snape didn't shag Granger, either. And from what I know, from stories my parents told.. the Weasley twins wer not involving any male or female student to be the ham in the middle of their naughty "sandwich." Child, please. People will believe anything. Arrghh.. I need to wash my eyes.

Jun. 8th, 2008


Filtered Against "Good Guys"

I have become weary, restless, and listless with most everything. I have nothing to do, nowhere to go. I’m bored and I can no longer sit here quietly until Potter decides that it is time to strike. I need something to occupy my time with. If any of you have tasks within my range of talents that must be done, I will offer up my services to you. My willingness to work alongside anybody who requests my assistance will come with a price, so you best remember that. But I must assure you, that it will be worth it in the end.

/Tom Marvolo Riddle/

May. 28th, 2008


Filtered to Narcissa

Lady Malfoy... it's me, Damien. I've been thinking. I would like to speak with you again. Perhaps there is some information to catch up on, since we both had attended that meeting a while back.

You are a nice person to talk to, and I would like to do so again. I believe I gave you my room number at the meeting. Don't worry, I gave Logan his own room so the two of us can talk about magical matters without interruption.

Please let me know when it would be a good time to expect you. If you are coming, that is. I would hope so. I await your reply.

May. 20th, 2008


I want to kill something.

May. 13th, 2008


Filtered to Potterverse people he knows (sorry, no Tom!)

We've been trying to get on the same page (bloody hell, literally it looks like), but we're all from different times. We need to meet up, ALL of us, so we can figure out a way to fix this. Honestly, I'd like to see my kids grow up. It's reassuring to see they turned out rather decent, I have to say, but that's besides the point.

I heard that Sirius might have been seen?

(Private to Snape)
I'd like you to come as well, if you would. You're a hero, and everyone needs to know that, once and for all. she gone? From what I heard in the hotel here, another wave of travelers disappeared back to whereever they came from. Did you warn her?

Apr. 21st, 2008


Good morning,

I wonder if someone could be so kind as to direct me to the nearest connection to the Floo Network? I appear to have had some sort apparating mishap, and it's probably safer for me to use the Network until I can figure out what exactly went wrong.

Many thanks,
R.J Lupin.

Apr. 13th, 2008


Gtreetings, peasants!

I'm looking for a girl, the fairest maiden in the world. Her name is Giselle, and she has hair the colour of the sun at dusk, and the sweetest smile you ever saw. We were to be wed, but I fear something dreadful happened to her, but I've come to find her! Has anybody seen her? I'm certain a reward of some sort could be arranged, once we are reunited.

Apr. 12th, 2008


Filtered to the HP people

So, this is one bloody confusing situation and I don't know about you but I am all for figuring this out. Where is everyone exactly? We should pick somewhere for us all to go and figure it out from there.

Apr. 11th, 2008


Okay, I'm definitely pissed off now! Seriously.. what the fuck? Did someone turn my bag into a portkey? I shouldn't even be here.

Not in this place, not in this time. Someone better give me answers! I demand an explanation for this bullshit. Immediately.

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Since it looks like a lot of you have been here longer than me, I have a question to ask, one that somebody will hopefully be able to answer.

I ran into something the other night, a creature, looked like, well... the kind of werewolf that you’d expect to see in a horror movie. Standing on two legs, a lot of matted fur, pretty damn ugly if I do say so myself.

That thing, it was nothing like… well, never mind. But it was fucking odd.

Do any of you know if there are more of them around? And, it was a werewolf, wasn’t it?



What is this? Was there a port key or something?

Can someone direct me back to Hogwarts please?


Ridiculous piece of Muggle machinery...

I have spent a good many years contemplating my own mortality, and what, precisely, awaited for me when that moment finally arrived. A Muggle city across the pond is hardly what I envisioned. Furthermore, considering I currently require oxygen to breathe, I am assuming I am, in fact, not dead.

That being the case, would anyone care to explain to me exactly how I managed to travel clear across the entire globe without any memory of doing such a thing? And, for that matter, why I appear to have de-aged to how I appeared in my youth?

I can assure you, I am scarcely the sort who wishes to re-visit the past and can guarantee when I find whoever is responsible, will make certain they rue the day they attempted to meddle in the affairs of Professor Severus Snape.


Oh my, what is this place? How did I come to be here? Pip?

Where is my Prince? I must have fallen very far…

Mar. 29th, 2008


Y'all complain too much. Just suck it up and deal with it. It's just water. It'll only hurt you if you're that Wicked Witch of the West or whatever.

Mar. 27th, 2008


Whine, whine, whine. It's all you people do. It's just rain. Get over it.

Mar. 13th, 2008


Tut, tut

You lot sure do whine about this prolonged eclipse often.

Mar. 8th, 2008


All work and no play make Dawn go something, something...

Never thought I'd say this, but I actually miss Buffy. A lot.

Also, found a book that is stumping me. I think it's some form of arabic but I'm really not having any luck, so if anyone, and I'm pretty sure this is a long shot here, is really good with ancient forms of arabic I'd love you forever. Come on, someone here has to be as geeky, if not more, as me.


I know this might just be a bit of a long shot, but does anybody know of any good, reliable magick shops around the area? Preferably one where the people know what they're talking about, what they're selling and.. it'd be a huge bonus if they were witches. Actual witches. Not a bunch of new-age men with a dozen marijuana plants growing in a tiny greenhouse out the back of their shop. Not that the marijuana would still be alive, but whatever.


January 2010




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