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Jan. 16th, 2009


Real funny, Dawn. Now where the hell are you?

Jan. 13th, 2009


Uhh.. how'd Foster's get here? How'd I get here? Where's here exactly, anyway? ARRGH, this is so confusing! Where are Frankie and Madame Foster and Mr. Herriman? Everybody else is here, but they're not, and Eduardo's panicking, and Bloo keeps trying to run out and explore, and Coco's REALLY LOUD and Wilt's trying to be helpful and he's only IN THE WAY and now I'm confused and frustrated and the spell-check on this thing isn't very good!

Mom's gonna be really mad if I'm not home for dinner.

Oh, hey, Coco found a newspaper. I guess we're in Los Angeles.

WHY ARE WE IN LOS ANGELES? Oh my gosh! I'm gonna get grounded!

Jan. 3rd, 2009


I miss my dad. And Spencer. He made the best cupcakes.

[Ranger Filter]
I think it's time we do more than train and patrol together. Why don't you guys come over to my and Tori's place and we'll have a movie night?

Dec. 28th, 2008


I was arguing and trading nasty insults talking with one of my former employees when he starts calling me meany head and stupid, then kicks me in the shin and runs away. And there's other people acting like him? What the fuck is going on in this city now?

Dec. 26th, 2008




[ooc: I greatly apologize for the caps. Mack is excited.]

Dec. 23rd, 2008


Some little old lady hit me with her cane at the mall. How is that even fair? It's not like you can fight back, she's just a little old lady with a cane so you pretty much just have to take it. Christmas makes people crazy.

Dec. 22nd, 2008


So...Christmas...not really looking forward to it this year. I saw something I wanted to get for someone I love, but...I can't afford it. This sucks.

Dec. 18th, 2008


If this is the start to another Apocolypse I am going to be very, very annoyed.

Dec. 13th, 2008


Is it strange that I suddenly find myself wishing Alpha were here? And that Kira was still alive...

Dec. 9th, 2008


custom filter: to rangers, Nathan Petrelli, Cordelia Chase, Sarah Petrelli.

Peter Petrelli of Angel Investigations has gone missing. Early this morning his brother Nathan asked for help. They've been there for me even when they didn't have to be, even after I turned my back on th left the team. Peter is a real friend and would be doing what he could for us if the situation were reversed, so we need to do what we can to offer our assistance. This does NOT mean we go provoking or poking things this just means we patrol. We spread out and comb the city because their are so many of us, somebody has to hear or see something. If you think theirs anything you can do or know about this/heard anything please speak up now. I'll be visiting a few sources later this evening and seeing what I can get out of them if anyone wants to tag along.

[ooc: last edit I swear XD;]

Dec. 4th, 2008


I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged.



[Hyperion filter]
Thank you for your support. It meant alot to us.

I don't think I can stay at Isis tonight, everything reminds me of her.

I've been so tired lately I haven't been thinking straight. Sorry to whoever's room I walked into in the middle of the night through the wall. I didn't mean to scare anybody, I thought it was mine.

Are there things that need killing?

[Peter Petrelli and Sarah]
Heard through some friends you're getting married today. Congratulations to you both.



I've made a decision.

I'm getting a cat and naming him Spot. (If you get that, you're awesome!)

That okay with you, Tor?

[Dawn Summers]
You're still alive over there, right?

[Bart Allen]
Hey, dude, can I talk to you about something...weird? I mean maybe it's not weird for most people, but I'm not most people. I'm not even people, I'm a machine.

Dec. 2nd, 2008


Rangers+Kat Filter

Hey guys? Ignore Spike (the guy who says he wants us to disappear or whatever). That's just how he is. Don't take it personally.

Dec. 1st, 2008


filtered, mack )


filtered from baddies

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mack Hartford, leader of the Power Rangers here in LA. We've lost one of ours again, Kira Ford. Jack is convinced she's still alive and is looking for her now, but I'm sure he's just going to come back with a body. I know there are a lot of you who knew her, which is the reason for this post. I want to have some kind of memorial for her and anyone who wants to come is invited. Problem is...I really don't know what she would have wanted. It's not one of those things you talk about while you're training together. If you have ideas, I'm open to them.

Nov. 25th, 2008


filtered to Mack

So that's her huh..? The one who left?


You're kidding. Someone please tell me I'm just crazy and it's not the end of November? Please?

Buffy... please still be here.

Also... where's my stuff?

Nov. 19th, 2008


Filtered to Faith

I meant to send you a message the other day, but I had a big speech to give. Anyway, I wanted to say I'm sorry if any of my team is giving you trouble. I've been slacking as leader. If you wanna lecture me, go right ahead. I deserve it.

But yeah...I'm sorry.

Nov. 17th, 2008


Filtered to Power Rangers [and rather accidentally to Faith]

[ooc: Accidental filtering. All the cool kids are doing it.]

I'll go ahead and say it. I haven't been much of a leader the past month. Yeah, I've had some things on my mind, but that's not excuse, and it stops now.

First on the list: we are a team. Do you hear me? A TEAM. None of you should be going off to fight someone/thing on your own, I don't care how good you think you are. You should have at least two other rangers with you, if not more, and make sure me, Tori or Kat know where you are. If I catch any of you doing any less, you'll be cleaning my and Tori's bathroom with your own toothbrush.

Second, yes, I realize not a lot of people here take us seriously. The reality of our world has been reduced to a dorky kids' show. So what? There are people out there who need us. Don't let anyone else talk you out of helping those who can't help themselves.

However, some of the people you've been arguing with are right. This isn't our world and there's a lot of things we don't understand, and even more things we'd be no match for. Yes, it's hard, especially considering some of thing things some of you are going through, but show some respect to the natives of this world. They've been here their whole lives, they know a lot better than we do. If you want to rant, do it to each other, or even better, channel your anger into something productive like workouts and research. We don't need to be fighting people who are on the same side as us. It's not just counterproductive, but it gives everyone more reason to think we're just a bunch of stupid kids. I don't care so much, I'm only two and a half, but I know some of you do. Think about that before you bite someone's head off.

Come on, guys. If we're going to be a team, we need to start acting like a team.

And stay away from that Caleb guy. He gives me the creeps

Thanks for the kick in the pants. I needed that.

Nov. 16th, 2008


I'm staying away from this, but

Anyone who's planning on going after Caleb? I don't care who you are or what you think you're capable of. Don't do it.

Nov. 15th, 2008


I have to go away. I have to leave for a while.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.

[ooc: buffy is back to normal now. and the mega guilt ensues!]

Nov. 8th, 2008


This place is giving me a headache. I don't even know what I'm eating for breakfast tomorrow and people want to tell me my future

vampires weren't that bad. A bit harder to kill than basic monsters. But I think theirs seriously something weird going on here. aside from the fact that the rift hates me. I went to check on that boy Toshio and there were just cats, but then there weren't cats and..I.think his place may be...haunted.

[Filtered to Rangers]
I may have over reacted slightly yesterday.Who wouldn't This city obviously needs help and I was called here for a reason, so I'll do whatever I can to help. I've only been here two days and I can tell it's not in good shape. I think we should meet..I don't want to lead..

I'm sorry
I was harsh
fuck it I can't do th

Nov. 7th, 2008


[Filtered against the bad guys]

I have noticed something lately. And it has perturbed me. Now we are currently a Slayer down (and yes I know I played a part in that) so I feel a little pop quiz is in order.

If you're a native of this world, you're disqualified.

And looking up the answers is cheating. If you're in a fight you won't have the time to look up the answers in books, so don't do it now.

Question 1. Give me three ways to kill a vampire.

Question 2. What kills a Fyral demon?

Question 3. If you shoot a Strom demon in the face will you kill it or make it angry?

Question 4. Stabbing a Vengeance demon in the heart has what effect?

Question 5. What is the primary risk in facing an Ethros demon?

Question 6. What is the Polgara demon's primary defense?

Question 7. Why should you be wary around a Nurbatch demon?

And Question 8.

If you failed to answer any of the previous questions and yet happen to run into these creatures, what is the correct course of action?

ETA: to avoid cheating, filter your initial answers.

Nov. 5th, 2008


Filtered to Friends and allies

[ooc: If you think your character might be including in this, they probably are. Mack's a pretty friendly guy.]

What do you do when someone you really made a connection with maybe even loved just disappears? I know it happens a lot here, that's why I'm asking. I don't know what to do. She's really gone. And now her sister is running around killing people with stakes. Not vampires, people,and I don't know what to do about it. I don't know if I can do something about it. I want to, for her. She would want me to help.

I'm sorry to my team. I know I haven't been much of a leader lately. If I snapped at you, I'm sorry. With everything that's happened, I haven't really been myself. Maybe you should upgrade to a newer model.

Nov. 4th, 2008


I miss home, and my team..Bridge, Syd, even Sky and D.C.. Z if you ever tell him I'll deny it. I can almost see him glaring at me for even writing him into this. We don't get along but that doesn't mean I don't care. I wish they were here. It would make all this so much easier.

Find a place?



I love you.
lyrics )


Filtered to Rangers

I...can't believe I did something so foolish

I'm sorry. I'm back. There are sweets on the counter..did I miss anything? You're all alright? please be alright..

Oct. 31st, 2008


I'm not even going out. I'm just going to sit here and eat candy.

Oct. 29th, 2008


Are you okay? Sorry we haven't talked in a while but I've been a little busy. Please don't be gone...

Dawn's still here, right? I heard people disappear sometimes...

[ooc: Yeah, Dawn's gone, but he had to try.]

Oct. 22nd, 2008


Rangers Filter

[ooc: Post-patrolling. Pissed!Mack is pissed.]

Charlie Marquez, as of this moment you are no longer part of this team. Your second chance? You've had it, and you blew it. Now we all know just how much you really care about this city and the people living in it. It doesn't matter what they think of us. We help the helpless, we fight for those who can't fight for themselves, not to be praised but because it's the right thing to do. That's who the Power Rangers are, but it's obviously not who you are.

If I thought you'd do it, I'd tell you to turn in your morpher. Since I know you won't, just remember you're outnumbered. Now stay away from my team.

[ooc: In case you're wondering, Yami, yes, I used "we help the helpless" on purpose.]

Oct. 17th, 2008


I was asked for an autograph the other day.

Oct. 15th, 2008


She thought I was going to take away her sins.

I did. But it only made her scream.


Filtered against FEMALES.

That's it. I give up. Women are bloody well insane.

Oct. 13th, 2008


Hello, LA! Hope you're having as great a day as I am! I have a HEARTBEAT!

Oct. 12th, 2008


[ooc: Backdated to earlier today, because IJ was being mean. Strike outs are strike outs, not deleted text. That means your characters can read it.]

Rangers, we're cutting patrol an hour short tonight in favor of celebrating Casey's return. You can go back out there after if you want, as long as you don't go alone, but I won't be with you. Any suggestions on where to celebrate? Kira, don't say The Roadhouse, you can go there later. Casey's choice, which is pizza.

Faith, you owe me a hug.


Hi there, does someone else got a question to ask me? The truth is fine and I am not going to smite people because they are curious. That fruit offer was all right, Crowley.


That...was the weirdest dream I've ever had. It was a dream wasn't it? I remember lots of blood. Then darkness. Now I think I'm confused. What's going on here.

Oct. 11th, 2008


Filtered against baddies and all females


Oct. 10th, 2008


Cramps, tampons, PMS. Ooh, scary.

Oct. 9th, 2008


OK, maybe I should have noticed this before, but I don't spend much time on computers or watching the television.

...fictional? Wikipedia, I do not like you.

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