Nov. 20th, 2008



Nov. 17th, 2008


Joe's missing.

Nov. 15th, 2008


I really just want to go home.

Nov. 14th, 2008


It's official, even not at Hogwarts, History of Magic is boring. Very, very boring.

Nov. 5th, 2008


Filtered to the Weir

I've been asked if another wizard can move here. I understand she is not from our time, or our world, but she has similar powers. I imagine it would be a bit like having a first year raised by Muggles and I know all about that. We've opened this place to Amelia Solo, and others have come to visit, but are we okay with another wizard living with us? She's a young teenager, and she would likely need a bit of guidance.

Oct. 17th, 2008


Filtered against HP people

So uhm, maybe an odd question, maybe not. Does anyone happen to have a copy of book seven, you know, Harry Potter? Bloody hell this is embarrassing

Oct. 14th, 2008


Mum? Dad? Hugo? I swear if your responsible for this-


I have absolutely no idea what's going on here or even where 'here' is supposed to be.

Oct. 12th, 2008


Mum? Dad? Lils?

Bloody hell, I'd settle for Malfoy right now. Someone just tell me what's going on!

Oct. 9th, 2008


I can't, I just can't deal with thi A parent should never have to bury their child. Nothing justifies it. It's like he took a piece of me with him...

I don't know what to do with myself.

[Lily Luna]
How are you managing, love? Can I do anything? Get you anything?

Oct. 5th, 2008


how could they leave me...
they're supposed to take care of me...
I hate this bloody city and it's bloody apocalypse.

Sep. 19th, 2008


Alright, I know that I’ve been kept up for two days in a row by my daughter’s refusal to stop crying and her never ending demand for attention, but I can’t be falling into the hallucinations just yet.

I was told that those would take another four days.

And if this god awful woman doesn’t stop looking over my shoulder. I’m perfectly capable of

Sep. 17th, 2008


Oh. Wonderful. I'm hallucinating. Fine, world, if this is when you want to finally drop the mental breakdown in my lap, have at it.


Why does everyone say that I've been here before?

Sep. 16th, 2008


Hey, anyone want to go to the arcade with me?


for the HP lot, no Death Eaters

Why are you lot not flying yet? We've got more than enough for a decent game of Quidditch.

And don't start ragging on about the bloody Death Eaters. There's been plenty of matches they haven't bollocksed up. I'm sure not planning on letting them ruin my life anymore than they already have.


louis weasley! this isnt funny so stop your games and return me home right away.

Sep. 14th, 2008


Fiddle dee dee, said Scarlett. Fiddle dee dee indeed.

So, where ARE you all, my adoring fans?


Sitting here and trying to come up with an activity that would keep me stimulated and far away from the clutches of boredom, I have decided to put down in ink (permanent) an official list of people (who currently live here) who should keep their filthy, disgusting hands away from my baby sister.

Come Within a Five Mile Radius and Suffer the Extreme, Embarrassing Consequences.

The list is as follows:

Any member of *NSYNC

This list is subject to change and grow at any given moment.

Sep. 13th, 2008


I fell out of the sky two hours ago. The ground almost broke my broom. This place is so lucky that it’s in one piece, because you people would never hear the end of it if it wasn’t.

And why didn’t anyone ever buy me one of these? I can do anything on this thing. This is the best Muggle invention ever.

Also, I have a cupcake. It’s strawberry.


Muggles are so clever This message board is very clever. Do all of you spend all day talking to each other on it?

Oh! Perhaps I should introduce myself. Lily Potter, formerly of Godric's Hollow the afterlife? a storybook place England.


filtered to Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Potter (Jr.)

Is it just me, or do we suddenly have a lot of people here from the Wizarding World who have no idea who any of us are?

Sep. 12th, 2008


Filtered to HP peeps

((this is open to Lily, James, Bella, Scorpius, Remus, Tonks, Lav, and RAB, in addition to all of Harry's family, because of the way he hexed it, but NOT Peter, lol..It comes after this thread, once I finish it!))

The sale came through! We have a building all to ourselves. There are 14 apartments total, so I hope it will be enough for us all, and any newcomers. So far, everything has been stable since Albus returned, and I hope it stays that way.

Tonks, I know you and Remus have taken in your aunt at your place. I'm not totally comfortable with her here but She seems to be making amends, so as long as we have a promise of no misbehavior if she goes near one of my kids, I'll kill her she can come stay.

Al, the same applies for Merope.

I would like it if we are all in one place. We would be able to use our magick here without worrying about neighbors or other Muggles. The place is nice, it had a little courtyard and the apartments surround it. Pretty secluded.

And now Ginny and I will have a place to ourselves

Sep. 8th, 2008


I actually found a building which sold nothing but metal albums. Imagine the joy and despair I felt when I found a bootleg copy of Mayhem's "Dawn of the Black Hearts".

So I stole it.


This again?
Mum... Dad.. Al? Anyone still here?

Apr. 13th, 2008


This is five shades of awful. Who the bloody hell did this? If it was you, Scorpius I am going to hex you so fast that you won't remember the alphabet. It is completely uncalled for to do this during N.E.W.T.s. In fact, forget the hexing, I'll blow up your entire dormitory.

Hi, I'm Dominique Weasley and I'm very confused.

Apr. 11th, 2008


Okay, I'm definitely pissed off now! Seriously.. what the fuck? Did someone turn my bag into a portkey? I shouldn't even be here.

Not in this place, not in this time. Someone better give me answers! I demand an explanation for this bullshit. Immediately.


My sister and my best mate are destined to get married. They have kids. Some of those kids are here. They're calling me uncle.

So here's what I want to know: am I allowed to be freaking out right now? Even a little? Raise of hands? Or, you know, comments.


Bloody hell....

James Sirius Potter!!!
I don't know how... I don't know why... but I'm certain this is your fault somehow and you FIX IT RIGHT NOW!!!!

January 2010




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