Jan. 13th, 2010


Holy Crap they got Buffy.

I don't know who THEY are yet but I found her Scythe...I was meant to meet her for coffee after patrol to try and work something out on what to do.

And I can't find Vi either. Not anywhere. She's not answering her phone or anything. Something's getting staked for this. Or at least hit a lot.

...Faith you're still around right?

Dec. 28th, 2009


Sometimes I wonder if it would be bad for my whole Redemption to off a few of those hippie witch types that come in and out of the shop all the time. They have no idea what the world is and I think it'd do us all a favour.

Decided it'd be a bad plan, Still I hated the sixties. Full of them. Did have Jim Morrison though. He was allowed be a hippie.

[ooc: And Ruby is Truth Spelled as per Sam and Anya's cunning plan. I think it will last over a day correct me guys if I'm wrong before wearing off. Its not a publicised thing but might not be too hard to figure out she's being more blunt than usual!]

Dec. 27th, 2009


Alright, I am going to follow Angel's example here and make up a list of exactly who is on my team. This is going to...
Put it off for months now.
And now it comes down to...
So Buffy. Where do you even stand?

And a second list of who is interested in joining my team. (either in a primary capacity, or a secondary capacity to Fred's research team- this means you report to her first and then to me if she doesn't need you and I need to make up the numbers.)

For those who don't know, I am Faith and I run the Offensive Team at Angel Investigations. Being on the Offensive Teams is a full time commitment. It's not easy and it's not casual. My team covers every single area of the city every single night without fail. This is regardless of who else is in the city at the time, we at AI make sure we cover the city, every night. We fight demons and vampires and do everything we can to protect the citizens of Los Angeles. Joining my team means three things.
1- Nightly patrols in pairs, on the route I assigned.
2- Training sessions with me, three times a week. This is not optional.
3- Reports after every single patrol. Again, this is not optional. I need to know exactly what was seen in which areas, and take the reports to Fred if more research is needed.

This is the regular routine, in addition there are complications if a new and improved bad guy hits the city. Also, we have the walk in-clients. The files get looked at by the command team and cases get assigned by us according to the relevant skills needed. So, let me know now who you are, so I can make sure this city is as protected as it can be.


Right, Now that we're past the big day and all that I'd like to know what comprises AI right now. Who's on the team, what they do, who wants to be on the team and what they can offer. Who lives in the hotel?

I'm still new at all this with this many people and this seems the best way.


Are you actually ever gonna take this seriously and discuss what we need to do, or do I get to do all the legwork. There might not be conveniant heroic necklaces to wear next time there's a threat

Dec. 20th, 2009


Medic. Band-aids. Chocolate.

Apparently things are becoming more solid.

Dec. 17th, 2009


Is anyone not seeing ...things?


The Powers have decided the city has been too long without a champion and that its changed enough to require two.

Its me and Spike.

Now I assure you all nothing will change and the fact we're from here will have no bearing on anything we do in terms of the responsibility. Technicly this isn't my version of LA either remember.

Anyway, thats the state of things. Any questions you have feel free to direct them to us or the heads of AI. Probably me and the heads of the departments cause Spike's a mor...


Not sure what Petrelli's gonna do. he's said he'd stay on as legal. But do we need a second. He was that for his brother. And now there are two of us. We don't need to be managed particularly.
And apparently tech and magic is one position which unless your someone like Jenny Calander is a bit much. How do you feel about splitting it and looking at Tara or that witch that can teleport...Paige Matthews?. And Tech, the Jedi woman mentioned a girl called Ed had visited, Get together with Faith and Fred and make a decision?

[Faith & Fred]

We have Offensive and Research covered, what do you think to tech, and splitting magic and tech into seperate things?. I don't want Spike and I making decisions like that when its you two and Petrelli that have been running things since the Powers relieved his brother.

Dec. 6th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

I've been working on spending more time out of the house. Looking for a job, finally. No interviews yet, but I'm patient. I can wait.

On the other hand, I tried my hand at hunting tonight. Found a nest of nasty looking vamps. Took on a handful, but I need to go back and wipe the place out as soon as I get patched up and gather more supplies. I want to get them before they abandon the place, so if there's anyone out there who wants to help out? It'd be sort of awesome if you could.

[Filtered to Faith]
That'd include you.

Look, I've been meaning to talk to you.

[Filtered to The Hyperion/allies/friends of Faith - hidden from Faith]

Faith's birthday is on the 14th. I'm gonna throw her a party. I've got the finances to buy supplies, I just need to figure out where we ought to do this along with who is going to show and be involved. Mind helping a guy out?

Dec. 4th, 2009


Custom Filters

[Filtered to the Slayers]

We need some serious bonding time. So I'm proposing a night of kicking demon asses, followed by beer and blowing off steam at a club. You know, girly stuff.

[Filtered to Angel]

I've barely seen you since you turned up here you know. I think this should change.

[Filtered to Spike]

So if I decided to earn myself some more cash at your club, how annoyed would you be that I win every fight?

Nov. 30th, 2009


Well that was unique even for this place. Anyone else feel like they've been punched in the stomach and can't get breath back?

[Sam] (Visible to Faith & Cas)

You okay?. You back?

[John & Dean]

I'm well aware you weren't yourselves. I'd like to forget what happened.


It got mixed up, its still mixed up in my head, but, there are spells I can work, memory wiping stuff...I mean if you wanted. If it would be easier.

You're a good father...
I know you still want me dead...
You deserve to want me de...

...Megan's gonna be a lucky kid

Nov. 29th, 2009


[ooc: forward-dated to the 30th]

Ruby are yo I am going to stake that Wolfram and Hart bitch and no one had better try and stop me I just wanted everyone to know if they dare to go and beat Lilah into the ground without me, that there will be hell to pay.


Thank you. For looking for me.

Nov. 26th, 2009


[Board B]

Business dinner deals are the most boring thing in the world. People seem absolutely positive I'm still ten.

On the plus side, Titanic is on tonight on pay per view. I could use some cheesy "Never let go" lines while I finish a never ending essay.

Nov. 21st, 2009


Board B

Didn't  place...didn't actually get to go the circut.

He threw me, he actually threw me. I'm fine and everything, just bruised. But what the hell is going on. Storm has never freaked at me like that and the vet couldn't find anything wrong. He's not doing it to anyone else either.

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to feel about it now but confused scared

Nov. 17th, 2009


[Board B]

 Storm was acting funny when I went by the stables earlier...kinda,...skittish with me. Me? I don't get it and seriously this better not last till the weekend or there goes mty chances of placing.

Also I'm worried, he's never like that with me.

Nov. 15th, 2009


[Board B]

Did you know The Green River killer was married with five children? He also was a decorated U.S. Army National Guard helicopter pilot. Makes one wonder if anyone around them is a serial killer.

Maybe one of you on this board is! Hmmm?


[Board B]

Foster Father for sale. I'll let you take him off my hands for nothing more than a pack of gum and a good enough kidnapping note. I'll even provide the rope. He works hard for his money and he'll penny-pinch every sing he cleans after himself. He's intelligent and expects nothing but the best. He looks out for you aka he watches your every move like you're some sort of.

The only fault is that he piddles. No lie. However, I'm sure if you had more patience than I do, you'd be able to train him.

[Filtered to Ruby]

You busy tonight?

Oct. 25th, 2009


Who dumps someone off in the middle of MacArthur Park in their PJs? If this is over the last bagel, that's just...wrong. I need to be back in New York so if the responsible person could set it right? I'd really appreciate it.

Oct. 22nd, 2009


meme, might as well )


I don't know why I even wanted to do this, maybe Claire is right about it being fun when we do these, or maybe people might learn something they didn't before, maybe its this whole, be an open book thing I'm trying...

Anyway whatever, have a meme...Its mostly completely honest for once and everything

The meme thing )

Oct. 19th, 2009


[Posted right after her text]

Things you need to know:

-The 'scary movie' franchise gets more lame over the years. Don't watch them.
-So does the Dance Movies.
-Make sure you stick together, you're stronger that way.
-Buy all the Michael Jackson CDs you can.
-Don't argue over stupid things like who's in charge, who's the best, and who's top dog. Just don't.
-Kanye West is a douche bag. Boycott him now.

It was nice meeting the past yous. Take care.

Cathy, I will be at your house soon in the future looking for cookies. Lindsey, I will still be expecting an explanation for withholding stories from me. We're going to talk.

Mom, be social. Dad, that bartender with the stupid tattoo on his hand owes you money. About twenty bucks right now, but it will be more in the future, fire him now. Faith, you're awesome. Enough said.

Oct. 18th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

There's still a city out there and less people on patrols with the heroes off being heroic and to the rescue so I'll be helping with that tonight. Covering Faith's if..

Was gonna say if there were no objections, but honestly, I don't care if there are. I'm covering her route.

Anyone up for coming with and making sure the non evil demons don't think I'm trying to get them killed again?

Oct. 16th, 2009


I believe I said I was tired of being 'ported against my will to random places.

Whoever did this, you better damn well hope you have an entire army protecting you. Though that might not be enough.

Frigging Russia.

Oct. 2nd, 2009


So I was looking back over this thing...

Why did no one tell me about the "Wee Little Puppet Man"?! You're supposed to share these things!

Sep. 30th, 2009


Why am I in Los Angeles? Why does the date say that it is two thousand and six? What kind of sorcery is this? Tell me who is responsible for taking me away from my mission in Sunnydale? I nee want to know right now.

January 2010




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