Mar. 6th, 2008


I'm only going to say it once and if you have to ask for what, it's not meant for you.

I'm sorry.

I hate saying that word.

Feb. 17th, 2008


The next damn time I try to go up against a demon shaped as someone I care about, I am not hesitating.

Ow...I hurt in more places than it should be humanely possible..

I am now going to go crawl back into bed, take two tylennol and hope to God it stops hurting.

Feb. 12th, 2008


I think I'm actually liking this sun blotted out thing. Brings a little character to the city.

Feb. 4th, 2008


Where the hell did the sun go?


Feb. 1st, 2008


I LOVE DEAN WINCHESTER! (as a brother)

And that is the announcement of the day. Yup.

Jan. 2nd, 2008


Where the bloody fuck am I?!


I swear to God, if this is a joke of Magneto's, I am going to personally rip his bones from his body.

Or if one of you are hiding my lover brother, may God have mercy on your souls, for I will have NONE on your bodies.


He's real. He's real. He's real. He's not just a dream. He's real.

He's right there.

I don't feel so good.

Leia.. Jaina. Be careful, okay? Please?


You know, it would really make things so much easier if he were only a female. Granted, he'd still be a bit young, but that would certainly make things more convenient in the end. Child of a child, hm?

I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of entertainment in this city. Granted, my work has been progressing quite well, given the wide variety of available 'demonic' specimens, but still-- pleasure must come first from time to time. And that interfering creature--! How dare he step into my Sendings! .. Still. He has quite a mind.

Dec. 22nd, 2007


There never is a dull day here, is there? I mean, honestly!

Then again, thats like asking for a dull day at the mansion, ya know? Totally never happening. Ever.

I mean, lawyers falling out of the sky on fire, what the hells up with that?


Does that sound like..St. John like anyone?

Dec. 19th, 2007


I can't sleep. Bad dreams.


Okay, so..

bored now.

No Wolvie to annoy, no Gumbo to irritate. But..the no Wolvie part is pretty much the point, I suppose.

I just miss Gumbo. By jujeebies I've got myself into it this time. I might have to call home just to talk to ol' Gumbo. But I wonder if that'd bring Wolvie out this way.

Well..hopefully not.


Dec. 10th, 2007


I sense that there are others with...power here. Not just us jedi Force-users.

January 2010




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