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Feb. 25th, 2009


If there's at least one good thing about what's happening, it's that the price of some houses have dropped. Someone was selling a house for 75% less than market value; all because someone died in it. Something about hauntings, or some crap like that.

Yes, I bought it. If I experience any hauntings I'll be sure to call Ghost Busters.

Feb. 13th, 2009


Filtered away from the under 12 set

Sooo, Valentine's day is nearly here, huh? Well it just so happens that I have a story to share with everyone. Except for the little children.

Gather around boys and girls! )

Feb. 9th, 2009


[filtered against baddies]

I've fallen so far, and strayed so much. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find myself again. I wonder if I'll ever find my way back to him who I used to be.

[ooc: emo!Lois has been thinking too much. Hack the strike at will.]

Jan. 30th, 2009


Filtered away from children under 12

Can anyone believe that this video was nominated for an Academy award in 2000 for best animated short film?

see it here )

Jan. 27th, 2009


Those pits are something else. I saw a man being possessed by a demon enter those pits. When he came out, he was completely healed. Then this other guy came out, introduce himself as Niel, and him and this guy became best friends.


[AN: Bullshit alert! Bullshit alert!]

Jan. 17th, 2009


Listen up all of you over 21ers, because Father Vincent has something to share with you. It's an important thing that could save you from pain.

Don't drink cheap vodka.

Now I'm going to be sick again. Cheap ass Crystal Palace vodka.

Dec. 30th, 2008


Filtered away from the 12 and under set. (Physical and mental)

I just realized something. I think that we would all be happier, and better off, if we just accept the fact that everything causes death.

Dec. 28th, 2008



Any pretty girls wanna go on a date with me?


[ooc: Have a Vincent who thinks he's 13.]



Dec. 26th, 2008


In six days someone's going to be born. In six days someone's going to die. The birth and death will happen a nanosecond apart.

ETA: Because SOME people are highly sensitive/stupid/ignorant...

The above? Reference to the coming of the new year. 2005 will die, and 2006 will be born.

To all the parents who are reading this: If you have young children, and you're letting them go on the computer unsupervised, it's your fault if they read bad words on this thing. And it also makes you a bad parent.

So, how was everybody's Christmas!

Dec. 18th, 2008


It's Raining Frogs! Holy Shit! - It's Raining Frogs! Oh fuck!
I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get
Absolutely fucking sick!
It's Raining Frogs! Holy Shit!
It's Raining Frogs! Another Apocalypse!

Dec. 14th, 2008


[Filtered against anyone who's out for Alessa's blood, and filtered against Dahlia]

The woman who keeps killing people, Alessa? It's all a part of a larger ritual. Her mother intends to sacrifice the good half of Alessa (because she's a virgin, or something like that, anyways it doesn't matter.) to some evil god. If this succeeds the evil side of Alessa will turn into a monster who will devour the entire city.

[ooc: It's Vincent, he had to make a bullshit post about this at some point.]

Dec. 12th, 2008


13 Days!


Any reason why Alessa's acting like a complete psychopath, and do you realize what this could do to the church?

In other news, the offerings for this month totaled up to $750. So it was actually $1,000, but I took a 25% share of it.

Dec. 8th, 2008


Only 17 more days until Capitalism Day! :D

Oh, and since some people can't seem to read between the lines.

I love that day! :D

ETA 2: And some people can't take a joke.

Dec. 7th, 2008


This is my first Christmas in this century. Any suggestions?


The skeeball scene here is awesome! But I guess it's time to do adult things now.

Ugh, that sucks.

Dec. 4th, 2008


I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged.


Nov. 29th, 2008


Filtered to the bad guys, minus demons, and gods )

Nov. 28th, 2008


Hello good people, my name is Alan Shore. I don't suppose any of you would care to fill me in on why I'm no longer in Boston and seem to be in LA of all places? And why I seem unable to contact any of my firm's offices?

I work for the law firm, Crane, Poole and Schmidt if that's any help.

Nov. 22nd, 2008


I think I like this. I'm not helpless.. I can't be helpless, anymore. It's almost like it has filled this void in my life. I didn't have anything, or anyone before. I was dead afterall. But now I've got protection, and... It's given me life, so how can I deny it the same privilege?

It can be controlled, Eddie said so. That alone means I've got to give it a chance.. right? Sure it might want to hurt friends, and it has (and I'm really still sorry for that), but I would never, and I've got that will power on my side atleast.

I just need to be strong. I think. It's dependant on me, so why not be dependant on it in return? I can't get rid of it so I have to accept it.

So no more pills and loading myself up with work to keep awake. No being in at night by 5pm. I'm just going to live life like I did before I died, just.. with a slightly complicated side issue. I'm going to be the old, hip Gwen I used to be.

I think I just need to start over, with certain aspects of my life atleast. Hi everyone, my name's Gwen Stacy. I'm not crazy, just complicated. I've got the steady job working for the Hardy Foundation to prove it. I'm originally from New York and attended ESU for chemical engineering and genetics. Growing up I was a closet nerd, and still am. All my life I've wanted to be a model but that probabl won't ever happen now.

I'd appologize for everything I've done but, that'd be too big of a post. Just, know that it's not really me and I'd never hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it.
I'm not a monster.
Maybe a little intoxicated at the moment.

(ooc: reposting because I didn't like what I had the first time)

Nov. 21st, 2008


I'm beginning to think that I need to interact with more people here. I've been so busy with I don't know many of you and I'm certain that many of you don't know me. In a city like this one, I think that it would be wise for those of us who are capable of being friendly and polite to interact with one another, don't you? Stay away from the bad things and instead focus on the good. I certainly can't sit around and claim that I am the good that you need in your life, but at the very least, I hope that I can become a friend.

I thought about telling you all a few things about myself, but I decided to do something different instead. There were a few surveys floating around the office today (I was applying for work) and I decided to fill one out, just to entertain myself a little. Feel free to do the same. It may be a good way for us to start talking!

Survey. )

Nov. 19th, 2008


[Filtered to Vincent]

As you may have seen, we have been blessed with the arrival of a Holy One here in Los Angeles. One of the feminine aspect, no less.

I spoke with Her, and She is especially interested in anyone who can move between dimensions. I of course thought of Alessa, but meanwhile if you know anything or can find out, I would like to know.

I'll pay you well for the information.

Nov. 18th, 2008


[Filtered to Dahlia]

I've gotten a few people interested in attending your church. At seven it's not much, but they'll tell others about it. Sometime this week I want to take a look at the building, and see if anything needs to be done to bring it up to code if it needs it.

Nov. 16th, 2008


It sure is a beautiful night out tonight? Does anybody else agree with me?


Did you receive my package?


What's the name of the church you're starting up?

Nov. 12th, 2008


I have opened up a small antique store at [address]. I plan to stock some nice rare items so please feel free to come by and look.

There is also a possibility I will be holding religious services if there is local interest.

[Filtered to Vincent]

I don't suppose you brought any White Claudia with you from Silent Hill?

Nov. 6th, 2008


I have now decided that for no apparent reason I now hate people with blue eyes, except for Benny Jay. I also hate dogs, because one pissed on my shoe. I also hate my hair, and shall get it cut.

Sorry, I needed to vent.


Heather, how smart do you think your mother is?

Nov. 24th, 2008


Filtered AWAY from Dahlia

A new woman by the name of Dahlia has arrived. Now, I'm not one to judge people, but there's something about her you need to know.

Dahlia is the leader of a cannibalistic dooms day cult. Her, and her followers believed that they could obtain salvation by kidnapping young girls, burning them and eating them.

So, just be careful folks.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


So, I seem to find myself in Los Angeles. It's quite different from the little town of Silent Hill where I'm from. Very busy, not like that sleepy place.

And so many people! It's quite exciting really. I'm sure someone will help me settle in here, now that I've come?

Oct. 21st, 2008


Guess who he is.

Well, well, what do we have here? Valtiel? Where are you?

Now this is such a wonderful site to behold! All of you people milling about completely unaware that you lack salvation. It's alright, because I'm here to offer it to you.

All I require is a small sacrifice.

Oct. 30th, 2008


Looks like Halloween is tomorrow. Tomorrow night children will go door to door and ask for candy; adults will throw wild parties; conservative Christians will beguile us with the evils of Halloween; Jack Chick will release yet another tract explaining that Halloween is Satan's birthday; the Satanists will either have wild orgies, or sacrifice something; and someone else will pout because their dog Timmy was ran over on Halloween. And they have never gotten over it.

Sadly, not many people here know about the true story of Halloween. Thankfully, I'm here to tell you.

cut for story )

Oct. 27th, 2008


I love you Los Angeles.

Oct. 23rd, 2008


I'm going to miss Silent Hill: The Metropolis.

No, no actually I'm not. Oh, it was very fascinating. Exactly like finding a dead cat on the road, and you can't help but poke it with a stick until the grown ups finally get rid of it.

With that out of the way, would anyone like to go out for a drink? I could use one right now, and I'm not drinking alone.

Oct. 22nd, 2008


Geesh. So much for a break after the Apocalypse. A young girl can't take a break anymore. Tell me the mist and the corpses are just pure Halloween show.

Oct. 21st, 2008


I hate this.

On the bright side I found a perfectly harmless monster and I've been examining it for quite some time. It's rather quite fascinating!


Filtered against baddies.

What in the frilly heck is going on?!

Oct. 20th, 2008


Anyone else just as bothered by this fog as I am? Not only that, but people should watch out for the random splotches of delicious raspberry jam on the streets. I almost slipped on one.

Oct. 12th, 2008



Oct. 9th, 2008


Is this stupid Apocalypse almost over with?

Oct. 7th, 2008


This is pretty depressing.

Not even the fact that I have a lot of money is making me feel good at all. I should be out there preaching some end time message, but I've never been one for that.

I think my time in this paradise is starting to end.

May I not see that bitch Claudia when I go to Hell.

Sep. 30th, 2008


So, this is the Apocalypse? Heather, I get the feeling that this is one you won't be able to stop.

I've been delivering cases of water to people.

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