Oct. 18th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

There's still a city out there and less people on patrols with the heroes off being heroic and to the rescue so I'll be helping with that tonight. Covering Faith's if..

Was gonna say if there were no objections, but honestly, I don't care if there are. I'm covering her route.

Anyone up for coming with and making sure the non evil demons don't think I'm trying to get them killed again?

Oct. 17th, 2009


Never thought I'd say this, but I almost miss sensei yelling at me. I'm bored without it. Getting away with stuff if no one's there to see it isn't as much fun as I thought it would be.

Oct. 15th, 2009



This might be silly.

I can't sense him, Jacen I mean, and I've been trying, its been a few hours, and he knows, he always knows and he always lets me in.

They wouldn't have...
Not so soon after...
And with Allana here...

...He wouldn't block me. Not me.

Oct. 14th, 2009


filtered against baddies (especially Harmony) and children;

Remind me again why no one's putting a stake through this one when it's the big weight on the death side of the survival versus death scale? Pleading to a thing with no soul doesn't look like it's doing more than firing that damn vampire up to do exactly what everyone's trying to avoid.

Won't be a body left when the staking's done, so dress it up how you want. Get its goddamned TV people to blame it on some crazy fan who kidnapped it. Frame a vampire gang we'd be taking out anyhow and play the publicity angle.

But the way I see it, that thing's number is up.


Dude wait what? Where am I? I can't have over ninja streaked this much. I mean I know mine isn't as perfect as Shane or Toris but still. Man, if I'm not back by dinner sensei is gonna have me running laps for the rest of my life. Okay one more question, what the heck happened to 2009? This is so not my fault! I know I usually am the one who breaks stuff.. But really. I didn't break time, I swear!

I forgot um Hi,by the way.. I'm Dustin and this is freaky beyond all reason.

January 2010




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