Aug. 12th, 2008


I did not sign on for this three ring circus.

...wonder if I can outdo my last resignation.

Jul. 24th, 2008


(filtered to W&H employees only)

The luwak coffee is here! Help yourself to seriously the best coffee in the world!


Jul. 21st, 2008


What kind of insane, idiotic person throws a baby from an eighth story window? Somebody in this city didn’t take proper parenting classes when they obviously should have and the next time I see said person? I’m going to kill him.

I’ll leave the body in some alley for you to find, Spider-Man. I’m sure you’ll want to cry over it for a few hours and waste your time.


What a marvelous machine. I've never seen its like.

I've become curious: who rules this land of Los Angeles?

Jul. 11th, 2008


By show of hands, who here is a geek. Don't be shy, step up to the plate.

Jul. 10th, 2008


Filtered to baddies.

My wife has been abducted.

I'm willing to pay a large sum of money to the one who returns her to me.


I hope I'm doing the right thing...

Jul. 9th, 2008


Is it normal for there to be so many thieves running through this city? Are you aware of this?

Jul. 8th, 2008


Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name.

Jul. 3rd, 2008


Wow. Go out of town for a few weeks and the whole place falls apart. Somehow, I'm not surprised.

{Filtered to Lindsey McDonald}
Clearly, I'm back. Anything new I should be aware of?

Apr. 27th, 2008


All right. So like I've decided to put some real thought into this mystery. Is there anyone here who was like around when this weird stuff started happening with everyone coming in from all sorts of like timezones and fictional universes and stuff?

And if anyone happens to see a dog who like goes by the name of Scooby Doo, can you like tell him that his pal Shaggy is looking for him?

Apr. 26th, 2008


Okay. Who in the hell tore down my place of business?

Apr. 6th, 2008


Okay, does anybody want to explain where the hell that hurricane came from? Besides the obvious answer of 'out of nowhere'?

When my employers aren't responsible for damage that big, it's time to worry.

Jan. 7th, 2008


Umm.. Thank you for everything, Charlie-san. It was really very nice of you, especially since we don't actually know one another. Though I'm given to understand that you know Soubi-san, so I guess that makes sense. I don't really have any way to pay you back. I'm not actually old enough to apply for a legal job.

Arthur-san. There are some very dangerous people around here, I hear. And not in the usual way (kidnappers and thieves and murderers and the like), so um. Please be careful?

I wonder if 'Kaasan misses me. She's probably relieved; no constant hospital visits with me not there.

It feels weird, staying with Soubi-san. There's something odd about him. He refers to Ritsuka-san very, very respectfully for him being a college student and Ritsuka-san being my age.

Jan. 4th, 2008


You know, I said, "Never again, Wolfram & Hart, never again."

Never say never, because good people of L.A., I'm back. I hope no one missed me too much and if you did, blame it on Angel. Because blaming it on Angel makes everyone feel better. If you don't think so, try it and see for yourself.

Jan. 2nd, 2008


A sure sign this city has drastically run out of entertaining things to do? People sit around complaining about a commercial.

It's TV, for God's sake. If you don't like what's on, change the freaking channel. Nobody is making you watch it.


You know, it would really make things so much easier if he were only a female. Granted, he'd still be a bit young, but that would certainly make things more convenient in the end. Child of a child, hm?

I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of entertainment in this city. Granted, my work has been progressing quite well, given the wide variety of available 'demonic' specimens, but still-- pleasure must come first from time to time. And that interfering creature--! How dare he step into my Sendings! .. Still. He has quite a mind.

Dec. 30th, 2007


Since when did stitches get so... itchy? Ugh.


Okay, all you wannabe demon hunters? I AM NOT A DEMON. Just because my eyes are gold does not automatically make me something non-human and therefore, demonic. I'm a firebender. Firebenders have gold eyes. NOT A DEMON. Got it?

The next time one of you decide to attack me on that alone, I'm liable to retaliate.

Dec. 25th, 2007


Whoever put the mistletoe up over my office door is going to die.

Dec. 22nd, 2007


Does anyone else have any...traditions they do around Christmas? Like taking turns reading passages from Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol?"

my family used to, when i was alive


Oh, if this isn't the most boring episode of "Life and Times of LA" I've ever seen. The plots are so cliché; I'm shocked no one's keeled over from the over use of such things. Tsk tsk. Earthlings. So dull and without luster. Dearest Zephram, it's about time you launched that little rocket of your's here soon, isn't it? At least the pointy eared fellows from above provide some amusement. Even if they do lack the proper emotion to express as much. Doesn't stop me from pointing and laughing myself, though.

Nice one with the lawyer a la flames, by the way. You almost had my attention with that one. Almost. Too bad that sort of example won't make all of them listen to you. Rebels, some of them are. Waving Confederate flags 'n all, yee-haw!


On fire and falling from the sky to certain doom. Yeah, sounds vaguely familiar. Nice attempt at being original, though.

Dec. 21st, 2007


Holy combustible lawyers tumbling out of skyscrapers, Batman!

Dec. 12th, 2007


Wow, seems like some things never change. Or LA never changes at least. Man you guys are lucky The Pride no longer exists. Things would be a hundred times worse if they did!

I'm Sister Grimm Nico Minoru, and why I bothered returning here I have no idea.

Dec. 11th, 2007


Okay, I'm really bad at this and am lucky I got this far without breaking the computer. But, that's not really the point. Yes, I have a point. It's just jumbled in this mess of typing. Which I'm bad at. ....alright, so I'm bad at a few things. One thing I'm good at, however, is investigating. As many of you know, this city went through...well, a lot, to put it mildly, in recent months and there are still threats wandering the city.

So please, if you are currently under attack, being threatened, or feel not hesitate to contact my team? company. Angel Investigations is here to lend a hand when no one else will. We help the helpless.


I swear if I see Alec, I will make him bleed.

Dec. 9th, 2007


I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed with this place so far. Where's all the excitement? Where's the action? I thought Los Angeles was supposed to be the West Coast city.

I know the people are still trying to rebuild their lives after that battle but, really, this is getting a little ridiculous. The place wasn't leveled for crying out loud. Hell, there have been earthquakes that have caused more damage.

Talk about boring.

January 2010




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