Feb. 23rd, 2009


filtered to friends/family;

Has anyone seen Ruby?

Feb. 15th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Uh, Bobby? You know anything about plumbing? The sink upstairs is messed up and I am completely and entirely at a loss as far as household repairs are concerned.

Kinda makes me feel useless, in a way. I'm supposed to be a guy and I don't know anything about plumbing? Weird.

Oh yeah, and by the way everyone, I'm a freak again.

Feb. 10th, 2009


[Filtered to Winchesters & Co]
I want you all in the house. Now.

I'm coming home. Make sure every line, spell -- anything you can think of, just make sure the damn house is secure.

Dad, I know you get pissed when I try and take order? But please don't argue with me right now.

[Filtered to Friends]
Get some rock salt.

[Filtered to Ruby]
Can we talk?

[ooc: Yes. Sam is spooked. >>]

Feb. 5th, 2009


Filtered to Allies, and against children (especially Ben)

It's Alastair. He's the one that took my Mom and Claire Bennet. For those of you who don't know, he's one of the most sadistic bastards hell ever produced.

We're kind of screwed.

(OOC: Posted late afternoon of the 5th. Dean sent texts to John and Ruby just after he heard from Alastair that he was the kidnapper)

Jan. 23rd, 2009


filtered against baddies;

[ooc: posted in the evening following this, so current time. What can I say, he's a kid, excited and wants to share.]

DEAN WINCHESTER IS MY DAD. The coolest guy in the world is my Dad.

This is the most epic and awesome day of my whole life.

Jan. 11th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

Lilith. Lilith's got Ben, probobly made the kids sick and any men that are missing. Thats probobly her too. She's summoned her children, the Lilin, This is gonna get bad but I swear...

She's going to die.

[Filtered to Dean and the Winchesters/ Winchesterettes and rest of circle of his family and friends]

Sam and me got as much as we could and the girl's free if a little spooked, she'll be okay.

Lilith has got them all somewhere....can't tell where, all kinds of magical protections in place, I recognise some of them already working on breaking them

[Filtered to Anya]

Want another project. Promise its not another Ethros. How are you at breaking magical barriers.

[Filtered to Sam]

Training, pulling that Demon from your dad. This is what it was for

Lets kill the bitch.


Ok, which of you bastards has the kid?

Filtered against baddies
Anyone see this kid?
image )

Filtered to Family and friends (if you think you might be on this list, you probably are ;)
Someone's taken Ben. I found his bike and some stuff he picked up at the corner store, and it was smashed and tramped on so I don't think he just vanished.

Dec. 23rd, 2008


Filtered to John, Dean, Sam, Heather, Jo, Mary, Bobby, Ben, Harry, Castiel, Ruby, Cox, Faith, SBC!Claire

We'd be honored if you were all at the house for supper on Christmas eve. Of course, you're all welcome to stay for Christmas as well if you don't have other plans, but there will be a special surprise after Christmas Eve dinner.

Filtered to Sam
Dean told me not to fawn over you too much this year, but I think he's being a grinch. Would you be opposed to wearing a pair of reindeer horns for a family picture?

Filtered to Dean
Go easy on the egg nog. There's no need to get THAT drunk this year, son.

Filtered to John
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cover this house in mistletoe. Thank you for doing this.

Dec. 1st, 2008


filtered from baddies

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mack Hartford, leader of the Power Rangers here in LA. We've lost one of ours again, Kira Ford. Jack is convinced she's still alive and is looking for her now, but I'm sure he's just going to come back with a body. I know there are a lot of you who knew her, which is the reason for this post. I want to have some kind of memorial for her and anyone who wants to come is invited. Problem is...I really don't know what she would have wanted. It's not one of those things you talk about while you're training together. If you have ideas, I'm open to them.

Nov. 21st, 2008


Filtered to friends/family.

Found them.

Get your stuff together. Holy water, weapons, rocksalt, everything. We're to meet at this [address]. Be there by nine, otherwise I'm going in without you.

Dean, Dad, Bobby, Ruby, Faith. That means you.

Nov. 18th, 2008


So who do you have to kill to get some French Fries in LA. Real ones none of the stupid processed crap.


Nov. 15th, 2008


filtered against baddies.

I'm seriously considering checking myself into an asylum.

No. Seriously.

Close Friends / 'Family.'
[ooc: if you think you're in this filter, you probably are!]

I might need someone to go to a memorial a service a funeral how can there be a funeral without a body? this thing for my Dad with me. Depends on how it's gonna go and all that, but...figured I couldn't go by myself. So yeah.

Nov. 14th, 2008


filtered, friend and family type people )

filtered, Bobby )

filtered, Dean )

filtered, Cox )


filtered to Winchester & co household + his friends/allies;

She's gone. The younger Mary is gone. Who saw her last?

Dean, Sammy, living room in five minutes.*

[ooc: *sent as a text message too, I'm just not going to comm spam. Friends/allies for John at this point basically encompasses Bobby & Joanna]

Nov. 5th, 2008





I want to hug everyone.

I love you.

[ooc: and this is what happens when sam winchester takes meds for his leg.]

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Well, I must say this is certainly an improvement.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Well. Thank goodness for HSBC. Money, at least, is ticked off the list.

Given what I've read, I can't be the only person who's just found themselves here in Los Angeles, can I? All things considered, it's not horrendous. Two thousand and five, yes? I'm sure I have property here somewhere.

Oct. 28th, 2008


Son of a bitch, that's IT.

Who took my baby car out of storage and RUINED her?


Anyone else seeing the news...

I'd go rescue him but I'm just about to head out...also his fangirls seem to not approve of me. Go figure huh?

Oct. 25th, 2008



Oct. 24th, 2008


Oh hell.

January 2010




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