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Dec. 27th, 2009


Left at the Lux and addressed to Sharon - A brown envelope with IDs, birth certificates, and other forms of identification for Sharon and Hera, as promised. Also a note: Congratulations on your new residency. If there's anything else you need, feel free to contact me.

Left at the Welcome Center for Clary - One driver's license and a Post-It note that says: Don't go earning too many tickets.

Dec. 26th, 2009


[Delivered on the morning of the 25th.]

From Fred )

From Eliot )

From Cathy and Lindsey )

From Vi )

Dec. 14th, 2009


Email to Lindsey McDonald

To: "Lindsey McDonald"
From: "Sharon Agathon"
Subject: Statistics
Attachments: sharon.jpg, hera.jpg

Email contains mostly factual, though some made up statistics of both Sharon and Hera Agathon in regards to birth, age, appearance, blood types, etc.

If there's anything else you need for this, just let me know.

Thanks again,


Nov. 5th, 2009


Text to Sarah

She's in one of their dimensional holding cells.

Nov. 1st, 2009


text to Lindsey;

Jaenelle's security didn't taper off. The web was deliberately tampered with.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


[Text to Lindsey McDonald]

[Time and place Ruby specified]

Lilah will be there. Want to be there or shall I bring her to you?

Nov. 1st, 2009


text to Lindsey;

Tell me how to help. Whatever it is you need, whatever I can do, just let me help. Please.


Phone call to Lindsey [via Cathy's cell phone, during the Ruby/Clary thread]

Still focusing on her breathing to keep the pounding sensation in her head at the back of her mind, Clary had braced herself against a wall after she had located Cathy's cell phone on the floor. It wasn't hard to find Lindsey's number as she pushed the speed dial button and placed the phone to her hear. "Come on, Mr. McDonald, pick up, pick up."

Oct. 27th, 2009


text to Lindsey;

I'm arriving in your living room in five minutes, give or take two. Are you going to be there/coming back to your place at all tonight, or should I take Reb like Cathy asked?

Oct. 28th, 2009


Txt to Lindsey

I'm sorry...I saw... I'm honestly truly sorry.

I should have said something to her, gone back but...I can't Lindsey

Oct. 17th, 2009


Txt to Lindsey

You're staying quiet.

Oct. 5th, 2009


A Ziplock bag of the Halloween sugar cookies she made with her mother is left on the kitchen table, next to Lindsey's briefcase, with a note that is heavily decorated in Crayon.

"Have a good day, Daddy.



{{ooc- And no, Cathy did not put her up to this.}}

Sep. 27th, 2009


Text to Cathy

Something's up. I need you to come home.

Sep. 19th, 2009


Text to Cathy

How much did you like the Charger?

Sep. 15th, 2009


On the morning of September 16th...

Hand delivered to Mirta, a dozen double chocolate-chip muffins Hand-delivered to Faith, a dozen chocolate chip muffins. Hand delivered to Sarah: a dozen blueberry muffins.

And, left on the counter for Lindsey: eleven apple cinnamon muffins with a note:

I hope your day turns out as well as these did. I mean it. They're delicious.

Love you, baby.


Jul. 9th, 2009


Txt to Lindsey

Had to go play nice with the Partners and Powers in that pow wow over the demon and her plan. They were manifesting as Hamilton, For the record, still an ass.

Could really really do with a drink?

Jun. 24th, 2009


{Text to Lindsey McDonald}

They called me back.

May. 21st, 2009


Txt to Lindsey

Defending me to Slayers? Funny way to start a rivalry but I'll take it.

Thanks Lindsey. I obviously don't care what she thinks of me, but I've never stopped caring about your opinion. Probably never will.

May. 12th, 2009


{Text to Lindsey McDonald}

Text to Lindsey McDonald )

May. 10th, 2009


{Text to Lindsey McDonald}

Text to Lindsey McDonald )

Mar. 5th, 2009


Text to Lindsey McDonald )

Feb. 15th, 2009


Phone call to Lindsey McDonald )


A small box is left on Cathy's desk for when she comes in to work on the 15th. No note is attached. Inside the box is a simple Claddagh Ring.

Feb. 14th, 2009


Note for Lindsey McDonald )

Feb. 2nd, 2009


Invitations have been delivered.......

You are cordially invited..... )

Feb. 1st, 2009


Text to Lindsey McDonald

Text to Lindsey McDonald )

Jan. 3rd, 2009


{Text to Lindsey McDonald}

I have something to show you.

Dec. 25th, 2008


Christmas shopping equates torture in Lindsey's mind. )


Presents for Lindsey )


(Seth, Faith, Lindsey & Cathy, Residents of the Hyperion)

Merry Christmas )

Dec. 11th, 2008


To: "Nathan Petrelli"
From: "Lindsey McDonald"
Subject: Properties
Att: addresses.pdf

New Message )

Dec. 7th, 2008


Text to Lindsey McDonald )

Nov. 23rd, 2008


To: "Angel Investigations"
From: "Lindsey McDonald"
Subject: Information
ATT: fieldreport.pdf, recoveredwc.pdf

You have (1) new message )


[Text to Lindsey]

Hey, don't suppose you &/or W&H have any info on God weapons that might help us against Glory do you?

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Text to Lilah Morgan

I told you to stay away from her.


{Text to Lindsey McDonald}

We need to talk.

Oct. 31st, 2008


Text to Cathy

Hey babe. Got a suprise for you later.

Oct. 25th, 2008


Text to Lindsey McDonald )

Oct. 3rd, 2008


various texts, voicemails and a phone call;

[have permission to proceed with this part while the scene is worked on!]

various texts to Cathy's phone )

various voicemails to Cathy's phone )

a phonecall to Lindsey )

Oct. 2nd, 2008


To: "Damien Thorn" <>
From: "Lindsey McDonald" <>
Subject: Question

You have (1) new message. )

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January 2010




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