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Dec. 17th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo - Open to Hyperion Residents
What: Sarah has asked her to come and talk Tenel Ka obliges
When: Mid Afternoon
Where: Hyperion Hotel
Rating: TBD likely not too high
Status: In progress

Dec. 12th, 2008


WHO: Sarah Petrelli, Tenel Ka Djo
WHERE: the streets of LA
WHEN: Sunday, December 11; night [now slightly backdated to come before/during this]
WHAT: Continued searching for Peter.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

How much more time spent -failing- to find him would it take? )

Dec. 11th, 2008


WHO: Allana and Tenel Ka
WHAT: Allana's concerned for her mother. She decides to have a one on one chat to clear the air.
WHERE: a small cafe
STATUS: In Progress

...rather than make several well-intentioned but failed attempts to guess at what could be causing Tenel Ka so much issue, she opted to instead go directly to the source... )


WHO: Tenel Ka Djo and Mara Jade Skywalker
WHAT: Tenel Ka needs to confide in someone, who better than a Jedi Master
WHERE: Mara's Apartment
WHEN: Mid Afternoon
STATUS Log - Complete

Dec. 9th, 2008


WHO: The interrogation team!
WHAT: Searching for information about Peter
WHEN: After Nathan's graffiti
WHERE: Starting in the third bar of the day
RATING: Highish for violence.
STATUS: In progress

Read more... )

Dec. 7th, 2008


who| Mal Reynolds and [OPEN to any and all who'd like to come gawk at the spaceship.]
what| Mal's got ninety-nine problems; and being in a spaceship in 2005 is one.
where| Random McPark, LA
when| Afternoon
rating| PG-13 (For potential Chinese cursing.)
status| Thread, Open, Incomplete.

'Kaylee, I know you're upset 'cause the Doctor and River got themselves all dissapeared..' )

Nov. 23rd, 2008


WHO: Jacen Solo, Allana Djo, Tenel Ka
WHAT: A Family reunion of sorts
WHERE: In front of the Hyperion
WHEN: Morning

Solo Family Reunion, Take Three! )

Nov. 22nd, 2008


Dark Lord of the Sith vs Queen Mother of Hapes

Who: Darth Caedus, Tenel Ka
What: Vicious Encounter!
Where: Inescapable dead-end
When: Late night
Rating: TBD

Why it is unwise to anger the Dark Lord of the Sith )

Nov. 18th, 2008


Who: Scorpius Malfoy and Tenel Ka
Where: Sunset Tower Hotel
When: The day after this (backdated)
What: Meeting
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete


Maybe they should have all had dinner first, after all.. )

Nov. 17th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Kyle Hyde (Now open to Hyperion Types)
What: Broken Hapan leads to Mistaken Identity Fun (oh we had to)
When; Late Evening
Where: A Street not far from Griffith Park
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Nov. 12th, 2008


WHO: Amelia, Jacen, and Tenel Ka
WHAT: Amelia has some news to share.
WHERE: An outdoor cafe on the beach.
STATUS: In Progress

They were her parents, after all. They had to support her in all things, even this. )

Nov. 9th, 2008


WHO: Faith Lehane and Tenel Ka
WHAT: As ever, Faith's fighting.
WHEN: Late Sunday night
WHERE: Spilling out of a club in a dingy back road
RATING: TBD- but probably high
STATUS: In progress.

Sometimes Faith longed for a night off. But being the Slayer didn't work that way. )

Nov. 4th, 2008


WHO: Jaina and Tenel Ka
WHAT: A meeting, as per Jaina's request.
WHEN: Around 3PM
WHERE: A cafe
STATUS: In Progress

Tenel Ka was likely to be the most neutral. )

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Faith Lehane
What: Somethings still bothering her, and she's learned well from her daughter.
Where: An Icecream Bar
When: Evening.
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Alessa Gillespe
What: She's confused and she's trying to find her way back to herself
When: Late Evening
Where: Griffith Park
Rating: TBD
: In Progress

Oct. 22nd, 2008


WHO: Heather & [OPEN to Tenel Ka (with Peter Petrelli), Claire Littleton, Niki Sanders, Seth Nightlord, Lily Evans Potter, Lucien LaCroix]
WHAT: The last day of the ritual.
WHEN: Tonight, starting around six.
WHERE: Various places around the city.
STATUS: Incomplete.

This was it, it would be over soon. )

Oct. 16th, 2008


WHO: Mara Jade and Tenel Ka
WHAT: She said they needed to talk...
WHEN: a few days after the Great Ressurrection
WHERE: Tenel Ka's room

Oct. 15th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo, Pyramid Head, Alessa Gillespe
What: Ignoring him doesnt make him go away
Where: On route to Jacen Solo's apartment.
When: Morning
Rating: TBD - Likely to be violent
Status: In Progress

Oct. 7th, 2008


Who: Sam Winchester. Narrative. But if anyone wants to tag in, that's fine by me!
What: He's drunk. Again. Someone really needs to get a leash for him or something.
When: Evening.
Where: The Roadhouse.
Rating: PG-13.

Thanks for the drink. )


WHO: Solo Family, Tenel Ka (open)
WHAT: The Mourning of a Hero
WHERE: Hyperion
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In Progress

It was a long walk.

My sister, my sister, who has taken my sister? )

Oct. 3rd, 2008


WHO: Tenel Ka Djo and Jacen Solo
WHAT: She attacked Sam, Gave in to the Dark, and she can't figure out why.
WHERE: A Random LA Park, near water
WHEN: The next day
STATUS: In Progress

Sep. 29th, 2008


WHO: Faith, Buffy, Heather, Sam, Spike, and War (later Tenel Ka) (approximate posting order, not strict!)
WHAT: An epic patrol goes wrong.
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: Patroling around the city
RATING: Lots of violence, so high ish.
STATUS: In Progress

Faith was reasonably sure her being organized wasn't a sign of the Apocalypse in itself. She'd checked. Twice. )

Sep. 26th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Jacen Solo
What: Discussions and Distractions
When: After Jaina's suggestion to this effect
Where: Jaina Solo's residence
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Sep. 11th, 2008


WHO: Amelia Solo and Tenel Ka Djo
WHAT: A meeting between mother and daughter.
WHERE: Undisclosed cafe
STATUS: In Progress

She knew, someday, she'd have to make up her mind about taking the Hapan throne. She just didn't want today to be that day. )

Sep. 7th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo, Pyramid Head and timely heroic rescue by Jacen Solo
What: She was sick of the voice in her head, of the man that wasn't a man speaking about her guilt.
Where: The same ally she first met him in
When: A few nights following her conversation on the boards with him
Rating: Probobly R, there will likely be violence.
Status:  In Progress

Sep. 5th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Mara Jade Skywalker
What: Even after her talk with Faith Tenel Ka can't let the idea go that she can somehow help Darth Caedus as well as Jacen
Where: Downtown streets
When 1am
Rating TBD, Mara might hit her XD
Status: Incomplete

Aug. 29th, 2008


WHO: Tenel Ka Djo, Faith Lehane, Open
WHAT: Emotional Depth of a Ronto?
WHERE: Downtown
WHEN: Late Night
RATING: TBD Some violence
STATUS: Incomplete

Aug. 27th, 2008


WHO: Amelia Solo, Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, and Tenel Ka
WHAT: Another attempt at family bonding
WHEN: The same time as Caedus' arrival.
WHERE: Local pizza parlor (best pizza in LA, supposedly)
STATUS: In Progress (partially done in log, to be finished in threads)

Father-daughter pizza time! )


The Dark Lord Comes

WHO: Darth Caedus
WHAT: The arrival of Darth Caedus to Parabolical
WHERE: Downtown LA
STATUS: In Progress

The Darkness Approaches... )

Aug. 20th, 2008


Who: Jack Landors and Tenel Ka
What: late night coffee run and meet up.
When:After the Faith chaos and fight.
Where: generic mc random coffee shop.
Status: in progress
ooc note:[SHOCK, slightly backdated ;'D]

It didn't even look like they'd put a dent in the evil )

Aug. 12th, 2008


WHO: Mara Jade Skywalker, Tenel Ka, Jaina Solo, and then any other Jedi (or Padme) who want to chime in!
WHAT: Mara Jade arrives in Los Angeles
WHEN: Monday evening (LA time)
WHERE: Santa Monica
STATUS: In progress

Mara Jade Skywalker, former Emperor's Hand turned Jedi Master, was exhausted )

Aug. 6th, 2008


WHO: Padmé Amidala and Tenel Ka Djo
WHAT: Having a little chat about the similarities in their life.
WHERE: The Sanctuary
STATUS: In Progress

Insert witty text here. )

Aug. 4th, 2008


WHO: Tenel Ka Djo and Jacen Solo
WHAT: The morning after another night before.
WHERE: Tenel Ka's hotel room
WHEN: Early Hours of the Morning
STATUS: Incomplete

Aug. 2nd, 2008


WHO: Faith, Tenel Ka, Selene, anyone else who may be at Selene's church
WHAT: Following being beaten up (again), this time by Sabretooth, Faith needs a friends help to get her to a safe place to recuperate.
WHEN: Late Friday night/early hours of Saturday morning
WHERE: Selene's church
STATUS: In progress

After being slammed through some walls, it was safe to say Faith hurt )

Jul. 28th, 2008


WHO: Tenel Ka Djo and Amelia Solo
WHAT: Its about time Mother and suddenly aged teenage daughter had a talk
WHERE: Cafe near Griffith Park
WHEN: Mid Morning
RATING: G most likely
STATUS: Incomplete

Jul. 27th, 2008


Who: Kara Zor-El and Open
Where: Some random docks by the ocean
When: Late Evening
What: An extremely annoyed Kara goes looking for trouble
Status: In Progress, and open
Rating: TBD

let the fun begin )

Jul. 24th, 2008


WHO: Tenel Ka Djo and Anakin Skywalker
WHAT: The Hapan Queen has questions for the former Sith Lord
WHERE: Central LA streets
WHEN: Late evening
STATUS: Incomplete

Jul. 17th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo, Jaina Solo and Faith Lehane
When: July 17 6pm
Where: A cafe near where Faith is staying
What: Meeting to talk
Status: Incomplete

Two Jedi and a Slayer meet to discuss a mutual problem )

Jul. 13th, 2008


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Jacen Solo
What: Tenel Ka wants to trust Jacen. But there are still doubts
Where: A deserted alley near Jaina's apartment
When: At the same time as Allana is with Padme and Anakin
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

She's not allowing him to hide from her anymore. If she has to wait for him for hours then she will wait. )

Jul. 10th, 2008


WHO: Elle, Kathy, Tenel Ka
WHAT: Shopping!
WHERE: Rodeo Drive
WHEN: Thursday afternoon

squee! )

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