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Dec. 13th, 2008


Who: Bela Talbot and Peter Petrelli
What: Peter is still stuck in W&H, and Bela is still pretending to be what she is not: helpful.
When: Backdated to Thursday
Where: Wolfram and Hart
status/rating: complete/PG-13

What sort of a truce? )

Dec. 9th, 2008


WHO: Lilah Morgan, Bela Talbot and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Phase 2 of the plan
WHEN: After the text to Bela
RATING; TBD (but possibly highish)
STATUS: In progress
WARNINGS: Continued torture, drugging, unpleasant things like that.

Petrelli wasn't being helping, so it was time for Phase 2 )


WHO: Lilah Morgan and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Playing with her present
WHEN: after this
WHERE: Wolfram and Hart basement
WARNINGS: Drugging, torture, NPC death, shoe damage.

Lilah had been in the middle of the most boring pile of paperwork when the call came. )

Dec. 8th, 2008


WHO: Bela Talbot and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Bela promised a gift to Lilah.
WHERE: within a mile or so of the Hyperion
WHEN: close to midnight
RATING: PG (violence, kidnapping, involuntary drugging)

Funny, how she had issues with handing kittens over to demons to eat, yet kidnapping a man just days after his wedding? Nothing. )


Who: Peter Petrelli & Gwen Stacy (& Carnage, probably)
What: Training
Where: Abandoned industrial park
When: December 8th, 5pm
Rating: TBD (might be high if Carnage comes out)
Status: thread ; incomplete

There was room to move, and places to hide. )

Dec. 4th, 2008


WHO: Sarah & Peter Petrelli and their invited guests
WHERE: the Lux
WHEN: Sunday, December 4; evening
WHAT: Wedding reception!
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Feel free to make whatever sort of sub-threads in this post that you would like in addition to the ones we're putting up, just mark them if they're meant for someone/are open and approximately when in the evening they are!

you are the guy / who stole my heart / I am the girl / you're always fighting for / we have a love people dream about / a real life fairytale )


WHO: Sarah & Peter Petrelli, their bridal party, family and close friends
WHERE: Griffith Park Observatory
WHEN: Sunday, December 4; afternoon
WHAT: Sarah has a gift for Peter; picture-taking and Claude hijinx!
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: After Peter & Sarah start their thread, we'll add in a thread for the pictures/Claude hijinx.

I fell in love, in love with you suddenly / now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms )


WHO: Sarah Williams (later Sarah Petrelli), Peter Petrelli, Elaine Belloc, others by inference
WHERE: Griffith Park Observatory
WHEN: Sunday, December 4; afternoon
WHAT: Sarah & Peter's wedding ceremony.

storm clouds may gather / and stars may collide / but I love you until the end of time )


WHO: Sarah Williams, Peter Petrelli, their bridal party, family and close friends that would be around
WHERE: the Hyperion; Griffith Park Observatory
WHEN: Sunday, December 4; afternoon
WHAT: Last minute preparations and nervy moments.
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Feel free to make whatever sort of sub-threads in this post that you would like, geared toward the female half or the male half or whatever else needs addressed.

in the end I want to be standing / at the beginning with you )


Who: Peter Petrelli and Jaenelle Angelline
What: Setting up
Where: Griffith Park Observatory
When: Morning and early afternoon.
Rating: G
Status: complete

In a few hours, Sarah would be walking up the aisle, to take her place at his side. )

Dec. 3rd, 2008


WHO: Angela & Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Angela and Peter work towards so understanding.
WHEN: Not long after this [backdated]
WHERE: The Hyperion

Guilt had been gnawing at Peter ever since the outburst. He'd scared her. His own mother. )


WHO: Nathan & Peter Petrelli, Hiro Nakamura, Lindsey McDonald, Gabriel Gray, Noah Bennet, Claude Rains, Dr Cox, Sam Anders; Toby Williams, Simon & Monty Petrelli early on
WHERE: the Hyperion; TBD
WHEN: Friday, December 2; evening
WHAT: Bachelor party!
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Feel free to make multiple threads!

the men were camped out for a stripper-less bachelor party in full geek style )


WHO: Sarah Williams, Peter Petrelli
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Sunday, November 20; evening [backdated]
WHAT: Loss and the price of immortality.
STATUS: log; complete

It would subside, it would ebb and flow, and it would erupt again, with no warning. There was no way to hide from it, but the tides could be ridden. And it would always hurt. )

Nov. 27th, 2008


WHO: Faith, Peter, Buffy, Glory and Caleb
WHAT: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!
WHEN: The time Peter arranged
WHERE: The place Peter arranged
RATING: TBD, but probably on the highish side.
STATUS: In progress.

Even if it was her plan, Faith was a little anxious. Or maybe it was BECAUSE it was her plan. )


WHO: Hyperion residents & other invited people
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Thursday, November 24; various times [backdated because that was the day Thanksgiving was on!]
WHAT: Turkey Day!
RATING: TBD (but likely no higher than PG-13, there's children about!)
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Feel free to sub-thread! I'm posting this as a placeholder and creating a 'prep thread' first, for the cooking people (and anyone who isn't cooking but wants to be underfoot), but by all means branch out and make dinner/post-dinner subthreads too!

Love to eat turkey / 'cause it's good / love to eat turkey / like a good boy should / 'cause it's turkey to eat / so good )

Nov. 22nd, 2008


WHO: Sam Anders and OPEN to all who want to play Pyramid!
WHAT: Playing Pyramid
WHEN: Saturday morning
WHERE: A largeish space behind some warehouses.
STATUS: In progress.

[OOC NOTE: In BSG the rules of Pyramid are not actually defined. The best explanation of how it is played is found Here. Some vagueness will have to happen!]

It had taken him long enough but Sam had managed to set up a rough Pyramid court )

Nov. 18th, 2008


WHO: Amelia, Scorpius, Peter, Sarah, Dementors, various NPCs, open to HP Good Guys later
WHAT: A night on the town gone awry.
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Premiere party.
STATUS: In Progress

However, it seemed those who weren't going to the party itself were still hanging around outside. )


Who: Selene (Open at the Hyperion)
When: after her graffiti post asking for shelter
Why: She is in need of a safe place to stay.
Where: Hyperion Lobby
Status: In progress
Rating: PG (always on the safe side)

It was the last place he would look, that made it the safest place for her to be. )

Nov. 17th, 2008


WHO: Claire Bennet, Peter Petrelli (future versions)
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Thursday, November 17; after this
WHAT: Breaking the bad news.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

she had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach over what it might be about )


Who: Peter Petrelli and an unidentified body
What: A hauntingly familiar discovery
Where: Street a few miles from the Hyperion
When: last night
Rating: PG
Status: narrative ; complete


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Kyle Hyde (Now open to Hyperion Types)
What: Broken Hapan leads to Mistaken Identity Fun (oh we had to)
When; Late Evening
Where: A Street not far from Griffith Park
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress


Who:Aang and open
What: Playing with Appa in the garden
When:Monday night
Where: Hyperion Garden
Warnings: none ;D

something witty here later... )

Nov. 16th, 2008


Who: Peter Petrelli and Noah Bennet
What: Differences of opinion
Where: Hyperion; Peter's office
Rating: PG
Status: log ; COMPLETE
Notes: Yes, I play both of them. All the cool kids were doing it.

''You're wrong, you know.'' )

Nov. 14th, 2008


I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing

WHO: Peter Petrelli and Elisabeth Braddock.
WHAT: Coffee, talking.
WHERE: Nice, out of the way café.
RATING: PG for now.
STATUS: In progress.

With a broken heart that's still beating, in the pain there is healing. )


WHO: Jaina Solo, Hiro Nakamura, and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: How to train the Sword of the Jedi - Heroes style!
WHEN: Early afternoon
WHERE: The Hyperion
STATUS: In Progress

She was the Sword of the Jedi. She did the things that other Jedi couldn't. )

Nov. 13th, 2008


Who: Spike, Faith, Buffy, a bit of Peter.
What: Visiting a deranged Slayer.
When: Evening.
Where: The place where Buffy is being held captive.
Rating: TBD.

Spike honestly didn't know if he could handle facing a monster when there instead should have been an angel in it's place. )

Nov. 11th, 2008


Who: Molly Walker, Peter Petrelli and Walter Sullivan (maybe?).
What: A hero tries to defeat every child's villain: Nightmares.
When: Now, bedtime.
Where: Molly's room at the Hyperion.
Rating/Warnings: TBD.

sleep now in the fire. )

Nov. 10th, 2008


WHO: Faith Lehane and OPEN
WHAT: She cracks.
WHEN: Right after this thread
WHERE: Downtown LA
STATUS: In progress

After speaking with Tenel Ka Faith decided to keep patrolling )


Who: Peter, Sarah, Simon, and Monty Petrelli
What: Bonding and training can mix
When: Early afternoon
Where: Out at the park
Rating: Low
Status: thread ; incomplete

Nov. 8th, 2008


WHO: Amelia Solo and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Amelia has a question and hopes Peter can answer it.
WHEN: Early evening
WHERE: Peter's apartment; the Hyperion
RATING: TBD (not too high, I don't think)
STATUS: In Progress

she needed to put her mind at ease one way or another, and he was one of the few who could help )

Nov. 7th, 2008


WHO: Sarah Williams & Peter Petrelli
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Sunday, November 6; afternoon
WHAT: Sarah comes home and the two catch up on all events great and small.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

Four days to the day and a half she had been gone in Los Angeles time, but either way, it had been too long. )

Nov. 5th, 2008


Who: Gabriel Gray & Peter Petrelli (future)
What: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
When: Late Evening
Where: Peter's Office
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress

There was absolutely no reason for Peter to be isolating himself in his office like he was. )

Nov. 1st, 2008


WHO: Sarah Williams & Peter Petrelli Alice & the Hatter
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Saturday, October 29; 10 p.m.!
WHAT: Jack's spell at work.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

AHA, it would be hers! )

Oct. 29th, 2008


WHO: Nathan Petrelli, Sarah Williams, Claude Rains, Peter Petrelli
WHERE: streets of L.A.
WHEN: Saturday, October 29; evening
WHAT: Costume shopping gone unexpectedly awry.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

he had no idea how the hell it had happened )

Oct. 26th, 2008


Peter vs Jacen: better than Obama vs McCain any day!

Who: Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, Peter Petrelli
What: Clash of the sharp-tongued
Where: Hyperion
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Cranky Jedi Masters? Snarky Tongues? All here! )

Oct. 25th, 2008


Who: Peter Petrelli and Faith Lehane
What: Helping out
Where: Faith's room; Hyperion
When: Right after this
Rating: PG
Status: thread ; incomplete

You're not alone here / not at all / Let me belong here / break my fall )

Oct. 24th, 2008


WHO: Sarah Williams & Peter Petrelli
WHERE: the Hyperion
WHEN: Sunday, October 23; evening, after this
WHAT: The training begins.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

It was only a matter of time before someone finally figured out something was going on. )


Who: Spike and open to Hyperion.
What: Spike-in-a-box, anyone?
When: Evening.
Where: Hyperion.
Rating: TBD.



WHO: Claire Bennet & Peter Petrelli (future versions)
WHERE: a semi-casual restaurant
WHEN: Sunday, October 23; lunchtime
WHAT: Eating and loving bickering and such.
STATUS: thread; in-progress

That Peter intended for them to go -out- had a touch of specialness to it )

Oct. 23rd, 2008


Who: Peter Petrelli and Jack Landors
What: reuniting for the first time since A.I.
Where: The hospital Z was taken too.
When: Late night half an hour after the incident.
Rating: A is for Angst

He had to stop living in her web of lies )

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