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Dec. 18th, 2008


WHO: Dahlia Gillespie, Heather Mason, and Sam Winchester
WHAT: The first step in the plan to save Alessa
WHEN: Thursday night
WHERE: Dahlia's antique store.
RATING: High-ish for violence.
STATUS: In Progress

no compassion nothing matters; my resistance is wilting... )

[OOC: If I got anything wrong just let me know and I'll change it.]

Dec. 13th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: A distraction in the form of wedding planning!
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: Their room.
STATUS: Incomplete.

What's more frightening, a few burns or a whole stack of wedding magazines? )

Dec. 11th, 2008


Who: Ruby, Sam, Other Winchester House Dwellers :)
What: She's worried about Cas, and that freaks her out. So she runs to Sam
Where: The Winchesters House
When: After her grafitti to Sam
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Dec. 10th, 2008


WHO: Sam & Heather.
WHAT: Post the Sam/Alessa thread.
WHEN: Late. Probably around two or three in the morning.
WHERE: The Winchester's place.

By now, it didn't look much like Sam Winchester's face anymore. )

Dec. 8th, 2008


Who: Heather Manson and Jack Landors
What: A much needed break outside.
When: Monday evening.
Where: in the city.
Warnings: probably none
Rating: PGish/PG-13?
Status: in progress.

disconnected )

Dec. 7th, 2008


Who: Harry Mason, and Heather Mason
What: Father and daughter reunion take two.
When: This evening
Where: Over at the Winchester residence.
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Thread; incomplete

Harry wasn't so sure that the young woman he had talked to was really his daughter. )

Dec. 4th, 2008


Who: Jack and OPEN to friends/allies
What:break down burning.
When: Wednesday evening
Where:the beach location
Warnings: emo's and angsting.
NOTES: Gonna work like Jo-mun suggested. Main log and then sublogs if you like. Or just spawn off your own logs even.♥ ::BACKDATED TO WEDNESDAY EVENING:: I'll make a sub post and then people can post away :3. POSTING IS GO, HAVE AT IT WITH THE ANGST <3

It's harder than I could imagine. I guess I should have known that.. )

Dec. 3rd, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam, then everyone!
WHAT: A birthday outing, a proposal, and a party.
WHEN: Starting in the early evening.
WHERE: An over-the-top Italian restaurant; back at the house later.
STATUS: Incomplete.
NOTE: As soon as I post the mini-starter within this thread, anyone invited to her party can tag in! I'll edit this to let you know when that is. :D TAG IN, DUDES, TAG IN!

Happy Birthday, now marry me! )

Dec. 1st, 2008


WHO: Sam and Heather.
WHAT: Shopping for wedding stuff. And a ring. Cue awkward Sam.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: Just out and about. Probably a mall or something.

Witty text here later! )

Nov. 28th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: He wants to see her, and she doesn't deny him.
WHEN: Tonight, after the Sam/Ruby/Castiel thread.
WHERE: The Winchester house.
STATUS: Complete.

Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. Just take my hand, hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you. I will be here, don't you cry. )

Nov. 27th, 2008


WHO: Heather, Jo, & Mary W.
WHAT: Pre-dinner preparations.
WHEN: Thanksgiving in Para-world. [Backdated a bit, yes?]
WHERE: The Winchester house.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Hey, Martha Stewart doesn't live here. Adjust! )

Nov. 22nd, 2008


Who: Sam & Heather.
What: After all that's happened, you'd be crazy to think that they wouldn't want to be around each other.
When: Afternoon; post the Lilith thread.
Where: The Winchester's place.
Rating: TBD.

Blink twice and you lose everything. Keep your eyes open and maybe, just maybe, there'll still be something left for you to cling to at the end of the day.  )

Nov. 23rd, 2008


WHO: Heather & Mary W.
WHAT: Pampering to the extreme.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon, the day after the rescue.
WHERE: The Winchester place.
STATUS: Incomplete.


Nov. 22nd, 2008


Who: Sam, Dean, John, Bobby, Faith, Ruby, Heather, Jo, & Lilith.
What: We want our girls back!
When: Evening.
Where: Lilith's place.
Rating: Expect violence and language!
OOC Note: Feel free to split up your threads as needed. I just wanted to get this up so everyone could get started!

Lilith had taken away the women that they loved. )


Who: Lilith and Heather
What: ...really gross stuff.
When: This morning, around ten
Where: Silver City, her house
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete

Mmmm, yummy. )

Nov. 19th, 2008


Who: Lilith, Heather and Jo
NPC: Random demons that listen to Lilith
What: A little torture, a little taunting, a lot of trying to piss off the Winchesters
When: As Heather and Jo wake up
Where: The House that Lilith has taken over
Rating: R, violence, probably some language
Status: Incomplete

time to wake up )

Nov. 18th, 2008


Who: Jo, Heather, later Lilth
Where: Some sort of shopping place and then wherever Llith takes them
When: Afternoonish
Rating: Will be high I imagine, violence and language
Status: Thread, Incomplete

I have no witty cut text for you )


WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: Road trip!
WHEN: Backdated to yesterday.
WHERE: All over L.A.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Turn up the radio! )

Nov. 16th, 2008


WHO: Faith and Heather
WHAT: Shopping!
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Around town
STATUS: In progress

Faith couldn't deny her excitement as she reached the Winchester's apartment to meet Heather. )

Nov. 15th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: A surprise!
WHEN: Tonight at eight.
WHERE: His room.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Do not disturb. )

Nov. 14th, 2008


Who: Alessa Gillespie and Heather Mason
What: Alessa goes over to the Winchest residence to talk to Heather
When: Sometime in the afternoon
Where: The Winchester residence
Rating: PG-13
Status: Thread - Incomplete

the epic depression )

Nov. 11th, 2008


WHO: Heather & [OPEN to anyone in the apartment]
WHAT: You have to let it out sometime.
WHEN: Tonight, before training with Sam and Ruby.
WHERE: Bathroom; Winchester apartment.
STATUS: Incomplete.

It's just another nightmare, right? )

Nov. 10th, 2008


Who: Mary Campbell and Heather Mason (possibly open to others later?)
What: A mother/daughter-in-law lunch...sorta.
When: Uh...noonish, when lunch usually is.
Where: The Winchester apartment.
Rating/Warnings: It shouldn't be too high. Heather's trying not to embarrass herself.

Lunch with Mom. )

Nov. 9th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: Making up.
WHEN: Late late late tonight.
WHERE: Their apartment.
STATUS: Complete.

Sleep? Who needs it. )

Nov. 8th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Azazel.
WHAT: Now come on, what do you think?
WHEN: Tonight, after Cathy invites her over.
WHERE: Somewhere Heather shouldn't be, a.k.a. anywhere outdoors.
STATUS: Complete.

Stubbornness at it's finest. )

Nov. 7th, 2008


WHO: Heather, Sam, Alessa, & Ginny.
WHAT: A rescue...sort of.
WHEN: This morning at nine.
WHERE: The abandoned hospital where the ritual took place, then the Silent Hill alternate universe. Because those are always fun!
RATING: TBD, possibly high.
STATUS: Incomplete.

This sounds like the makings of a perfect day. Only not. )

Nov. 5th, 2008


Who: Sam and OPEN. Basically to anyone who might be at the Winchester's apartment. So that includes Dean, Jo, Heather, Jessica, John, and any potential visitors.
What: He's sulking around.
When: Evening.
Where: The Winchester's place.
Rating: TBD.

If he couldn't go around killing demons or, hell, even venting out his frustrations on something else, Sam would instead blame the ceiling for his problems.  )

Nov. 4th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Dad John.
WHAT: Meeting!
WHEN: Early in the morning.
WHERE: Sam and Dean's apartment; more specifically, the kitchen.
RATING: TBD, but nothing high.
STATUS: Incomplete.

So can I call you Dad now? )

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Who: Sam and Heather.
What: They're both trying to deal with their angst. As it turns out, a date might be the best distraction.
When: Evening.
Where: All over, really. Depends on what happens.
Rating: TBD.

Unless one counted hunting and taking on scary rituals as a REAL date. )

Nov. 1st, 2008


Who: Dean!Sam, Ruby and after a while Heather and Sam!Dean
What: Unamused Ruby is Unamused and does not have time for this bullshit
When: After Fred's prank
Where: Nearby alley to her motel
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Oct. 28th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: Researching.
WHEN: Tonight.
WHERE: Heather's place.
STATUS: Incomplete.

I'd rather be reading The Cat In The Hat. )

Oct. 26th, 2008


Who: Alessa Gillespie and Heather Mason
What: Searching for Harry
When: This evening - tonight
Where: Starting at the Hyperion, then searching a few libraries.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Thread: Incomplete

more )

Oct. 24th, 2008


Who: Sam and Heather.
What: Looking for Heather's Dad.
When: Evening.
Where: Starting at Heather's, possibly moving elsewhere.
Rating: TBD.

Something here soon! )


Who: Alessa Gillespie and Heather Mason
What: Heather pays a still bed ridden Alessa a visit.
When: Sometime in the evening
Where: Alessa's room in the Hyperion
Rating: Let's go with PG-13
Status: Thread. Incomplete.

Enough with the light )

Oct. 23rd, 2008


Who; Jo, Heather (Openish since it is a public place)
Where; Roadhouse
When; Shortly after their graffiti conversation
Rating; TBD
Status; Thread, in progress

Heather wanted to get drunk so it was a good thing her friend had the means to do just that )

Oct. 22nd, 2008


Who: Pyramid Head, Alessa Gillespie, Heather Mason, Sam Winchester, and Peter Petrelli.
What: The finale of the ritual. It's Sam vs. Pyramid Head in a battle to the finish.
When: Tonight at 11pm
Where: Inside and outside the abandoned hospital.
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete// Thread.

It's over )


WHO: Heather & [OPEN to Tenel Ka (with Peter Petrelli), Claire Littleton, Niki Sanders, Seth Nightlord, Lily Evans Potter, Lucien LaCroix]
WHAT: The last day of the ritual.
WHEN: Tonight, starting around six.
WHERE: Various places around the city.
STATUS: Incomplete.

This was it, it would be over soon. )

Oct. 21st, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam, then [OPEN to Kira Ford, Elisabeth Braddock, Drusilla, Dawn Summers, Vassago]
WHAT: The second day of the ritual, with a long-ass narrative of insanity/angst beforehand.
WHEN: Starting tonight around seven.
WHERE: Heather's apartment, then various places.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Welcome home. )

Oct. 20th, 2008


WHO: Heather & Sam.
WHAT: Los Angeles is turning into Silent Hill, and it's making Heather crazy.
WHEN: Right after she texts him, late tonight after she collects all the blood and stabs Alessa with the new weapon.
WHERE: Her place.
STATUS: Complete.

Hey there to my future self, if you forget how to smile, I have this to tell you: remember it once in a while. )


WHO: Heather & [OPEN to Angela Petrelli, Davey Jones, Willow Rosenberg, Henry Townshend, Jo Harvelle, Dean Winchester]
WHAT: Day one of the ritual.
WHEN: Tonight at various times, starting around seven.
WHERE: All over.
RATING: TBD, kinda high for talk of blood and such.
STATUS: Incomplete.
NOTE: I know Willow was dropped, but for the sake of the plot, I'm still listing her.

And so it begins. )

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