October 15th, 2009

[info]galacticsaviour in [info]parabolical

WHO: Jacen Solo and Xander Harris (future)
WHAT: Badness, lots of badness
WHEN: After Xander's message
WHERE: The address Xander specified
STATUS: In Progress

Jacen was more relieved than anything else )

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]parabolical

WHO: Sam Winchester & NPC W&H demons. [Narrative].
WHAT: More bad. Blame future!Xander.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Downtown.
STATUS: Complete.

He wished, oh so desperately wished, that things could have been easier. )

[info]daddyshellspawn in [info]parabolical

Who: Lindsey and Izzy McDonald
What: Mandatory father-daughter time in the form of lunch.
When: Early afternoon
Where: A restaurant of Lindsey's choosing.
Rating: G
Status: Thread; incomplete.

She had giddily jumped at the invitation to have lunch with her father. )

[info]notafreak in [info]parabolical

Who: Lyle and Claire
When: Afternoon, following his post
Where: SBC's house
What: Siblings unite
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete


Returning to normal routine... which, let's be honest, is a BIG challenge in this particular place. )

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]parabolical

[ooc: references Hannah's "Their cell phones/pagers are in the middle of the streets in LA where they were taken from." note!]

The system's kicked out alerts on Faith, she's not answering her phone or texts and Mary Winchester just told me she's not at the Winchesters. I'm trying Gabe's GPS program now.

ETA a short time later:

[ filtered to older Xander; ]

Jacen, Buffy, Faith, Kendra?

Go on, older Xander, tell me you wouldn't sink so low as to turn your own friends over to Wolfram & Hart. Tell me what you were up to was all a lie. Tell me you would never dare harm your friends rather than help us defend ourselves.

I'm waiting.

[ooc: ARGH CODING FAIL... and comm fail. WTF SELF. SORRY.]

[info]faithinthedark in [info]parabolical

Who: Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers and Kendra Young
What: Russia's nice this time of year?
When: October 15th
Where: Deepest, darkest Russia! In a prison in the middle of nowhere!
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress
Note: For those just tuning in, future Xander made a deal with Eve, to hand her Jacen and Sam if Eve transported Buffy and Faith away from LA. This was perhaps a silly plan. For he did not specify where the girls were to be sent and so, while out on patrol, Eve had them transported to a W&H holding cell in Russia. Their cell phones/pagers are in the middle of the streets in LA where they were taken from.

Faith wanted the number of the bus that hit her )

[info]temptresseve in [info]parabolical

Who: Eve, Jacen Solo, Sam Winchester
What: Eve wants a chat with her boys
Where: W&H Holding Cell
When: October 15th Evening
Rating: High. Sorry boys
Status: In Progress
Note: I do want seprate logs with both boys but this seemed a good way to start it, she's immortal she doesnt need to sleep and she will have them for a few days, all of which all three of us have off. Lets abuse this yes!]

[info]angelblood in [info]parabolical

Who: Clarissa Morgenstern & Sarah Petrelli
What: An attempt to track the missing people
When: Shortly after their conversation
Where: Hyperion Hotel
Rating: No more than PG
Status: Incomplete

maybe she could track them )

[info]robinindahood in [info]parabolical

Who: Sky and Jack
What: possibly not arguing. for once
When:Not long after the board posts of chaos and missing people, but before going to "see" future!Xander. Late night, the 15th of October.
Where: Their apartment.
Warnings: who knows with these two honestly..
STATUS: in progress.

they had always been like yin and yang.. )

January 2010



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