January 24th, 2008

[info]einhorn in [info]parabolical

who; The Lady Amalthea & Open
where; An alley, and then a.. street. I don't care where.
when; Say the 23rd, early evening.
summary; A displaced unicorn finds herself in LA and human again. Aww. ):
rating; PG?
status; In progress.

click. )

[info]terminatingjohn in [info]parabolical

WHO: John [OPEN].
WHAT: John gets sent to alternate!L.A. in a botched attempt to Terminator time-travel.
WHEN: Morning.
WHERE: L.A. somewhere...
STATUS: In progress...

What? Time-travelers don't wear clothes! )

[info]lonehunter in [info]parabolical

WHO: John Winchester
WHAT: Arriving in Los Angeles
WHEN: Morning. Early.
WHERE: City outskirts to the heart of the city.
STATUS: Progress!

Everything seems normal...somewhat... )

[info]im_documenting in [info]parabolical

WHO: Hud! And Possibly Marlena (and possibly others?)
WHAT: Arriving in Los Angeles, on their way to the internet cafe
WHEN: Probably current?
WHERE: Said Internet Cafe
STATUS: Progress!

[Post [info]paragraffiti conversation?]

One disheveled man with grass stains on his shirt wielding a video camera and a cellphone for your pleasure? )

[info]smokingcaryn in [info]parabolical

Who: Caryn Smoke OT Angel (or Zuko whichever)
Where: Angel Investigations
When: 7:45 pm, January 23, 2005
What: Frustrated Caryn goes to make herself some herbal tea.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBA

Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign. Instead there's only silence, can't you hear my screams? Never stop hoping to know where you are, but one things for sure, you'll always be in my heart. )

[info]kindabutch in [info]parabolical

WHO: Dean Winchester; OTA
WHAT: Arriving in Los Angeles
WHEN: Morning. Early.
WHERE: City outskirts to the heart of the city.
STATUS: Progress!
WARNING: Spoilers...just in case people who haven't seen the series want to jump on in. :D

Wayward son )

[info]backflips in [info]parabolical

WHO: Ty Lee, Mai, Rin (and maybe Alpha too?)
WHAT: Mai ant Ty Lee are looking to visit Rin
WHERE: On the streets and The Dream Shop
WHEN: Afternoon
RATING: PG for Mai's bored emo chickness
STATUS: In progress

Come on! I swear if you walk any slower we'll never get there! )

[info]terminatingjohn in [info]parabolical

WHO: John & Cordy [OPEN to Hyperion].
WHAT: After a pit-stop at the internet cafe, John starts to work his head around what may be going on here... and how he can get home.
WHEN: Late afternoon.
WHERE: Hyperion
STATUS: Complete.

John gets some much-needed help )

[info]bastila in [info]parabolical

Who: Bastila Shan and OPEN (to any Sith and or Baddies :D)
Where: An alley downtown
When: January 24, 11:30 pm
What: Old habits are hard to break, especially for ex-Sith Apprentices
Rating: PG-13 (a mugger gets his life drained out of him - sith style)
Status: Incomplete

Breaking the habit tonight...maybe? )

[info]ratbarf in [info]parabolical

Who: Ratbarf Trevor Kowalski (Old Pyro) and OPEN TO ANYONE
What: Being In LA
Where: Hollywood & Vine
When: 4:20 pm
Rating: TBD

Trev stood on the corner of Hollywood and Vine just because that was the kind of corner somebody ought to stand on when they're in LA for the first time.  Read more... )

[info]boy_scout in [info]parabolical

Who: Clark and Danny
What: Proving something
When: Night
Where: Streets, by the stadium
Rating: TBD

Don't believe in vampires yet? Don't worry, you will. )

January 2010



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