January 23rd, 2008

[info]thescout in [info]parabolical

this temporary life

WHO:  Michael and Anton
WHAT: Drunk to the point of eventual emo.
WHERE: Their rooms in the Hyperion
WHEN: Late night
RATING: Scout swears.
STATUS: In progress

don't turn your head, pretend they're all dead and gone by now )

[info]timeladyromana in [info]parabolical

Who: Romana & The Doctor
When: January 23, Afternoon-ish
Where: Venice Beach
What: You aren't alone anymore.
Rating: PG unless something crazy happens.
Status: Incomplete

Romana took her shoes off to walk in edge of the waves as they rolled in. She could only think of how funny she looked still in her wartime clothes. Not many women carried heavy boots as they walked the beach though it did seem a few had on rolled up cargo pants and tank-tops with jackets tied 'round their waist. Doctor where are you? she thought projecting it loud enough so she thought he could here. Say something, anything... please. she continued to project out for him trying to be as loud as she could in the emptiness of the Time lord psychic connection. She could hear a bit of an echo that was dulled by a bit of background noise. There must be other psychic beings around. Doctor help me. She sent out one last time. No matter how much they changed that was one request she thought he couldn't ignore.

[info]crystallized in [info]parabolical

Who: Sarah Vida & open
When: 7:30 pm, January 23, 2005
Where: Walking about; hunting
What: Hunting
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBA

Shadow hunts, she hunts the shadow. Black and white there are no colors, she views her world through the eyes of others. As she looks down upon a shattered truth, a shattered mirror shows a shattered youth. )

[info]just_tonks_ in [info]parabolical

Who: Tonks & (OPEN!)
What: Arrival
Where: A busy unnamed LA street.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Bloody portkeys )

January 2010



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