Nov. 23rd, 2009


How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (5/?)

Title: How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (5/?)
Author: Chrissy
Word Count: 1,576
Rating: PG-13, may go up to R later.
Author's Notes: It got a bit mundane in the beginning, but the ending's totally worth it. Promise.

Chapter 5 )

Nov. 6th, 2009


How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (4/?)

Title: How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (4/?)
Author: Chrissy
Word Count: 1,402
Rating: PG-13, may go up to R later.
Author's Notes: I'm doing chapters of this fic for NaNoWriMo. That is all.

Chapter 4 )

Sep. 27th, 2009


How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (3/?)

Title: How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (3/?)
Author: Chrissy
Word Count: 1,902
Rating: PG-13, may go up to R later.
Author's Notes: I blame Nora for working on her fic while I'm working on mine.
Chapters: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2

Chapter 3 )

Sep. 25th, 2009


How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (2/?)

Title: How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (2/?)
Author: Chrissy
Word Count: 1,487
Rating: PG-13, may go up to R later.
Author's Notes: Damn me and my urgency to get this chapter out. That is all.
Chapters: Chapter 1

Chapter 2 )

Sep. 24th, 2009


How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (1/?)

Title: How to Tame an Insane Time Lord (1/?)
Author: Chrissy
Characters/Pairing: Rose Tyler, The Master, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, Tom Milligan, Francine Jones, Clive Jones, Tish Jones, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Lacey Harkness, Tessa Dawson, Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, Toshiko Sato, Mickey Smith, Jake Simmonds, Gray Harkness, John Hart, Meredith Harkness, Tavish Harkness, Devon Harkness-Hart, Donna Noble, Wilf Mott, Jackie Tyler, Pete Tyler, & Tony Tyler. Master/Rose, Master/Jack, Tom/Martha, Jack/Ianto, Owen/Lacey, Rose/Tosh, Rhys/Gwen, Mickey/Jake, John/Gray, & Ten/Donna.

Summary: After using the dimensional cannon to get back to the non-parallel Earth, Rose experiences The Year That Never Was, and tries to make the Master a better Time Lord while dealing with working for Jack's Torchwood.

Word Count: 1,283
Rating: PG-13, may go up to R later.
Disclaimer: BBC owns the characters and stuff. I'm just a lonely fangirl who likes them. Tessa belongs to Stacey, and Lacey belongs to Nora.
Author's Notes: Really AUish. Inspired by both this fanvid, and three of my closest friends.

Chapter 1 )