Monday, January 9th, 2017

Miscellaneous: Story Listing


Since I Was Nothing But A Kid

As You Wish

Architect Of Fate
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[Sloth/Trisha Elric; PG] Architect of Fate

Character/Series: Sloth/Trisha Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003; Pandora's Universe)
Rating: PG
Notes: I like abusing mythology, okay?
Title: Architect of Fate
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1043
Summary: Alchemists were not gods.

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[Riza Hawkeye; G] As You Wish

Character/Series: Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003; Pandora's Universe)
Rating: G
Notes: Written for 4purposes Winter theme "at morning in the dark I rise"
Title: As You Wish
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 377
Summary: It was still dark out when Riza would wake up.

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[Edward Elric; PG-13] Since I Was Nothing But a Kid

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003; Pandora's Universe)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for 4purposes Spring theme "with no language but a cry"
Title: Since I Was Nothing But a Kid
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 205
Summary: Edward could never really tell her what was wrong.

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