Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG's Journal -- Day
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Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG

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[26 Jun 2008|08:07am]
April 15th, year unknown, place unknown.


Captain Jack Harkness
Namikaze Minato

Finally the cupids have disappeared! Peace reigns in frozen heaps as the mansion has decided that it is a merry time for Christmas to hit. That's right!

Mistletoe is everywhere, the walls are frosted, parts of the mansion are cold as ice while yet others are warm with crackling fires. The fountain has frozen over to provide a nice small ice rink, the pool is an even bigger one to play in. Garlands, Christmas trees and many other decorations are covering every inch of the mansion. There is six inches of snow outside.

It's in the 30s and high 20s. The sun filters out from behind light snow clouds to bring a dazzling display of glistening snow, only to hide it's face again as the clouds open up and replenish the snow supply.

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April 15: Arrival of Jack Harkness [26 Jun 2008|10:48pm]
Who: Captain Jack Harkness and Open (To a Greeter.)
When: Evening
Where: Foyer
What: Arrival
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

This is weird. I can handle weird. )

1 caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

[ viewing | June 26th, 2008 ]
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