Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG's Journal -- Day
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Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG

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[15 Jun 2008|12:11am]
April 13th, year unknown, place unknown.

For some odd reason the wires of time have become crossed within the mansion walls. As it is April 13th the mansion should be remaining in it's normal state, but alas, it is not so.

Welcome to Valentine's Day in April!

Everywhere around the mansion there are red and pink hearts dangling from ceilings. Romantic music softly playing once stereos are turned on. Televisions blast commercials about finding love, KY jelly, stamina pills, chocolates and bribes to get people out and about to eat gluttonously. There are cardboard cupids floating seemingly in mid air, waiting to poke someone with their tainted arrows. There are a few real cupids as well, so all beware!

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April 13: Hatake Kakashi and Open [15 Jun 2008|01:49am]
Who?: Kakashi and Open
What?: Finding out what Valentine’s Day means
When?: Early morning, Breakfast time
Where?: The Den
Rating?: PG
Status? In Progress

Redecorating, Ninja style. )

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[ viewing | June 15th, 2008 ]
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