she who turns and changes
thunder maiden/lady of war

User: [info]scathachdhu
Date: 2007-11-14 14:08
Subject: [Bleach] Urahara/Rukia, NC-17
Security: Public
Tags:bleach, fic, nc-17, rukia, urahara, urahara/rukia

Sequel to this fic, which apparently does not count as Urahara/Rukia because they never actually touch. So this is written per that h0r [info]jaina's request yesterday.

Unbetaed, ~2200 words; expect periodic edits.

Is it so wrong what I've done? Making my appreciation for Kuchiki-san known? )

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User: [info]scathachdhu
Date: 2007-10-31 14:00
Subject: [Bleach] Urahara/Yoruichi, no prompt, pr0ntober for ano
Security: Public
Tags:bleach, fic, urahara, urahara/yoruichi, yoruichi

Another entry that got out of hand. It's unfinished, but I'll post the beginning for now. ~2900 words, not betaed. UraYoru, no prompt given.

Set pre-series, and many liberties taken with everyone's ages. Urahara and Yoruichi are in the shinigami equivalent of their late teens, Shunsui and Ukitake are a bit older, maybe the equivalent of their early-mid twenties. Byakuya is probably around 8-ish. I'm doing my best to make people recognizable as younger versions of themselves.

For some unknown reason, his squad had all woken up rather more dim-witted than usual... )

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User: [info]scathachdhu
Date: 2007-10-26 18:15
Subject: pr0ntober for na_no_nai/ [info]audra_sama
Security: Public
Tags:bleach, fic, ichigo, pg, pr0ntober, tatsuki

Ichigo/Tatsuki, locker room. I have NEVER been able to comfortably write Ichigo. XD I think our respective kinds of stupid are too different from each other or something. ONCE AGAIN no actual pr0n I swear I know the point of this month.

Around 940 words. Thanks to [info]jaina for looking it over for me.

Did I say don't help me? I said stop stalking me. )

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User: [info]scathachdhu
Date: 2007-10-11 21:34
Subject: pr0ntober for debbiechan
Security: Public
Tags:bleach, fic, ishida, orihime, pr0ntober

I am incredibly intimidated writing these two, but good to stretch yourself and all that, right? Hope you enjoy!

prompt: goosebuimps

Not betaed, 713 words.

They didn't have pepper sauce, but I'm not certain you should have any in your condition anyway.  )

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my journal
August 2008