she who turns and changes - August 21st, 2008
thunder maiden/lady of war

User: [info]oya_ajere (posted by [info]scathachdhu)
Date: 2008-08-21 13:04
Subject: [Saiyuki] untitled, Kou/Doku/Yaone, NC-17
Security: Public

I totally forgot about this. XDD Written months ago for the Saiyuki kink meme.~550 words. No beta, blah blah. Expect periodic edits.

Doku didn't know how he felt about being manhandled by two people half his size. )

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User: [info]oya_ajere (posted by [info]scathachdhu)
Date: 2008-08-21 13:06
Subject: [Bleach] Authority, Urahara/Yoruichi, PG-13
Security: Public

Written for kinkfest over on IJ and terribly, terribly late. Thanks to [info]jaina for the beta; any remaining mistakes are my own. ~430 words. Vague references to recent manga flashback chapters, but no actual spoilers.

Prompt: Yoruichi/Urahara - authority - she might think she was taking advantage of him, but being who he was, that was probably impossible

You're thinking too much again, Yoruichi-san. )

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my journal
August 2008