she who turns and changes - March 3rd, 2008
thunder maiden/lady of war

User: [info]oya_ajere (posted by [info]scathachdhu)
Date: 2008-03-03 20:46
Subject: [FMA] star me kitten, Roy/Havoc/Hawkeye, NC-17
Security: Public
Tags:fma, havoc, hawkeye, mustang, nc-17

Title: star me kitten
Author: [info]scathachdhu
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1300
A/N: I apologize for this being late. Thanks to [info]angstymcgoth for the beta (and R.E.M for the title XD); any remaining mistakes are my own.
Prompt: Fullmetal Alchemist, Roy/Havoc/Hawkeye: sensation kink (Havoc being jointly pleasured) - "Let us do all the work, Second Lieutenant."

First Lieutenant, you are not allowed to use that word. )

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August 2008