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February 13th, 2010

RP: Back to Hogwarts We Go

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Date: Jan. 3, 2000
Characters: Thomas, Amy
Location: Hogwarts Express
Summary: Amy is dreading the return to school.

Amy had tried to subtly drag out the time until they absolutely had to go to the train station to leave for school again. Being home, especially with Thomas in tow, had been so unbelievably good, and in many ways she dreaded returning to Hogwarts. The school had no true happiness for her, only school work she occasionally enjoyed and people she didn’t like (exception of Thomas and those twins in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw…).

In fact, though she never told anyone, it all seemed more trouble than it was worth most of the time. Yes, she had brought some of it on herself, but she couldn’t not stand up for her bloodline and her family and her family’s traditional House. That didn’t mean they could be so horrible to her all the time.

She and Thomas managed to snag a compartment to themselves, at least for now, and she relaxed a little on a seat though it was obvious she wasn’t terribly happy. She had a million things on her mind, not the least of which was some of the snubs she and also her brother Theo had received at the station, and the whispered “Slytherin slut” from some Gryffindor Seventh year that had reached only her ears because she’d held onto Thomas for a moment as the train started moving.

“I wish I could stay home,” she said wistfully after a long moment of staring out at the passing landscape. “I already miss my family.”

December 12th, 2009

RP: Family Christmas

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Date: December 23 - December 25-ish, 1999
Characters: Theo, Nathan, Ferrol, Amy and Peter Nott; Mandy and Natalie Brocklehurst; Pansy and Nicholas Parkinson; Thomas Connelly
Location: Nott Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G - NC-17
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Theo has had Christmas plans in mind for quite awhile. Herein they unfold. Continued from HERE.

It was Christmas morning, and though part of her was fine with sleeping in, she was still highly anticipating Christmas and the presents that came with it. Especially with all the family that was here, it was bound to be fun.

She climbed out of bed and dressed hastily in casual clothes, running a brush through her hair quickly. It was still relatively early, but she knew Teddy wanted to have everyone open presents before breakfast, if they were willing.

She snuck the short distance down the hall, tapped on Thomas' door but she wasn't surprised when no one answered. He wasn't really a morning person, so she crept in. She'd have to wake him herself.

Amy bounced up onto his bed exuberantly. "Wake up, Tommy, it's Christmas!" she said.

December 9th, 2009

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When: December 30, 2002
Characters/Pairing: Amy/Thomas/Ethan
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Adult situations, slash
Summary: Phase one of the seduction of Thomas Connelly.
A/N: I know Amy's been wanting this for a very, very long time! Hopefully this won't disappoint!

Phase one of the seduction of Thomas Connelly. )

November 13th, 2008

RP: The morning after

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Title: The Morning After
Character/Pairing: Thomas/Amy/Ethan
Rating: R+
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Amy goes to Ethan the morning after so many things change.
A/N: Set in Fascination

The Morning After )
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