May. 23rd, 2015


Characters: Ashva & Damascus Grimm
Setting: Somewhere by the waterfront, in a location conductive to narrative and/or meeting other characters (someone feel free to decide where he is? He literally ran there blindly)
Content: Worksafe
Summary: Ashva has relocated to a nice body of water after sleeping off an injury, and is now ready to give this first contact thing a second go
Status: In-progress, feel free to jump in?

Ashva awakened at last after a few days of agony and sleep to recover from it. )

Now however, Ashva was forcing himself awake in the daylight because listening and learning, like the cleverest of kelpies he was, he'd realised that the world slept with night, and so to talk to the humans he would need to be awake when they were. He wore the pants Barnabus had given him, and the shirt of the prey, because it was a pleasing shade of blue. He could hide most of the seaweed in his hair and the other tells he was not human, for a little while at least, and as long as people did not look too hard, and it was enough to at least watch them. He'd not tried speaking to one yet, perhaps now was the time?

Ashva stepped out into the street, and eyes wide with all these new things around him, started walking, ready to give this world a second try.

May. 8th, 2015


Characters: Ashva & Billie Killoram & OPEN
Setting: The golf course near the rift; Friday May 8th, 5-10am and ongoing
Content: Worksafe, no adult content beyond mention of nudity.
Summary: Ashva's grand exit into the world of humanity includes the claiming of one mighty duck-pond, harassment of ducks, and confusing golf for militia drills.
Status: Finished

In the wee hours of the morning, when the rift wasn't being watched, Ashva took his chance to cross... )