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Otherways - an AU RPG

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[May. 28th, 2008|22:30 ]

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Half-way through the tour. It's nice to get a break for a while. Now, if I can just find a doctor named House, I'll be all set.
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Multi-pup post [May. 12th, 2008|19:34 ]

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Alex is sitting at a table with a newspaper crossword and a glass of water. On the floor at her feet is a small bundle of little girl desperately attempting to move along the floor on all fours.

Across the table from her is a tired, dark-haired man who frequently goes by the name of Michael. He's not doing much beyond responding with answers to crossword clues when Alex reads them aloud.

Not too far from them is a grouchy-looking man with long sideburns and tufty hair. He's got a beer in one hand and he's rolling a cigar between the fingers of the other.
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[Feb. 27th, 2008|15:59 ]

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Alex is sitting at one of the tables. She's noticed the differences, but hasn't paid them much attention, finding herself rather occupied with the little girl who is currently attempting to make herself mobile on a blanket on the floor.

While she's reading a newspaper, Alex is keeping close watch over her daughter. Not that she's expecting her to go far if she does move.
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[Jan. 27th, 2008|19:37 ]

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[[ Reposted from LiveJournal ]]

[OOM: Greg visits for Christmas, bringing lots of gifts - for Greyden - but he and Alex don't go without. (Adult content warning!)]

Before she arrives )

And into the bar.

She steps off to one side enough to not block the door and drops her stuff. With a sigh she just looks at the bar, hoping she gets it. When her bags and other non-necessary baby things disappear, she nods thanks, then looks for a very comfortable place to sit.

[[ Thread being played out here ]]
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