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Otherways - an AU RPG

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[Nov. 14th, 2008|11:39 ]

Axel slammed the door behind himself, and only gave a cursory scowl as he saw where he was. After avoiding this place for so long, he'd thought he was rid of it, and all it's little oddities and reminders and unwanted bits and bites.

No such luck, but at least here he need have nothing to do with certain others who have recently turned up on the other side.
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[May. 27th, 2008|08:15 ]

This time, when Axel finds himself in that place, he doesn't bother fighting it. He just scowls, and slinks off to a corner booth, with a view.

Maybe the place will be satisfied if he just sits there for a while.
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[Feb. 27th, 2008|13:43 ]
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The memories are strong today, pulling and tugging at him, like dark accusing voices--

Voices that no longer exist, except inside his own thoughts, and don't exist at all when he can suppress them.

The empty corridors of The Castle That Never Was - empty except for Nobodies, which makes it empty - don't help, their black and white and angles and hollow names.

Axel wouldn't have even noticed that he was Someplace Else, all of a sudden, except that he is, in fact, Someplace, and he hadn't intended to be there.

He freezes (figuratively speaking), and--
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