The World of If - August 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Otherways - an AU RPG

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August 17th, 2008

[Aug. 17th, 2008|21:08 ]
Faye is waiting for the elevator to go back to the apartment she shares with Marten, rolling aimlessly back and forth as she waits. Her wheelchair doesn't make any protest; she keeps it well maintained.

She is tired after a long day at work, and dealing with bitchy customers. She doesn't like the customers, but she likes her job.

Finally, the elevator doors open and she rolls inside. It's not until after the door closes behind her that she realizes this... isn't the elevator. She looks around at the bar she seems to have wandered into.

"What the fuck?" she asks, of no one in particular. She scowls and looks back where she just entered from. There's no door. "Where the hell did the door go?"
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