The World of If - August 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Otherways - an AU RPG

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August 9th, 2008

[Aug. 9th, 2008|23:42 ]


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Michael is watching. He's watching to make sure a small child who wants to be toddling doesn't not-toddle too close to where he's sitting. He doesn't mind the child as long as she maintains a respectable distance. In this case, that means, anywhere Michael can't safely step over or around her.

The girl in question is blonde, like her mother, with sharp blue eyes that see everything (that's like her father) and she's cruising along on all fours like she's trying out for the Indy 500. This is almost a frightening concept for someone who doesn't much like or get along with children.

Thankfully, her mother is nearby, keeping a close eye on her.

Unfortunately, the blind bartender is snickering under his breath where he thinks Michael can't hear him.
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