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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 18th, 2011|08:33 pm]

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[Mood | busy]

*is back in the office after a long weekend spent down south for his aunt's wedding* *having now met this Harry guy and snooped his finances what it's his job, is pretty sure Carol is in for a life of beach bum leisure or world travel, whichever takes her fancy at any given moment*

*has fallen into a good rhythm at work these days, getting to know his coworkers and re-establishing himself on the ladder* *is no longer surprised when this or that analyst pops in to ask him for an opinion or advice (but he does wonder who leaked his old and admittedly pretty impressive cost recovery record around the floor)* *can only assume it was Joy, though she denies it up and up and up the register down*

*is tidying up the last bits of paperwork on a pretty basic restructuring job when he gets a summons from the upstairs secretary* *and it's been such a peaceful day, too* *dutifully straightens his tie, unrolls his sleeves and heads to the elevator* *had to happen sometime dammit*
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[Feb. 16th, 2011|05:18 pm]
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*can't quite believe what she's gotten herself into with this jewelry show gig* *had some little catwalk show in mind, maybe some sashaying, a twirl-snap at the end* *definitely wasn't expecting a high-society exhibit featuring the models as living art, each dripping with enough diamonds to feed a small country for a month*

*on the evening of the gala, finds herself perched on a raised pedestal set in the midst of a sparkling pool, the hem of her long silver gown trailing out into the water* *sits very still while the makeup/hair/accessory people fuss over the headdress and glitter and, of course, the diamonds* *drinks in the details while she can; as part of the VirtuesTM collection showcase, she's portraying blind(folded) Justice*

*minutes before the doors are to open, her fingers are guided around the gleaming scales and sword, and she has to stamp out the urge to giggle or kick her feet* *is solemn and serene and... and just, dammit*
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[Jan. 21st, 2011|08:40 pm]

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*applied at a few different places around town, but was oddly relieved when his old stomping grounds took the bait (familiar grounds, at least)* *one long phone interview and a face-to-face with an HR director later, is once again a senior financial analyst with Sunrise Capital Group*

*heads up to Sunrise's bright corporate skyscraper on his first day back, tie in place and briefcase in hand* *can't help a warm rush of nostalgia, despite the cold wind and the tiny hollow lodged in the pit of his stomach; SCG was his first job away from home, his day-definer for the first two years he lived in this world's Ondolindë*

*introduces himself at the front desk and is directed to the seventeenth floor* *boards the elevator with a handful of sharp-suited folks he doesn't know, none of whom seem to know each other, either, beyond a greeting nod (and it may be down to the buttons they press: fourth floor, seventh floor, twenty-first floor)* *sighs inwardly and straightens his tie (game day, Erestor)*
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