Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 28th, 2011|03:02 am]
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[Mood | chipper]

*Goes for a wander around town to get some air (Loves spring! Everything's so crisp! And fresh! And bursting with potential!)*

*Goes wherever her feet take her and winds up in some up-market shopping district and does a little window-shopping.*

*Stops outside a boutique displaying a full-length, sequined, red dress in its window.*

*Thinks it's very sparkly-pretty but definitely not for her (it's not grey, black, or navy blue. Or a trouser suit).*
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[Feb. 20th, 2011|08:35 pm]
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[Mood | sore]

*Has spent much of her weekend running around town, catching up on errands, which has not done wonders for her mood, especially given her latest attempt to give up smoking.* *Just finished doing battle with the queues in a supermarket, only to venture out into a sudden cloudburst.*

*Waits at the bus stop while she mentally swears at the weather forecasters for not forseeing this (cloudy with sunny intervals my arse).* *Waits and waits and waits* *Switches her wrath to the public transport network.*

*Decides to run for cover under a nearby shop-awning, a shop which just happens to be a traditional Tobacconist.* *Scans the window display and is suddenly overcome with the strangest desire to buy some snuff (hasn't had snuff in ages!).* *Purchases a box of camphor snuff, then goes back outside to wait for this damn bus. Without really thinking, reaches into the box, takes out a pinch and snorts it.*

*Very quickly realises that the pinch was rather larger than is advisable, then remembers that she's never, ever had snuff before so what the hell possessed her to -*

*Sneezes.* *And again.* *And again.* *Puts a hand up to her nose and it comes away red. Rummages in her bags to see if she bought any tissues and no, of course she didn't.*
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[Jan. 30th, 2011|02:42 am]
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[Mood | cranky]

*Is glued to the front desk because the phones have been going mad all day (an unspecified crisis in another province will do that).*

*This is stressful enough but she wouldn't let it bother her under normal circumstances but circumstances are not normal because someone has stolen her cigarettes and replaced them with a pack of nicotine gum.*

*Unwraps a stick of gum and starts chewing while she cross-references phone messages by time-stamp and alphabetically (has already arranged her pens by size and colour).*

Urgh. This tastes like ass.
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