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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 24th, 2011|05:43 pm]

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[Mood | amused]

...also seen About Town... )

[Feb. 16th, 2011|05:18 pm]
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*can't quite believe what she's gotten herself into with this jewelry show gig* *had some little catwalk show in mind, maybe some sashaying, a twirl-snap at the end* *definitely wasn't expecting a high-society exhibit featuring the models as living art, each dripping with enough diamonds to feed a small country for a month*

*on the evening of the gala, finds herself perched on a raised pedestal set in the midst of a sparkling pool, the hem of her long silver gown trailing out into the water* *sits very still while the makeup/hair/accessory people fuss over the headdress and glitter and, of course, the diamonds* *drinks in the details while she can; as part of the VirtuesTM collection showcase, she's portraying blind(folded) Justice*

*minutes before the doors are to open, her fingers are guided around the gleaming scales and sword, and she has to stamp out the urge to giggle or kick her feet* *is solemn and serene and... and just, dammit*
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Inside Gondolin, vol. 12 no. 7 [Jul. 8th, 2009|10:34 am]

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'About Town' with Cleo Tomlinson )

[Nov. 17th, 2008|12:02 pm]

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[Mood | inaccurate]

*returns from assignment abroad to find her desk at Inside Gondolin littered with post-its covered in scrawls reading "Sorry; play again" and "Charisma called; she wants her job back!" and "Where's your insider now?"*

*is utterly perplexed until she picks up a copy of yesterday's Daily News and gets a good look at the photo on the cover (and they claim not to be a rag. HA.)*

*sprays a mouthful of coffee all over her monitor and fumbles for her cell phone, dialing her daughter's emergency number because by Eru this is an emergency*
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|01:31 pm]

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[Mood | pleased]

*on her afternoon break, settles down on an empty park bench (so many of them are empty these days) with her salad and the latest issue (hot off the press) of Inside Gondolin*

*leafs through the magazine until she finds the feature she's looking for, i.e. the most recent testament to her amazingness*

*begins to read* )

*sighs and sets the magazine aside to eat, satisfied with a job well done*
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