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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 24th, 2011|10:08 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*arrives back into Gondolin much later than anticipated due to a bunch of delays getting back after her break away* *obviously heard all about the accident at the Arch and texted Egalmoth a couple of times over the weekend (but no reply?)* *whatever*

*has to head straight to work and dumps her bag in her office before going down to the breakroom to make herself the world's biggest mug of coffee and to distribute the mandatory souvenir candy that every Fountain must bring to the office after trips abroad*

*hasn't even checked her email or, indeed, seen the paper*
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[Mar. 21st, 2011|05:57 pm]

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[Mood | tired]

*trudges back to her hotel (quite a swanky one; thanks, As Órë Turns!) after a long day of interviews*

*decides to relax for a bit at the hotel bar before she goes upstairs and settles in with room service and whatever porn movies they've got on tap*

*pours herself onto a barstool, sighing with relief to be off the four-and-a-half-inchers for a bit, and orders an appletini when the bartender promptly stops over (they always are so prompt, aren't they?)*
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[Mar. 15th, 2011|10:56 pm]
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*holy shitballs and fuck, in that order*

*practically flies to the Arch the minute she gets the news, with Mac and a small flock of rustled-up Swallows in tow*

*jumps out of the car, directing her people to make themselves useful* *jogs right past the barricades and flashing lights and keeps her eyes peeled for her ome House-twin buddy old pal fellow lord* *and Penlodh, too, dammit, if he didn't get his dumb ass killed this time*
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[Mar. 15th, 2011|03:13 pm]
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[Mood | working]

*is in the middle of the fiscal-year-end cycle and up to his neck in paperwork*

*not to mention some staffing issues that have materialized recently (oh Ted, you were such an up-and-comer)*

*is on his way back from dropping off reports at the palace while on the phone with Elemmakil* You getting enough of that coastal air yet?
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[Feb. 1st, 2011|04:10 pm]
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*returns from down south with the Gondolin contingent, having dispatched as many Freaks of Nature eiiiuuuughheiioughhhh as they could find*

*is accompanied by one Fountain officer at less than tip-top condition*

*unlocks the door to her apartment* What have I told you about those weak ankles?
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[Jan. 30th, 2011|12:09 pm]

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[Mood | working]

*after a hurried conference with the king and queen, and even more hurried efforts to muster a task force made up of a number of Gondolin's best soldiers, travels to dark Menegroth to personally verify some of this crazy shit aid the marchwardens in their fight*

*coordinates with Beleg over the phone on the train and, once in the city, outlines a basic plan of attack with the other lords of Gondolin and their women and men, strictly emphasizing periodic check-ins and cooperation with the local authorities*

We're here at Lady Melian's request, people. I expect everyone to behave like any good guest despite Doriath's history of insane foreign policy, understood? *looking at each person in turn, his eyes lingering on Glorfindel for just a moment (it's dark/are you going to be okay?)* Any questions?
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[Jul. 25th, 2010|08:49 pm]

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[Mood | cheerful]

*has really enjoyed having Elrond, Celebrían and family to stay and makes every attempt to persuade Elrond that there are enough crazies in Gondolin to make it worth his while moving her (Eru, there are enough crazies in the House of the Golden Flower for that matter)*

*in spite of the failure to keep them here for ever, decides to have a barbeque towards the end of their stay, which will obviously not be on a level with the Fountain barbeque, which is coming up soon* *after some brief dithering, decides to invite Elemmakil and Egalmoth even though he's pretty certain that Elemmakil isn't talking to either him or Ecthelion as yet*

*is, of course, not doing any of the barbequing himself (these people didn't sign up for food poisoning, after all!) and contents himself with making sure that the drinks are in order as he waits for the others to join him out in the garden of the Flower*

*does wish that Erestor was (a) in the vicinity and (b) not on the outs with most of Gondolin because his absence is all the more obvious in such familiar company*
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[Jul. 20th, 2010|07:51 pm]
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*accompanies her mom around Gondolin, sightseeing*

*has maps and cell tucked in her bag and remembers a lot from last time actually really is kind of sort of positive she could make it around on her own and is totally old enough maybe except her mom seems a little quieter than usual*

*asks to stop by the Fountain to get some pictures in front of the main fountain (naturally)*
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[Jul. 10th, 2009|12:09 am]
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*arrives at the Arch late one afternoon (a copy of Inside Gondolin tucked in her handbag)*

*dawdles down at the reception, waiting to find out if the Lord of the House is actually in or at work*

*nervously laughs off the crack made by the receptionist when she mentions that she (Elemmakil) really should have her own set of keys for the Arch*

*settles down on a couch in the foyer, looking visibly tired (but the work on the Flower is complete; next task is resigning from the Flower)*
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[Jun. 7th, 2009|10:15 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*having decided that everyone who has been working their arses off helping out at the Flower deserves a thank you, concocts a plan with her flatmate to have a small gathering at their flat*

*dispenses invitations by text to pretty much everyone in her phonebook (as Becky does the same) and comes to the conclusion that this will be less a small gathering and more an actual party*

*ensures that the fridge is well-stocked with booze and that she is dolled up to the nines on the evening of the party* *looks around the flat and looks at Becky* Well. We're long overdue a house-warming anyway. It may coincide with our eviction but at least it'll be a great party.
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[May. 11th, 2009|10:05 pm]

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*finds himself on the hunt for an entirely different breed of monster (and he must force himself to focus on this task alone when every fiber of his being practically screams Glorfindel and go)*

*splits up with Elemmakil at the bottom of the Fountain steps, snagging a House car in place of his own (go, Ecthelion, please go)* *and what comes next is a blur of taxis and phonecalls and green-yellow-red lights streaking overhead, and Vairë isn't anywhere in sight—*

*—until, quite suddenly and without fanfare, she is*

*is out of his car (half-pulled onto the sidewalk in his haste to park) and at the driver's window, rapping sharply and flashing his ID, before he opens the door and directs what may be interpreted as a polite smile (but only if you don't know him or him-and-Glorfindel) at the woman inside* Lady Vairë. Your presence is required. Immediately.
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[May. 7th, 2009|08:16 pm]
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*is having a pretty torrid time of it, all told, but does manage to break into Glorfindel's apartment to return the book to Vairë's room (having made a copy of it, as suggested by Becky)* *does not quite tell Ecthelion about this illegal venture but does text him a few more photos of the strange un-Glorfindelesque decor*

*goes home and gets changed, heading out to meet Egalmoth at some bar or other after his card game* *arrives a little bit early so heads up to the bar and engages in some mild flirtation with a patron (who buys her a drink) while waiting for her man to show up*
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[Apr. 26th, 2009|03:07 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*decides there is a definite upside of Boyfriend status the current relationship situation is continued and regular contact* (*and it's so much better than those weeks when he was an idiot lacked said contact*)

*as such, swings by the Flower at the end of the work day to pick up Tanya for dinner*
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[Apr. 7th, 2009|08:25 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*finds Tanya? Pete? Tanya's at the viewing party, so figures on catching up with her after?*

(*not that he goes in for awards shows any how, unless he'd be required to show up, or if it's just a Fountain thing, or maybe he's overthinking it*)

*really has not crowed about his love life had a good man-to-man with Duilien lately, so swings by the Swallow*
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|04:33 pm]
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[Mood | discontent]

*throws himself into his work, generally being a smidge more of a diva moody around the Arch than usual*

*for Eru's sake a Harper??!?*

*after another week's productivity, has a By-laws update (including new speeding violations and updated swimming ordinances in advance of summer rec centre openings), so takes advantage of the pleasantly warming spring day to walk it off take them around himself*

*stops by the Flower just before lunch hour, intending to leave it with the afternoon secretary*
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[Mar. 14th, 2009|09:24 am]
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[Mood | busy]

*having returned from his information-gathering exploits out west, can now devote his attention to important matters on the homefront*

*or at least, would if he wasn't being very busy and important composing his report to Anairë, personally liaising with the Swallow to catch up on the events of the interim, scanning the newspaper hoping for any new, unsavoury turns by Penlodh that would give him something to do, and generally looking for keeping busy work*

*ends up at the second of his top five local bars for the evening, conducting market research with approaching females*
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[Mar. 3rd, 2009|07:20 pm]
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[Mood | curious]

*has a mission should he choose to accept it*

*makes his way out to Hithlum on a train with a car full of school kids on their term break oh Eru*

*tries not to ponder too much of the inevitable begging apologizing as he makes his way to the local burger joint for a (*wince*) Helm's Deep Freeze*
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[Feb. 27th, 2009|12:16 pm]

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[Mood | cynical]

*is on his way to Poker Night, mulling over ways to try and convince Egalmoth to play for fun for once, or maybe just token pocket change*

*considers this question long and hard before giving it up as a lost cause, simply resolving to abstain from alcohol for the evening, since things seem to rapidly go downhill after that second beer*

*wonders if perhaps he should declare a moratorium on Egalmoth's dealing rights, too. just to be safe.*
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[Feb. 22nd, 2009|06:17 pm]
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[Mood | restless]

*is still kicking around Gondolin, unsure where she should go next sightseeing, inviting Itarillë for shopping, and enjoying as much of her family as she can in case her husband shows up?*

*her last encounter still nagging at her mind, can't help but be hopeful curious*

*invites that nice Lord Egalmoth for a coffee so she can pick his brain ask some advice about the whole thing*

*sits near the cafe's picture window and plays with her brand new phone, while she waits*
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[Feb. 14th, 2009|03:32 pm]
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[Mood | pleased]

*is having a pretty swell first day in Gondolin, so far!*

*tours around till dark with Jackie, hitting a little Italian place for dinner between sight-hopping (and damn, he wasn't kidding about the chef's terrible beer special, but the food was worth it!)* *the Flower site was pretty neat, too, especially considering the Before pictures posted up in one of the admin trailers*

*eventually finds himself and his stalkee tour guide in tow for beer and poker with Mac (another House's Second) and Edrahil (introduced as "the Queen's lackey"), which turns out to be the most informative entertaining part of the day* *is almost sorry to finally pack it in (whoa, it's already one AM?), but on the plus side, has the car ride to his hotel to look forward to*

*turns to Jackie as soon as they're both in the car, grinning broadly* Okay, I have to ask—exactly how true is that hornet-turkey story?
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