Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 20th, 2011|08:36 pm]
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[Mood | blah]

*is several weeks into what will be a very short tenure at SDS, and he can't say they've been the best weeks of his life* *as if being the new kid in class didn't suck badly enough, he's the new king in class, with at least two security guys on him at all times (the babysitting's bad enough, but they also check his locker and his lunch, and he can't even pretend to be as frustrated as he might be otherwise, now that he's been at the sights-end of a gun)* *hopes Cel's having a better time of it in Gondolin*

*thinks he'd go completely insane if not for Galadriel* *settles on the (empty) school steps with his lunch and backpack to wait for her, as he does every day* *smiles reflexively at a few girls walking by, and they do smile back, but they also hurry past without stopping* *sigh*
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[Mar. 10th, 2011|04:54 pm]
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[Mood | stressed]

*given the climate in the city lately and her father's near-death experience, her parents are set on making the move sooner rather than later*

*is pretty much all packed up except for the last-minute things and whatever else they need for the past week*

*shows up at school to turn in papers and pass some letters to the principal (even though her dad's already got the rest of her lessons to do at home til they can work something out)*

*stops by football practice after class cause goodbyes won't get any easier will they*
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[Jan. 15th, 2011|09:02 pm]
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[Mood | cranky]

*It's the first period after lunch-break and that can only mean one thing: Physical education.*

*Sneaks off behind the utility shed so he can bunk-off the class without anyone noticing because...because fuck Physical education, that's why.*
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[Nov. 4th, 2010|12:18 pm]

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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*has done a lot of thinking this week about Galadriel's proposition, and about Doing the Right Thing*

*well, that or he happened to mention her request to his grandfather Monday evening, and said grandfather has been making guilt-tripping faces at him all week long*

*which is why, come Friday night, he's a bit dressed up and standing outside Galadriel's door (it's not like he wants to be there, god no, but she does seem sort of lacking for friends these days gee, he wonders why)*

*heaves a heavy sigh and knocks on the door*
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