Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Aug. 30th, 2008|09:17 pm]
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[Mood | concerned]

*is just finishing packing up his stuff to move when he hears the news that all traffic in and out of Gondolin has been cut off--indefinitely*

*first thought: Turgon is temporarily reverting to his First Age paranoia for some reason? maybe because of the baby?*

*second thought: Turgon is permanently reverting to his First Age paranoia for some reason? maybe because he's neurotic?*

*third thought (which was actually the first first thought, as it always is): Finrod.*

*dials her number, watching the talking heads on the news gabble at each other* *something about an attack? an arrest? but no confirmations from official sources on anything?*
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[Aug. 14th, 2008|09:50 am]
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[Mood | worried]

*has no idea what the frell is going on*

*one minute, the boss is leaving for a little vacation with her cousin/lover, and the next, she's resigned via letter and he's getting phonecalls from the higher-ups about filling in until a replacement Ambassador can be found*

*is, quite frankly, at the high end of Worry (this isn't like her, never has been)*

*rings her cell phone* *hopes she'll pick up--maybe this strange pod-Finrod won't remember how much she used to rely on him*
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[Jul. 13th, 2008|10:38 pm]
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*putters around in his kitchen, making dinner (for one, as always)*

*has his laptop perched on the counter and his other laptop set up on the table (as usual)* *alternates between picking at his email on one and tapping out lines of experimental coding on the other*

*sets a pot of water on to boil while the chicken defrosts*

*figures he'll give his boss a call, since watching the pot will only make him impatient* *isn't good at Impatient*

*tucks his Bluetooth in his ear and hits the speed dial*
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