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Opus Two RPG

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[Aug. 28th, 2010|03:46 pm]

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*stirs awake slowly and peacefully, becoming aware by inches that he is not alone* *first recognizes the solid warmth tucked at his back, the arm draped over his middle, and dimly recalls Doc being here last* *...also vaguely remembers completely losing his mind at some point along the way*

*exhales* *eventually pries his eyes open, blinking against the light, and only then notices the other presence in the room* *experiences a flicker of half-formed recognition, prompting him to swallow a few times and try out his voice* H... hello?.
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[Aug. 27th, 2010|08:05 am]
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[Mood | working]

*sits on a bench outside the GMH (there's a pleasant treed area; nice for patients really)*

*waits for Ecthelion to come out, now things are progressing*

*in lieu of a cigarette, fiddles with a random piece of paper, folding and creasing it patiently while he keeps his mind on, well, patients*
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|07:53 pm]

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[Mood | groggy]

*remains oblivious to all of the activity around him, from tubes and needles to visitors and mainstays, and even the presence of two Valar isn't enough to shake him from his chemically-induced sleep*

*drags his eyes open a few times in the middle of the (second) night and mumbles a few nonsensical words on the morning of the third day* *tumbles into dark dreams after each glimmer of consciousness, but is ushered clear in short order (shh, sleep easy)*

*blinks and inhales deeply sometime in the late afternoon, not quite aware he's awake until he hears movement somewhere to his left* *tries to turn his head, instinctively seeking the source (hello?)*
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[Aug. 17th, 2010|11:37 pm]
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[Mood | working]

*returns from errands to receive the latest news about the Children*

*can't help but be concerned especially what with all those two boys have been dealing with, never mind the other ones*

*accompanies Irmo to Gondolin so he can listen out on his best receiver iPod* *follows his trail to the GMH*

*while Irmo sits in the main waiting room to keep listening, uses her OU faculty credentials to ask around about Erestor's treatment (all holistic remedies can be attempted you know? even in dire cases you'd just be amazed...)*

*stops outside his room to assess the situation and see how his visitors are doing*
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[Mood | shocked]

*is having a pretty average early-morning start at the office, all told—the usual onslaught of snail mail, email, interoffice mail, and memos from every corner of the House—when one particular email near the bottom of the screen catches her eye* *blinks in surprise, instantly recognizing her brother's address (and it takes her a moment to remember that she gave him one of her business cards last time she was up, just for a laugh)*

*pops the message open and skims it* *something about an article in the Brighton paper that she'll want to read, like, now?* *goes ahead and clicks the article link, curious as to what could be so interesting that Freddy's emailing it to her at work*

*takes in the headline (oh, a break-in or something) before moving down to the main text* *...* *hits "Print" about three paragraphs in, all color draining from her face (despite everything), because there are words like shotgun and injuries, and the picture's caption reads Doc Brandt and Carol Taberer wait for news from inside the house, and the dark smears on the old lady's shirt look frighteningly like blood*

*grabs the article off the printer and hurries over to Ecthelion's office, knocking sharply as she practically bursts through the door*
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[Feb. 10th, 2010|11:34 am]

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[Mood | worried]

*after receiving a somewhat alarming voicemail and conducting an even more alarming phone conversation, promptly packs an overnight bag, kisses his wife and daughter goodbye, and gets himself to Gondolin as quickly as can be managed on such short notice*

*walks into Gondolin Memorial Hospital (ooh, shiny) early in the afternoon, where he presents himself as a visitor and, receiving the proper clearance, finds his way to Glorfindel's room*

*taps lightly on the open door, not wanting to startle the occupant with a stranger's presence (and isn't that a disturbing thought?)* *can't help grinning as he looks around the room (he knows his old friend, even if the same cannot be said for Glorfindel)* Whew. I'm glad I didn't bring flowers. I'm thinking the world's facing a sudden shortage.
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[Feb. 8th, 2010|11:36 pm]

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[Mood | blank]

*with a frequency that might be alarming (if he only knew), wakes up in a hospital bed after a general anaesthetic* *feels a bit groggy and a bit clumsy as he looks at both of his hands now plastered*

*eyes the IV line (strange contraption), giving it an experimental tug before realising that's probably not the wisest move* Ouch.

*sees that there is someone next to his bed and turns towards her* *rather pleasantly, if a little hoarsely* May I have some water, please?
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[Jan. 23rd, 2010|02:58 pm]
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*hears through the grapevine that the Lord of the Flower is back in the hospital, this time for surgery* *good grief, what is it about Turgon's poor people? every other week someone's having a minor crisis*

*decides to go check in on Glorfindel the day of his operation, because to listen to the media talk, he could probably use a friendly word right about now* *upon her arrival, though, she learns that Glorfindel is already out of surgery and has been installed in a regular room to recover*

*heads that way, her small offering of yellow roses in hand* *peeks in the door and knocks very softly, so as not to wake the occupant if he's drifted off*
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[May. 13th, 2009|02:06 pm]

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[Mood | groggy]

*wakes up in his hospital room with his face buried against Ecthelion's chest and with it, comes a certain degree of calm (although that might also be whatever sedative he had been given the evening before)*

*manages some toast for breakfast and mentions that he would really like a decent wash and he is offered a bath or shower* *even though (of course) he is offered help by Ecthelion, he is positively horrified at the thought of making Ecthelion endure anything of the sort*

*once he is clean and somewhat presentable (though still unshaven), comes back in to his room*
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[May. 12th, 2009|08:27 pm]

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[Mood | blank]

*has no real understanding of what time it is after Glorfindel's test results come back and he has been moved to a proper room*

*only knows that it must be getting well on into the evening when Glorfindel is finally sleeping the sleep of the sedated in his arms (it is still far from ideal but they are both calmer this way)*

*does not come anywhere near sleep himself, not now that he has had a proper look at Glorfindel's not-phone and is developing a fuller understanding of the atrocities one single human being is capable of committing*
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[May. 12th, 2009|02:52 am]

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[Mood | scared]

Glorfindel is puzzled; he cannot open his bedroom door but the panicky edge that should be sharp, that should make his heart pound and hurt and ache, is dulled. It might be the whiskey although he did not think he had had that much to drink and he would not notice if this fine double malt looked a little cloudier than usual. He is thirsty. He cannot sleep. There is something like electricity running through his veins, keeping him awake all night. There is three-quarters of a bottle of whiskey on the bedside table. There is a bottle of bleach under the bathroom sink, and any number of liquid toiletries. The taps are not running (he has tried). There is the toilet bowl. He is not that thirsty. She will surely be back soon and realise that he is trapped. She will let him out, he is (almost) sure.

He ventures out onto his balcony for the first time and the sun is almost blinding. He is pale (he looks like a no-good, loser junkie and he swallows down a lump in his throat) and he moves like an old man, fumbling along the wall of the balcony so that he doesn’t fall. It is not a long way down to the ground but it might kill him, if he went headfirst. He runs his fingertips along the rough-smooth bricks and smiles a little (look, he can still feel). His eyes are half-closed and he could be anywhere but here (if he went headfirst). He frowns when his fingers encounter something soft and it is half of a fluffy white dandelion, just sitting on the grainy wall, and he cannot imagine how it soared so high. For a brief, mad-hopeful moment, he wonders if it is a message from an outside world that doesn’t seem to miss him much and he giggles to himself as he rubs the white sprigs between his fingertip and thumb (yellow flower turned poof). His world has already crumbled; it is too late for secret messages and conspiracy theories; his world has come apart and it took little more than a stiff wind. He does not notice that he is crying because his tears are hot like the sun is hot, and it’s just a sun-shower, and it will pass him by soon enough, like most things pass him by. Every time he tries to dial a number, he is informed that his call cannot be connected. It is just as well; no one seems to want to talk to him anymore and he has no calls to return. He dials his voicemail and he has no new messages and the Beloved was just more wool over his eyes (another rug to be pulled from under him).

He sinks down to curl up in the corner, in the shade, and supposes that it cannot be long before his mother forgets him too and he will be alone and so he continues to press the speed dials in turn: #1 is E mobile and #2 is E office and #3 is E admin and #4 is E home and #5 is E security and he is all out of speed dials. His throat begins to close up and he shuts his eyes and he is shaking because there is the burning and there is the darkness (and there is his terror and she is pulling off her gloves).
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[Nov. 17th, 2008|12:02 pm]

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[Mood | inaccurate]

*returns from assignment abroad to find her desk at Inside Gondolin littered with post-its covered in scrawls reading "Sorry; play again" and "Charisma called; she wants her job back!" and "Where's your insider now?"*

*is utterly perplexed until she picks up a copy of yesterday's Daily News and gets a good look at the photo on the cover (and they claim not to be a rag. HA.)*

*sprays a mouthful of coffee all over her monitor and fumbles for her cell phone, dialing her daughter's emergency number because by Eru this is an emergency*
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[Oct. 15th, 2008|09:15 am]

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[Mood | scared]

*opens his eyes sometime around noon the following day*

*is instantly struck by the almost overpowering perfumed scent in the air and, when he looks around, has the crazy first impression that he wandered into the Botanical Gardens and fell asleep there* *sneezes*

*feels his heart skip a beat or two when the memories of the previous day's events hit him in a flood* *hastily pushes them out of his head before the panic can overwhelm him, focusing his thoughts on the tasks at hand*

*tries to shake off his grogginess as he sits up and, shoving the covers off using the arm (and the useless bandaged lump on the end of it) not immobilized by a sling, swings his legs out of bed and sets his feet on the cold floor*
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[Oct. 14th, 2008|07:37 pm]
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[Mood | exhausted]

*having had a very busy day - which is odd, given that her operating list was cancelled to accomodate the enaction of the Hospital Emergency Plan - makes her way along a darkened corridor towards the hospital entrance, with every intention of getting the Mandos out of work*

*is stopped en route by a patient's family (asking directions), a nurse from her own ward, two of her medical colleagues and three bleeps from the casualty department but does eventually reach the stairwell*
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[Sep. 6th, 2008|06:19 pm]

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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*sits uncomfortably in a wheelchair, waiting to go in for yet more X-rays*

*really thought his day-to-day posture was pretty good, but holding himself completely upright at all times is getting old fast* *would almost give anything to be able to slouch a little, without his chest shrieking in protest*

*on the plus side, finally got to eat his turkey sandwich!* *on the minus side, Glorfindel's flowers make him sneeze every once in a while and sneezing? is a tiny death all its own* *will never ever tell him so, though*
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|12:23 pm]

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[Mood | gloomy]

*has been doing his very best to concentrate on work, but there are only so many hours a man can stay locked up in his office before the word "intervention" starts to get bandied about*

*also, the lack of any leads whatsoever in Thuringwethil's case has been frustrating him to the point where he can hardly think on the situation clearly and rationally*

*returns to the hospital, where he inquires about Erestor (but doesn't stop in to see him) and then heads to the Pediatric ward to see if he can't track down Ava for what promises to be no less difficult a conversation*
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[Aug. 31st, 2008|09:10 pm]

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[Mood | lonely]

*is getting better at staying awake and (more or less) cognizant, except for the odd spell here and there of drug-induced Lalala-time*

*having absolutely nothing better to do besides think too much, munches ice cubes and flips through TV channels*

*flip. flip. flip.* *Wildlife Discovery: Sharks--way too many teeth* *golf--just. no.* *As Órë Turns--maybe as a last resort? except dammit that theme song*

*finally gives up and leaves it on a news channel, muting the sound after some minutes of listening to the anchors speculate on what really happened at the OCC plant*

*finds himself absently wondering whether Darryl (with the hands) will be in today* *mmm, those hands* *and that thick, blonde, just-shy-of-shaggy hair* *which is actually so much like ...*

*...annnd it's back to thinking too much* *SIGH*
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|11:19 am]
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[Mood | busy]

*has had an extremely busy time of it since word came through of the alert and subsequent city-wide lockdown* *because of course, every event coordinator in town wants to know whether their weddings/concerts/parties/recitals/bar mitzvahs are still going to go on as planned? and they didn't know whether to call the Harp or the Swallow? and they probably just don't want to deal with Sally*

(*never mind the facts that there are old-school monsters on the loose, and a good man is already in the hospital, and the King has locked down the City*)

*hunts through the stacks of file folders on her desk for a few minutes before paging her second-in-command* Mac? Where's the number for that woman with the dog show? You know, the nutbar with the poodle hair?
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[Aug. 27th, 2008|11:50 am]

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[Mood | morose]

*sits (stands) (paces) in the primary waiting room of Gondolin Memorial while Erestor is rushed into emergency surgery (and that means he's still alive?)*

*sits (stands) (paces) outside the building as he goes through the motions of making and taking phone calls (Fountain and Hammer and Flower)*

*sits (stands) (paces) in the waiting room again and thinks about the monster (behind bars) and then about Glorfindel (being treated and "I'll go first")*

*eventually runs out of phone calls and orders and questions for which there immediate answers, and so sits, waiting for word that Erestor has died (and that means he was still alive) or hasn't died (breathes), thinking about the sheer senselessness of Erestor's plight when everything there is to break about Gondolin can be found nowhere in the Fountain but his own head*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|07:55 pm]
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[Mood | exhausted]

*is coming to the end of her latest long shift (well, is into the last third of it, anyway)*

*heads out onto the ward between cases to check up on a few of the post-op kids and to write up fluids*

*sits down at the nurses' station and puts her feet up on the desk* *picks up the nearest phone and asks the hospital switchboard to connect her to a cellphone number*
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