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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 27th, 2011|08:04 pm]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*leaves Aulë's, feeling thoroughly chastised and somewhat frustrated with the circumstances (he really felt he was getting somewhere with Aulendil, but their tour's been cut short for now)*

*detours briefly to Ossiriand and tracks down Telimektar to apologize for his part in the debacle* *also noses around town a bit to be sure the damage is as superficial as it first seemed (it is)*

*that done, makes his way across to his Lady's halls for a third round of apologies* *has no idea how Nienna might react, but feels he owes his patroness a visit, anyway, after everything that's happened lately*
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[Feb. 27th, 2009|03:53 pm]
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*is slowly coming to the realization that, as uncomfortable and unnerving as her little heart-to-hearts are, they're actually preferable to the endless spates of skulking and goo-bullying in between*

*has, in fact, taken to trailing in the dark/light Valië's wake on a regular basis; quietly and cowering at first, but more boldly of late (said Valië doesn't seem to mind?)* *has seen all sorts of strange, far-flung corners of the Halls while in Nienna's company, and has even been permitted to crouch in the corner of her office while she "processes" mortal souls*

*is still a disembodied collection of disharmony, but at least she's not bored out of her fucking discorporated mind now?*
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[Jul. 31st, 2008|06:05 pm]
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*wanders through the Halls, weary and numbed to the core after a long day of consigning souls to their fates* *hasn't had a true Redeemable ever in days and days* *has allowed some few rehousings, though--couldn't bring herself to keep the youngest children from the light*

*idly watches the various bits of goo, shade, and gooey shade as they scatter before her, instinctively driven to flee before anything too Light (piercing and painful, as the Sun's glare in the wasteland) or too Dark (chill and empty, pitiless to the lost)* *sometimes wonders whether they can tell the difference between herself and her Lord, whom they seem to fear above all else* *does so love that dark, dark Doomsman of hers*

*reaches one of the outer fringes and pauses in her step, glancing down a seemingly endless corridor (none of them ever really end so much as they turn back in on themselves)*

*hears a new, and yet old Song--one she once knew very well, indeed* *listens for a moment longer to be sure* *he always was low-key, if not outright shy*

*fades into the shadows and reincorporates two floors above, speaking even before her form has become visible* When were you planning to announce yourself to the Lady of these Halls, pupil mine?
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