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Opus Two RPG

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[Dec. 7th, 2010|10:01 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*is fairly well horrified by the news coming out of Ossiriand (and every grisly detail captured by some student's cell phone camera, the shaky footage replaying every half hour on twelve different channels)*

*calls Beren immediately to make sure Mír is all right* (*well, as all right as the kid can be, considering*)

*confers with Turgon and thinks to call Thingol next, but dials Fingon instead, figuring she should probably coordinate with him before she does anything diplomatic on behalf of the Fingolfinian-ish Noldor* *nothing like a little damage control to spice up the holidays!* *Fëanorian: the other F-word*
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[Oct. 23rd, 2008|11:28 pm]
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*early(ish), the following morning, heads down to the front desk of the hotel, while Maedhros is still sleeping*

*orders a car to bring him to his cousin's house and, while he is waiting, settles down in one of the armchairs in the foyer, with a newspaper and a cup of coffee*

*is slowly starting to think that maybe this vacation/weekend/relaxation idea might not have been one of Maedhros' worst ideas, even allowing for a visit to Írissë*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|06:13 pm]
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[Mood | stressed]

*has been somewhat distracted since his brother's visit (and his brothers news)* *to the point at which Maedhros is threatening to sulk if he doesn't "cheer the fuck up" (direct quote)*

*figures that there's only one course of action open to him and dials Finrod's cell phone number, having made sure that his office door is firmly closed and Margaret is on her lunch break*
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[Aug. 10th, 2008|08:44 pm]
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*is not having the most pleasant of weekends*

*to wit:
(A) received a particular letter from his cousin (totally, cousin) which was both expected and unexpected and still leaves him short one Ambassador in Delving.
(B) appears to have agreed to send his private jet to collect his half-cousin, in spite of the diplomatic issues that may arise*

*in spite of it all, is looking forward to seeing Maedhros again* *really, really is*
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[Jul. 24th, 2008|10:40 am]
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[Mood | shocked]

*wakes in the morning, gradually stirring into consciousness, feeling sore and tired but utterly content* *feels the weight and heat of a body next to her in bed, and curls into it happily*

*slowly becomes aware of something strange and different: a slighter chest to rest her head upon, no snoring softer breathing, and a racing from years of continual stress heart*

*and, just as slowly, remembers the night before, bit by bit, in vivid detail*

*doesn't open her eyes, wanting to believe this was all a dream, but is horrified by the reality of it*

*softly, barely audibly* Oh, Eru.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2008|07:23 pm]
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*arrives in Delving on an evening train, which was supposed to be an afternoon train but it was delayed by a number of hours for a 'random' security check at the Doriath border*

*stays true to his promise to his baby brother and, after he's checked into a hotel, sets out for Finrod's appartment, dialling her number as he walks*

*has the faintest suspicion that he's being followed but assumes that this is a normal feeling in Delving, given the combined powers of Thingol's paranoia and his own paranoia*
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