Opus Two RPG - March 13th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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March 13th, 2011

[Mar. 13th, 2011|03:52 pm]


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[Mood | productive]

*during a break in filming, heads up to Gondolin for a week or so to fulfill some promotional duties on the road*

*doesn't really mind the trip, considering she doesn't get to see any of her family very often especially since she tends avoid her father like the plague* *with this aim, makes plans to meet her aunt for a girls' lunch out one afternoon*
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[Mar. 13th, 2011|09:44 pm]


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[Mood | calm]

*after quite a number of weeks spent between Gondolin, Nevrast and Thargelion, returns to Gondolin on something of a fact-finding mission (well, it makes a change from redistribution of goods)*

*has a leisurely morning, culminating in a couple of espressos in a coffee shop right in the centre of a rather upmarket shopping street* *is dressed for the occasion, in a smart, well-tailored suit*

*finally, crosses the street and window-shops for a while before going into a very classy-looking jewelry shop*
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