Opus Two RPG - February 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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February 6th, 2011

[Feb. 6th, 2011|04:35 pm]
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[Mood | worried]

*is going just a tiny bit out of his mind, having had absolutely no contact with Káni for the past several days (she's not answering emails or texts, and she didn't pick up any of Elliott's calls, either)*

*and then there's the post-blackout mess in Doriath, which is all the more distressing because people are dead, the king is dead, and Káni still isn't answering*

*finally sucks it up and texts Gil-galad, feeling a little like a girl but thinking he has good reason to worry (she's never ignored him before and now would be the absolute worst time for her to start for more reasons than one)* it's elladan. have you heard from kani?
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