Opus Two RPG - January 8th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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January 8th, 2011

[Jan. 8th, 2011|03:23 pm]


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*arrives into Gondolin very quietly and spends a few days getting himself and his cat settled* *emails and calls the university, as well, and breathes a sigh of relief when it's clear that he'll be able to re-do his last semester without any hangups (aside from cost, of course)*

*as soon as he has himself and his schooling sorted, immediately starts catching up on the city's recent goings-on, paying particular attention to anything related to "his" people (aside from Ecthelion's charity CD collaboration, there's nothing much in the news)* *is just glad he hasn't missed out on anything huge, at least*

*for lack of any clever plan (how do you fix a tree after it's been run through a woodchipper?), decides it's time to step out on one of the strongest limbs* *calls round to the Flower in the late morning and, surprisingly (to him), is directed to wait in Glorfindel's office (he's just stepped out for a bit with Marigold, but he should be back soonish)*

*perches on the edge of the couch and fidgets, waiting* *five minutes pass, and the perch relaxes to a slouch* *ten minutes pass, and he leans his cheek on his knuckles, nerves giving way to drowsiness (it's the sunshine streaming in through the windows, the lulling scent of books and carpet and familiarity)*

*closes his eyes, thinking to keep an ear out (I'll hear them coming a mile off)* *fifteen minutes past, and he's slumped against the arm of the couch in a warm, cozy doze*
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