Royal Wands OOC's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Royal Wands OOC's InsaneJournal:

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    Monday, May 4th, 2020
    5:27 pm
    I'm sorry for being such a failure. My anxiety is through the roof and I've spent three weeks feeling like I'm going to have a panic attack. Which means I haven't been around which then triggered my anxiety into thinking people didn't want to play with me which meant I was around even less.

    I'm about to call my gp to see what they can do cause I can't keep going on like this.

    And if you didn't see in chat I've dropped a number of chars to see if it helps
    Saturday, May 2nd, 2020
    11:31 pm
    Hiiiiii. Callie brings you another trash gremlin for your enjoyment.

    This is Eirian Vanity. She is....not a good person. She likes blood and torture and killing and really really isn't nice. She fakes normal by being a cold, upstanding woman but it's just a cover for the dangerous reality under the surface. Officially, she works as a guard (I NEED SOMEONE FOR HER TO GUARD) but she's really an assassin for the Crown. Or whoever pays her, honestly. Her father was a ruthless man who was only after his own ends and she took after quite happily. Her twin sister was murdered by commoners and it really broke whatever true humanity she had. So. She's here to fuck up some people. Yay. Here's her full profile if you want more.

    Gimme stuff! Please?
    Monday, April 27th, 2020
    10:49 pm
    Okay ya'll this is Amy with my actual last one (forever). Actual forever.

    This is Valeria Bole. You can find her here.
    Valeria is a Slytherin wrapped up in Hufflepuff wrapping paper. She seems very sweet and good-natured, even laid back but underneath is a ruthless person who is very big on 'quid pro quo'. You ask her for a favor she will act like she is very happy to selflessly help you. Really she just wants the favor so she has something to hold over you. All debts come due so even if she seems sweet on the outside, be careful. She is also exceedingly good with mind magic and is an actual royal obliviator. She is going to ruin some nice things, that's her goal.

    So love her, hate her, whatever.
    Thursday, April 23rd, 2020
    9:28 pm
    Joining the intro train!! Anna here with my modest 8 characters below the cut. One of them isn't technically in game yet but shhh. He will be and he will be annoyingamazing.

    I used fancy code and everything )
    Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
    12:38 pm
    Jumping on the intro train here, since I haven't introed any of my kiddies.

    Rae's Characters )
    Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
    9:33 pm
    Kat here, jumping on the ooc bandwagon cause I realize I need more lines for all of my kidlets so behold, my tiny list of characters compared to some others. Follow the cut for more details.

    Sunday, April 19th, 2020
    7:57 pm
    Lis here, jumping on the bandwagon with posting an overview of all my characters I tried to answer every other character post, but I'm pretty sure I forgot some of my characters and left plot on the table. I love to plot and I'm pretty much online 18+ hours a day so I'm here to poke.

    Read more... )
    Thursday, April 16th, 2020
    3:46 pm
    Hi friends, it's Lily jumping on the OOC intros train since nobody knows the ridiculous amount of characters I play. I added a few more, so I'm posting up my OOC cast list here with all the info! Most of mine needs friends, but I'll intro my newest ones here:

    This is Lucia Truman. She has an older brother (Gabriel, Hogwarts year 1991) and an older sister (name up to you if you want her, she could be any year as long as it's before 1991). She's a little standoffish, but she works in St. Mugno's as a mortician, so she'll interact with anyone who works there as well as her Slytherin class of 1996.

    I've also added Kingsley Shacklebolt ([info]shacklesbolted), head Auror in Scotland. Kingsley is trying to do right by the people, but you know. He might be the only one. He is secretly in the rebellion with Dumbledore, but he advocates for less violent methods. He needs friends. He also has a younger sister who is up for grabs.

    Cassidy Jones ([info]jonesifying) is Megan Jones' half sister and a reserve seeker for the Falcons. She's sporty and active. She's only 19 and she's really excitable, so please be her friend.

    Finally, there's Matthew Vaisey ([info]apprehensive). He and his twin brother are polar opposites. Matthew plays up the mysterious, enigmatic bad boy persona he was saddled with when he's really just kind of a nerd. He doesn't let anyone else know that. The twins have a younger brother in Slytherin and a younger sister in Gryffindor, if anyone wants them!

    Please plot with me. They need friends so bad. All of mine do. My kingdom for friends. kthx
    6:16 pm
    Okay I guess I’ll do mine now (even though I’m working on a few more). I’m not going to break them down super thoroughly because I’m lazy, but I can’t be left out!

    Follow the link for Callie’s characters.
    5:05 pm
    Okay, me next!

    Caly's Peoples! )
    11:22 am
    Well it seems I am going to make an OOC introduction post for everyone.

    Dana's Characters )
    Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
    11:22 pm
    SO I never did a intro in the first place, and have now added not one but three more girls. One more and my cast list is even I'm Megan, megan#8916 and below the cut is All my characters, because yes. Sure.

    there's a lot I'm sorry )
    Thursday, April 16th, 2020
    3:01 pm
    Yello. It is I, the easily enabled upside down person.

    I'm going to do a plot post/ooc intro cause who even all do I play? OKAY *deeps breath*

    Read more... )
    Sunday, April 12th, 2020
    11:51 am
    Hello! My name is Anna and I’m new. I know a couple of you but I’m pumped to meet new people! I’m from Canada, on PST and fortunately I have a job that allows me to work from home so I’ll have some gaps in availability tagging wise but I’m always down for convos because my work is actually super boring. Anyway!

    I’m bringing in Pilar Reyes, she’s 26 and a former Gryffindor and current seeker for the Holyhead Harpies! Pilar was born in Spain but moved to London when she was nine. Her father is a muggle, actually she’s muggleborn and he’s a painter. Before her mother left, she was a dancer so Pilar grew up around artists and musicians. She’s extremely outgoing, friendly and super warm. Pilar can make friends with just about anyone but don’t mistake her kindness for weakness, she grew up in rough neighbourhoods in both Spain and London and knows how to protect herself.

    As I said she’s extremely outgoing and could use all the friends!! You can reach me on discord pretty much any time at tamuld#4550. My email is in the app. I’m down for all the things!
    Sunday, April 5th, 2020
    2:17 pm
    Hello!!! Callie here, finally introing my first two trash gremlins to bring to the mix. There's A LOT of info and stuff happening it seems so bear with me as I try to wade through it all and get my bearings around here.

    First, we have Parvati Patil. 25, High Nobility, kind of a high maintenance/HBIC/confident/outspoken girl. She has a lot of insecurities buried under her confident demeanor and bitchy attitude, but generally isn't a bad girl. Not too keen on the whole 'get ready to have a husband and pop out babies' mentality but she likes privilege and standing so she isn't going to say much about it (at least publicly, to friends it's another story) She doesn't have a job besides spending money and making sure she maintains the family reputation so all in all she just seems like a rich girl who has it all together and is pretty laisez-faire. More in her bio because I suck at intros lol

    Next, I have Lily Moon ([info]ahiddengem) She goes by Loki, is 23, former Ravenclaw. She is muggleborn, her family was very very poor. Dad was abusive and basically did not want a kid after her mom died but then realized he could use said kid to help him con people for money. She was surprised when he let her go to Hogwarts and basically stayed there during the entire year until summers. When she graduated, he asked her to do something horrible for him to get money and she ran away without looking back. Basically couch hops now, working whatever odd jobs she can find (mostly servant work) She's very skittish, but kind and compassionate. Expects punishment rather than anything good, doesn't show how smart she is because her father said pretty girls should be seen and not heard, etc. Very gentle but obviously traumatized by something and seems perpetually afraid. Was a servant for the Avery family until very recently (unless Amy thinks otherwise)

    Both need friends/enemies/exes/EVERYTHING. I am excited to get playing with you all!
    Saturday, April 4th, 2020
    3:42 pm
    So.....this is Lestrange bastard numero dos, Selena "Lena" Lestrange. Bitch with an attitude and parental issues. Mummy was kicked out and disowned when her grandparents found out that their only child and heir was pregnant outside of wedlock and so Lena has never known the Travers side of her family. Her mother refuses to tell her who her father is (Rabastan knows about Lena but Lena has no clue about him) and it has driven a LARGE wedge between her and her mother. After leaving Hogwarts she joined the Auror program at the Ministry and is now a fully fledged Auror.

    She can and will murder you in your sleep if you piss her off or offend her in any sort of way but if you manage to worm your way in and make her your friend? You're good to go for life.

    Soooooo....friends, enemies, something more something less? Hit me up.
    Thursday, April 2nd, 2020
    6:25 pm
    Hi you guys! Before the plot goes up tonight, we want to make sure we keep things clear among the rebellion. First, they will be getting a name tonight! Yay name!

    Second, if you want your character to be a part of the rebellion and they have friends who could have gotten them in or have enough to say that Dumbledore or Tom would have approached them, you are welcome to handwave recruitment and say they are involved. NOW, there are two factions of the rebellion. Everyone involved goes to the meetings with Dumbledore. The second, more secretive faction is run by Tom Riddle and he has recruited members of the rebellion who seemed far more inclined toward violence or radical behavior. If your character has NOT shown any sort of predisposition toward that, it is unlikely Tom would have recruited them. Not everyone is a part of that and, as such, a good chunk of the rebellion will be surprised by the threats and actions taken tonight. So please consider where your rebel would land.

    Respond to this post so we know you've read it please! If you have any rebels, please respond here with all of their names and whether they would have been invited to Tom's or if they are only involved in Dumbledore's. For the time being, please don't pick anyone who would tell Dumbledore or other members of the group so that we can keep it a secret for now. No traitors.

    If you have zero rebels, just tell us that too. We want everyone to respond to this post in some fashion.

    Thanks guys!
    Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
    3:41 pm
    Hello friends! Welcome to April! We are going to be ramping up the plot and shit's gonna get real so hang onto your butts.

    The rebellion will be having a meeting tonight and the topic is the list of desires and/or demands that they want from the crown. If your character has anything they want to see as far as change, please have them post it here. Comments are screened so all these royals can be surprised.

    Make sure you reply before tomorrow because we'll have another plot post going up!
    Wednesday, March 18th, 2020
    12:25 am
    So I forgot to introduce this chauvinistic asshole (and really, I think that's putting it mildly}. This is Parmesh Patil, older brother to Padma and Parvati, heir to the Patil family, Deputy Head of the DMLE of Ireland/Northern Ireland/Wales, Ravenclaw class of '87 and married to Europa Shafiq, but lets be honest its a sham of a marriage because Parmesh is your stereotypical narrow minded pureblood. He believes that women have one place in the world and one job and when you don't do what is expected? Well, ask Europa what life is like for her currently.

    He is very cold, aloof and studious. He prefers books and alcohol to actual people and he is very methodical and clinical when it comes to his job. Publicly he puts on a good show, makes it seem like he's quite charming without actually being involved with people and that he has a wonderful marriage but privately it's a completely different story.

    Apparently I like assholes so here's his work in progress app and let me know what you think!
    Tuesday, March 17th, 2020
    4:41 pm
    Hey friends! Dana is here again with Hestia Carrow. She is a cousin of Alecto and Amycus. She is Slytherin 97. Works at the family-owned herbology shop ing Hogsmeade (Dogweed and Deathcap). She was definitely a creepy twin in Hogwarts but she has since kind of dropped that a little bit but definitely can pull it out with Flora for funzies.

    Um, she is dark humoured for sure. And doesn't sleep much and can look a little run down because of it. She may not be the nicest but she does lookout for people who are actually in her friend circle.

    Anyway. Welcome all the things for Hestia!
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