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see juliet sing [11 Feb 2009|06:00am]
Well, hi! I just got back after tonight's performance and I'm EXHAUSTED, but I'm going to try and throw up an introduction none the less. Don't you all feel special now? Anyway, yeah! Hi. I'm Juliet, former Wicked ensemble, current Lisa in Mamma Mia!, future Elphaba (just watch me). I've been dancing since forever, and singing/acting since I was a teenager. Broadway is my life! Haha, I imagine it's the lives of a lot of you, too!

So yeah, okay, I'm going to go and have a bath now. Night everyone!
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joe is a phantom [11 Feb 2009|06:51am]
Trying to explain the concept of who exactly the Phantom of the Opera is to an elderly Slovak woman with less than perfect English is a very difficult feat. And that's what I spent my day learning. Usually my mother will just sit in the audience and smile and nod towards me but, despite the fact that she first saw it five years ago, she chose today to quiz me on the emotional state of my current character. Dear old Mom. She's coming up to visit soon - Kathie, she's demanding you come out for lunch with us, just as a head's up.

Anyway. Introductions. Well, my name's Joe, and I'm currently playing the role of the Phantom, if I hadn't already made that clear. I'm sure I'll know a few of you since the world of Broadway is a small one and our paths are bound to have crossed at some point. I've been performing since 1993 and have loved every second of it so far, even if I had to work in crappy fast food joints to pay my rent for the first several years. I can't ever look at KFC in the same way.

What did everyone get up to tonight?
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[11 Feb 2009|08:38pm]
Text to Benny )
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